I am not following this answer at all. I still want these six 99 cent stores to close. Also what do you think of people who try to tell you that you must do your spells the way they do or it is wrong. And isnt intent the same thing as belief?
Here is how I do my spells:
This is how I do my spells. I copy and paste from the Internet a poem or lyric that represents my spell onto Microsoft Word or a computer graphic program. Then I copy clip art from the computer from the Internet on to the spell page (either on Microsoft or one of my clip art pages) I have open and save it on the computer and then close the document. I used to print them out but replacing cartridges got to be too expensive so I type this line at the end of the spell: "This spell will start to work immediately And this is a plea to the goddesses and gods to make magic happen SO mote it be and this magic spell does not have to be printed out to work"
I only do this when I create the spell on Microsoft Word, I copy and paste the spell over and over on the same page so the same spell is appearing on the 8 1/2 by 11 page three times instead of once this way it makes it stronger. I dont do this on the computer graphics - wont work
I use Microsoft Word word when I don't have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other. I use the graphic program when I have to put graphic(s) and/or name(s) on top of each other (SUPERIMPOSE).
I feel that it is the belief in the spell that will make it work, not so much burying it, or printing it out or lighting candles.