Well-Known Member
Deferent people have deferent ideas on the higher self. Here is a wiki link and a blog from Erin Pavlina , Higher self - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia How to Meet your Higher Self desert rat
Did you find the link to the download of the program?What you need is a program called n.a.p. night audio programing. It works on the computer and you use your own voice.
Did you find the link to the download of the program?
Em hotep desert-rat,The text on computer is more your idea , but you might try something like this. " I have created for my self $ 1000 to by food , to pay bills ect." or I have created for my self $20,000 for a work truck , tools and equment . or I have created for my self $100,000 for a house. You get the idea. desert rat
I've been a ceremonial magus for a couple decades now, performed many a Etu Malku I agree if you believe in it then it will work. And this is going to sound stupid but what is your reason for feeling this way
Oh, all kinds over the years. Recently I have been involved in one that opens the Gate to the Qliphoth in order to Pathwork on the Adverse Tree of Life. This is an involved ritual and is encompassing four weeks so far with a lot of work and energy Etu Malku what type of rituals
Yes, I use the computer all the time . . . hell, we are 21st century Magi aren't we?Sounds good. So you agree with me that if I believe doing my spells on the computer then these spells will work because I believe this is the method that will work for me