Atkin's diet?


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Yorkshire, UK
I've heard a few things about this issue - namely that's it's controversial.

The basic premise, so far as I can tell, is that the diet is aimed at restricting to foods we are able to handle in evolutionary terms. In other words, lots of fat but very little carbohydrate.

Perhaps it makes sense...but either way, there's an article in New SCientist about a new published study that indeed claims that those following the Atkin's diet are significantly healthier in terms of notable risk factors:

Atkin's diet may cut risk of heart disease
I remain on Atkins because it stabilized my blood sugar from the first week, and has kept me symptom-free and very happy since January. I've lost weight too, but that's just a sweet plus. :)
Atkins is where you indulge on what you're supposedly evolved for, right? Just guessing here, but it's the one where you eat fats but not sugars?
I think the Akin's diet is suppose to restrict the carbohydrates, because the body tends to digest the carbohydrates first, before it digests the fats. So if you don't eat the carbohydrates, it will then begin to focus on the fats which, are the last on the list.
I'm becoming tempted to look into this issue. I'm not looking to lose weight, as much as achieve a much more healthy diet. At the moment I know I'm eating too much carbohydrate - and I've suddenly lost the taste for sugar. Actually I have hayfever I'm also wondering at the possible benefits of cutting down all wheat based products. It seems that gluten-free are heavy on the starch, so maybe not a good idea.
The Atkins diet is all about restricting your intake of carbohydrates (starches and sugars) which forces the body to burn its fat stores for energy. has all sorts of info about the diet.

My partner lost over 100 pounds (went from around 300 pounds down to 195!) and is immensely happier. He also made a regular exercise program part of his diet. The Atkins diet, though, really made all the difference for him.

The "evolutionary diet" is promoted by Dr. Ronald Citron and isn't the same as the Atkins diet. There is a bit of discussion (promo material, really) about it at the publisher for Dr. Citron's book:
It seems that one of the bigger problems of the aatkins and Evolutionary diets is that they don't appear particularly orientated to vegatarians! At least, those who do not wish to spend their lives eating only rice and lentils!
Atkins & rice & lentils

I said:
It seems that one of the bigger problems of the aatkins and Evolutionary diets is that they don't appear particularly orientated to vegatarians! At least, those who do not wish to spend their lives eating only rice and lentils!

Actually, Atkins *will* save a vegetarian from a life of eating rice. It's got way too many net carbs (basically carbs minus fiber). A 1/2 cup of white rice is 21.9 carbs - above the daily limit for most of the Atkins-like plans (Atkins initial target is 20g of carbs per day). Lentils are 12.1 carbs for a 1/2 cup, so not too many of those.

Tofu, though. 2.5 carbs per 1/2 cup - much better. 5 cups of tofu, anyone?
Tofu and lentils doesn't sound much better than just plain rice!

I'm actually going to experiment with removing some carbohydrate this week - a side of carrots instead of rice, for example. Not looking to lose weight, but something's prodding my unconscious to enter a healthy phase. Ever since I quite smoking earlier this year.