Coexistence insha'Allah
well, have a look at isaiah chapter 2 for a start. i can't tell you exactly what the prophecy means of course, nobody can. that's prophecy for you. but obviously we have a view on what it is likely to mean.
Okay had a look. Sounds like Judgement Day to me (or is that just because my beliefs assume that's what it will be? The Quran states that on Judgement Day disputes between nations will be answered by G-d, as it says here). So where does the Ark come into it? Or am I just being a thicky?
hah, that's for sure. but nobody takes much notice of what we think, which is weird when you consider how everyone claims we secretly run the whole world and so on. not much good that when we can't even get the ethiopian church to return our calls even after taking their jewish community off their hands. deary me.
Well I am devistated. Are you really suggesting there is no Jewish Global Conspiracy to take over and run the world? Next you'll be telling me the Jewish people don't secretly control all the western governments or secretly own all the worlds diamond mines and that it's not true the Jews themselves created the haulocaust in order to hide treasures. Don't some people have a vivid imagination. I once asked a Rabbi, in London, what it meant that the Jewish people where the chosen children of G-d and he said it meant you were simply chosen as the teachers of G-d's true religion. Would you agree with this statement?
re sandmonkey, the whole sad story is at Rantings of a Sandmonkey - if you're in cairo, this was the results of that abortive demonstration in tahrir square. i believe some of the other egyptian bloggers are still locked up and goodness knows what's happening to the poor sods.
Ah this story I know well, I just didn't get the sandmonkey reference. After this incident the net was down for over a week in our town "due to technical difficulties". People in the west really can't imagine what it is like having no freedom of speach and being terrified of the police state. I have decided to distribute here the governments handbook on controlling the population, sorry if it takes up too much space:
"It is incumbent on all departments of the government to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our people. This will be achieved through FEAR, state terrorism and absolute adherence to the 'no complaints policy'. Any member of the population that even whispers unhappiness with the system must be arrested, tortured and publically denounced as a liar (no actual proof is necessary). Salaam"
Of course I don't read Arabic so something may have been lost in translation.
we've told G!D that in the past and got away with it. well, mostly. you only have to look at human reproduction to see the Divine sense of humour. or the duckbilled platypus.
It's the "mostly" that worries me. I am convinced that G-d has a sense of humour but when I say such a thing in front of my husband, to put it mildly, he doesn't see the funny side. Once during an argument I said "oh right I'll just ring G-d and tell him that shall I?", my hubby lost the plot and said that suggesting G-d has a telephone is blasphemy, I was so pleased I don't understand many arabic swear words. Never mind at least I got 3 whole days quiet solitude until he calmed down, I have noted that arabic people tend to take things very literally.