Cathlic Church admits forced adoptions

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Australian church regrets forced adoptions - Religious News ArcaMax Publishing

NEWCASTLE, Australia (UPI) -- Australia's Catholic Church apologized Monday for the forced adoption of thousands of babies taken from their mothers.

"It's with a deep sense of regret, a deep sense of sorrow that practices of the past have caused ongoing pain, suffering and grief to these women, these brave women in Newcastle [New South Wales] but also women around Australia," said Martin Laverty, chief executive of Catholic Health Australia.

The Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and the Singleton and North Sydney Sisters of Mercy also are issuing apologies.

At least 150,000 women -- mostly young, unwed mothers -- are believed to have lost their babies, taken against their will by churches and adoption agencies for placement in "better" homes from the 1950s though the '70s, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reports.

The Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and the Singleton and North Sydney Sisters of Mercy will also issue apologies.

Juliette Clough told ABC how she was forced to surrender her baby in 1970, when she was 16.

"My ankles were strapped to the bed, they were in stirrups, and I was gassed ... and they just snatched away the baby," she said. "You weren't allowed to see him or touch him, anything like that, or hold him and it was just like a piece of my soul had died. And it's still dead."
You know I knew this went on...I read about it previously and was apalled that it just ended in the 70's (also apalled that civil rights in the US only happenned in the 60's)....

But I thought this was an Australian Gov't program.

Were there two programs? or did one work with the other?
Good question. Anyone from Australia out there who can tell us?

It really seems that the Catholic Church thinks it has the right to act like God when it comes to these things.
Am I the only one who misread the title as "Catholic Church admits to forced abortions"? That had me scratching my head.
Australian church regrets forced adoptions - Religious News ArcaMax Publishing

NEWCASTLE, Australia (UPI) -- Australia's Catholic Church apologized Monday for the forced adoption of thousands of babies taken from their mothers.

"It's with a deep sense of regret, a deep sense of sorrow that practices of the past have caused ongoing pain, suffering and grief to these women, these brave women in Newcastle [New South Wales] but also women around Australia," said Martin Laverty, chief executive of Catholic Health Australia.

The Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and the Singleton and North Sydney Sisters of Mercy also are issuing apologies.

At least 150,000 women -- mostly young, unwed mothers -- are believed to have lost their babies, taken against their will by churches and adoption agencies for placement in "better" homes from the 1950s though the '70s, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reports.

The Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and the Singleton and North Sydney Sisters of Mercy will also issue apologies.

Juliette Clough told ABC how she was forced to surrender her baby in 1970, when she was 16.

"My ankles were strapped to the bed, they were in stirrups, and I was gassed ... and they just snatched away the baby," she said. "You weren't allowed to see him or touch him, anything like that, or hold him and it was just like a piece of my soul had died. And it's still dead."

No offense to you but that bull. The catholic church never advocates let alone forces someone to get and abortion. Yet another attemt to lie about a church.
No offense to you but that bull. The catholic church never advocates let alone forces someone to get and abortion. Yet another attemt to lie about a church.

The Church has forced women into ADOPTIONS, however. They admit it, and apologize for it.
The Church has forced women into ADOPTIONS, however. They admit it, and apologize for it.

Sorry but I dont believe that. You may have heard or read that but its false Its an attempt to bring down a church that stands up against things that are sinful but not politically correct. People that believe abortions are ok would love to take down a church that preaches against it. To me its just as false as wwii propaganda against the Us by Hitler. When the gov. tried say that catholic hospitals would be forced into doing abortions they said they would rather close the hospitals than do that.
Sorry but I dont believe that. You may have heard or read that but its false Its an attempt to bring down a church that stands up against things that are sinful but not politically correct. People that believe abortions are ok would love to take down a church that preaches against it. To me its just as false as wwii propaganda against the Us by Hitler. When the gov. tried say that catholic hospitals would be forced into doing abortions they said they would rather close the hospitals than do that.
Whoops sorry didnt read that right. If they influenced women into adoptions instead of them killing the babies more power to them. They saved some babies.
Whoops sorry didnt read that right. If they influenced women into adoptions instead of them killing the babies more power to them. They saved some babies.
All of those women WANTED their babies, but the Church did not consider them worthy of being allowed to keep them, and stole them. Stop trying to excuse the inexcusable, when the Church itself acknowledges it was evil.
Kinda like what they (and Protestants as well, oops, make that mainly Protestants) did when they either baptized and brained or burnt alive (see the first Thanksgiving proclamation of the Plymouth colonies) or stole Native American children .

Tough love I guess!

Peace, Radarmark
Kinda like what they (and Protestants as well, oops, make that mainly Protestants) did when they either baptized and brained or burnt alive (see the first Thanksgiving proclamation of the Plymouth colonies) or stole Native American children .

Tough love I guess!

Peace, Radarmark

Adoption is a much better solution than taking human life. Creation begins at conception whether is a human , animal , planet whatever. The catholic church knows this and tries to show women they have an alternative to destroying a life. Unfortunately when you allow say abortion it leads to a progression of bad actions, First abortion, then using dead fetus in research ect and now cannabalism in the form of a pill. The catholic church has a religious obligation to prevent its members from these things.
I do noit know why. They have slaugtered many a child (oh, after it was baptized, of course), have used living human beings as guinea pigs (you don't think the nefarious acts of the Malleus Maleficarum and the Inquisition came from G!d do you, no those nice little brothers in brown practised on prople), and, oh yeah, isn't the transsubstantiation really the ultimate in cannibalism?

Pax et armore vincunt omnia -- radarmark