What's the Difference Between Jewish Heaven and Kingdom of Heaven?



Is there a difference between the Hebrew Bible concept of Heaven and the Christian concept of "Kingdom of Heaven"?
My understanding is that Jews don't dwell on much about the afterlife or the concept of Heaven.

The Christian concept varies.... for me, heaven is a state of mind and can be found right here and now for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see....look neither high nor low...it is in our midst.
The Kingdom of God/Heaven in the New Testament refers to becoming enlightened.

This is not particularly different from the views of the Hasidic or Kabalist Jews. In fact, basically every mystic tradition guides towards this very same state of consciousness.
The Kingdom of God/Heaven in the New Testament refers to a spiritual realm.

According to Kingdom Theology the Kingdom Heaven is a real place that the born again believer has access to whenever they want.

Jesus saw what is father did in Heaven he then spoke it out and it became real and manifest on this earthly plane.
The Christian concept varies.... for me, heaven is a state of mind and can be found right here and now for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see....look neither high nor low...it is in our midst.

It is about people and humanity. Love your neighbour. Do not judge your neighbour. Be humble. Be charitable.

The Kingdom of God/Heaven in the New Testament refers to becoming enlightened.

This is not particularly different from the views of the Hasidic or Kabalist Jews. In fact, basically every mystic tradition guides towards this very same state of consciousness.

Judaism may have its own mystical/esoteric stream, but I don't think it is about your "mind" but about your "heart."

Enlightenment, knowledge and wisdom may help you find the keys to the kingdom, but ultimately, the keys to the kingdom are in your heart. It isn't about being smart. It is your love that ultimately gets you through the door. If enlightenment, knowledge and wisdom help you to find your heart, that's great. If they don't, you're back to square one. Remember 1 Corinthians 13?

From what I have encountered in my casual trek through the Internet, Hasidic Judaism seems to propose the idea that Judaism can include the experience of joy and love. If so, at least it recognises the importance of the heart.
The Christian concept varies.... for me, heaven is a state of mind and can be found right here and now for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see....look neither high nor low...it is in our midst.

That's my understanding of it.

The Kingdom of God/Heaven in the New Testament refers to becoming enlightened.

This is not particularly different from the views of the Hasidic or Kabalist Jews. In fact, basically every mystic tradition guides towards this very same state of consciousness.

Does Hasidic or Kabalist equate to Hebrew Bible or are these later developments?

What is existence in the Jewish belief of Heaven on Earth contingent upon? What is the existence in the Christian belief on Kingdom of Heaven contingent upon? Is there a difference?