Dinosaurs in Scripture

Modern man (homo sapiens) first appears in the fossil record about 200,000 years ago. Dinosaurs became extinct 65 millions years ago. So, let's be really liberal: at best dinosaurs and humans are separated by more than 64 million years.


Modern Humans were not around when the dinosaurs ruled 65 million years ago. However we did not simply appear 200,000 years ago. We are the product of a long family line of primates some of whom lived in the trees escaping from ground dwelling dinosaurs.

70-60 MYA- Carpolestes simpsoni was a proto-primate group called Plesiadapiforms that lived in the trees and survived the extinction of the dinosaurs. It had the first opposable thumb.

65-55 MYA – Euprimates was a member of a group called Archaic Primates and lived in trees.

65-50 MYA - Purgatorius janisae survived the late Cretaceous Dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous by living in trees. Two other tree dwelling early primates included Primates and Carpolestes. They survived the supposed Comet and survived into the Palaeocene. Possible ancestor to tarsiers, lemurs, and prosimians.

We can say that we did live along side the dinosaurs only we sought safety in the trees while dinos ate us if we spent too much time on the ground. If one refers to the human family line as a continuum, then we did coexist with the dinosaurs.

Of course our line goes further back. One ancestor of the human and vertebrate line, Pikaia, ancestor to all vertebrates including us, lived in the Cambrian Era, along side of Trilobites, Anomalocaris, Hallucigenia, and other strange looking forms that did not survive.

Does scripture mention us (Pikaia) escaping from Anomalocaris and Hallucingenia 530 million years ago? Do you think we have inherited genetic memory? I do not buy that.

However, our family line goes back to the Archaean Era 3.8 billion years ago when a not yet named ancestor of ours lived. This unicellular pre- pre- pre-human bacterium lived alongside the first photosynthetic unicellular organism. We probably can not remember that either. Crikey!

Amergin (from the trees?),

I was keeping it simple! You're just handing out ammunition... you'll see!

Because man and dinosaurs were not on the planet at the same time.

If the ancients had seen dinosaurs or found archelogical sites with bones exposed in numbers, they would have included them in their mythology.

They simply wrote their books to satisfy the questions they knew, couldn't really concern themselves much with questions they couldn't know could they?

Took the word right out of my keyboard. TU:D
Half-remembered story from the BBC, so it's absolutely true !!!

A guy in Texas had casts made of dinosaur footprints (found in the desert in New Mexico, I think) and then had a couple of footprints set into the concrete patio surrounding his swimming pool.

At a party, a guest asked 'what's that?' and he, quite straightfaced, replied 'Dinosaurs.'

"Ohmigod!" the guest exclaimed, "I didn't realise they'd come so close to the house!"

Takes all sorts ...

God bless,

We can say that we did live along side the dinosaurs only we sought safety in the trees while dinos ate us if we spent too much time on the ground. If one refers to the human family line as a continuum, then we did coexist with the dinosaurs.

Of course our line goes further back. One ancestor of the human and vertebrate line, Pikaia, ancestor to all vertebrates including us, lived in the Cambrian Era, along side of Trilobites, Anomalocaris, Hallucigenia, and other strange looking forms that did not survive.
I think you may have got into too much Hallucigenia.

If we take our family line as a continuum we are distant cousins thrice remvoed from the Dino's....that just don't fly.

Isn't there is a difference between man's ancestors, and ancestors of man?
Modern man (homo sapiens) first appears in the fossil record about 200,000 years ago. Dinosaurs became extinct 65 millions years ago. So, let's be really liberal: at best dinosaurs and humans are separated by more than 64 million years.


Modern man was not present when the Dinosaurs ruled Earth for 160 million years until 65 million years ago. However, while modern man was not present 65 million years ago, mankind's ancestors were present, and living in trees to escape the Dinosaurs. Tree dwelling mammal ancestors of humans such as Carpolestes and Purgatorius lived during a large time period of Dinosaur rule. Mankind was not place on Earth 200,000 years ago by space aliens. He had ancestors that actually go back to the Ediacaran Period over 600 million years ago.

Incidentally we and the Dinosaurs had a common vertebrate ancestor. Dinos are still around today in the form of the common chicken and turkey.

The National Anthem of Canaan; Adah

O Canaan; Adah!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canaan; Adah, we stand on guard for thee.
The National Anthem of Canaan; Adah

It must be a miracle. Giant blood sucking mosquitos thriving in Canada. They need standing water not ice to lay their eggs and grow their larvae. You are talking about the coldest country in the world aside from Siberian Russia.

I would love to see pictures of mosquito larvae burrowing through solid ice, then breaking through the top of the ice so they can suck blood from Polar Bears, Inuits, and shivering pale faced descendants of Europeans.

I will stay here in sub-tropical North Scotland.
