Let's see, Jesus was born in 105BC?
Yes, I'll go with that. Plenty of us do. We have all the reason in the world to believe it, ample proof, historical reference and
far more than the hearsay and clever con job which the early `fathers' played upon us, twisting and distorting even history itself, redefining the "slaugher of the Innocents," and
making of this Great and Holy Man, this Therapeute, a god ... to be idolized, worshipped ... ANYTHING but emulated.
For that, we are
constantly reminded, is
impossible, since "Jesus was the very, LITERAL `son of God,' and - despite Biblical IMPERATIVE, time and again,
most often from JESUS HIMSELF to do NO LESS than
fulfil our Duty to God via Service to our fellow man, and even to work "GREATER works than [this]" ... - DESPITE this imperative, the attitude somehow exists among plenty of Christians that we are
worthless, inept and constantly erring SINNERS.
Strange, that Jesus, even with His `dark sayings,' was not a man of such bleak outlook, such superstition and
mindless, rote repetition and bowing down to Holy writ [why was the Sabbath created again?
that Man might serve IT?] ... yet this ends up the cookie-cutter
false Messiah worshipped now by many hundreds of millions.
No, I will find my meaning, my understanding, in WHAT MAKES SENSE for me, thank you. And bob_x, I
don't care if you and fifty bajillion other
great historians will continue to entertain
popular mythology until your dying days. Your interest will take you, in the DAYS THAT FOLLOW, my atheist friend,
right where you want to go. If that happens to include a
final reconciliation of all your studies, pursuits and interests with
THE TRUTH ... I think you may look back upon my
silly, foolish notions ... and
For you see, I TOLD YOU SO ... and you would hear it not!
By the time
YOUR Jesus was supposed to have lived, the Nazarene DID INDEED walk the Earth, yet He was a
different man, in a different body, as HISTORY RECORDS.
Study the life of Apollonius of Tyana, see the parallels ... and if you would set aside PRE-JUDGING, plus the attachment to views, I think you will come, of YOUR OWN conclusions, to see what good sense this makes.
A stick in the mud, of course, is just a stick in the mud.
Naturally it will become clear in time, if you seek the Truth, that
Jesus was a man of THREE prior incarnations with the same NAME ... and perhaps one day I will publish something about `Jesus of the Maccabees,' for the true story DOES need to be told, and I have a great deal of interest in telling it.
Blind, foolish men cannot see ... yet even a young child, with a pure heart, an unselfish interest, and little yet of
EGO and VANITY ... may recognize an earnest, honest appeal to him, Soul to Soul.
The Soul knows Truth, yearns for it, burns for it.
The ego will defend its
`treasures' at all cost.
Which did JESUS advise that we thirst after?