Religion for fools?

  • Thread starter PersonaNonGrata
  • Start date


Why do one need religion for?
Because he is incapable of deciding whats right and whats wrong?
Because he wants to be a part of a community?

why do you need smthng btw The one who can not be named (luv H.P) and yourselves?
I really can not understand you people, all of your prayings, beggings, your wearing style, etc.
Why would IT be interested how you look? Why would he cares what you eat or drink( as long as you know yerself?)

For me, Lord is a m8 my friends, a buddy to trust, a friend to lean on, a darling to love, share, care and sometimes teasingly dare ;

Love Erai...
Namaste Personanongrata,

thank you for the post.

PersonaNonGrata said:
Why do one need religion for?
Because he is incapable of deciding whats right and whats wrong?
Because he wants to be a part of a community?

sure, those are reasons.. though there are many, many more. i suppose, then, that i can answer from my own perspective and let others do the same.

why do i "need" religion? frankly, i don't. religion is the combination of the praxis and beliefs of a system. i can do fine without the system simply using the praxis and the beliefs. my use of the system, however, is due to one factor... it's been shown to be effective.

sure... i could "re-invent the wheel" but i really don't feel the need to do so. i can utilize a currently existing system to engage my own inner transformation.

why do you need smthng btw The one who can not be named (luv H.P) and yourselves?

for some beings, God is a personal God.. one that is capable of being named and interacted with.

I really can not understand you people, all of your prayings, beggings, your wearing style, etc.

there are many unanswerable questions, even in a life as short as yours. however, this is way too vague to specifically address.

Why would IT be interested how you look? Why would he cares what you eat or drink( as long as you know yerself?)

this sentence appears to conflate two, differing, notions... God as an impersonal IT and God as a "he". depending on which of those you want to talk about, the answers would be different.

obvisouly, if God is impersonal, then there is no concern for your clothing, the manner that you dress, how one prays etc. if God is personal then there is every reason to suspect that He/She might care about such things.

For me, Lord is a m8 my friends, a buddy to trust, a friend to lean on, a darling to love, share, care and sometimes teasingly dare ;

Love Erai...
that sounds like a fine description. does your friend help you to be a better person? does your darling encourage you to act compassionately towards all beings? if so, it sounds like you've got a fine thing going on :)
PersonaNonGrata said:
Why do one need religion for?
To find a sense of your life on Earth.
To find your place into the Universe.
To find support in something more powerful than yourself when you cannot bare the life any more.

To feel you were not just been born for nothing, like an animal or a plant.
To feel somobody really cares about you.
To feel you are not alone.

To be ready for the passage into the other life, after your death.

To be, to feel and to find are just some verbs to define you as a human being. :)
I guess a particular point about organised religion is that even if a seeker considers themselves to have found answers to certain questions, answers to other questions may seem elusive. Religions offer to provide answers to a whole range of difficult metaphysical questions.
Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What is the meaning of being alive? Does God exist, and if so, is there anything special I should do to encourage a relationship with the Divine? What is the best way to be the best person that I can possibly be?

Religions offer their own perspectives on such questions, with their own respective answers.
I would like to open a new thread to find out what are the different approaches to these given questions by different religions.

However to start with my own belief (let me say..) system, that i made up from my own lil ass, the answers for those questions are:

Who am I? I am, as my adults named me, Eray. I have a sister, a mother and a father. I talk with them. I am living alone. I usually spend my life in a place called Istanbull. I am 32 years old.
Where did I come from? From my mom's .... She chose to give birth naturally.
Where am I going? I dont know where im going, i am going day and night.I dont know which state i am, i am going day and night.
What is the meaning of being alive? You mean this consciousness that im living now ? Errmmm eating, reproducing, shiting, thinking, loving and sharing. ( i love -ing ;)
Does God exist, It sure does exist, not in terms of human beings understanding of ones existance maybe, but its an instinct knowing it is an instinct that everyone has inside. You can reach that by living alone byyerself in an isolated (kinda) place for 2,3 months. (yeah simple as that) is there anything special I should do to encourage a relationship with the Divine? When you have worked by yerself to understand if theres God or not, on your way to reaching its existance you shall be informed. Everyone has its own God, but one.
What is the best way to be the best person that I can possibly be? Ahaaa, that good old story between good vs evil. Damn dude thats quite impossible for me to explain everything that is in my mind here, with this limited vocubulary of mine. but let me ask you what is good ibrian?

and these were my own respective answers, dude ready to start my own religion, huh?

i have a cat, zuzu
alexa said:
To find a sense of your life on Earth.
To find your place into the Universe.
I like those two. They help us expand.
Alexa said:
To find support in something more powerful than yourself when you cannot bare the life any more.
To feel you were not just been born for nothing, like an animal or a plant.
To feel somobody really cares about you.
To feel you are not alone.
Those sound quite depressing. Some meds and a good therapist might work better than a sermon. ;)

Alexa said:
To be ready for the passage into the other life, after your death.
Why not spend a little more time enjoying the bounty of this life? IMO, so many people never learn to live.....they kinda' just exist.

Alexa said:
To be, to feel and to find are just some verbs to define you as a human being. :)
For some reason that made me think of Spong's live fully, love wastefully, and enhance being.
I said:
Religions offer to provide answers to a whole range of difficult metaphysical questions.
Do they do a better job than religious philosophy? I can be a philosopher (and a "seeking" free thinker) and not carry along the dogma that most religions peddle.

Uh, oh .... I'm getting my best Thomas Paine impression ready. :D

Spiritual not religious! said:
Those sound quite depressing. Some meds and a good therapist might work better than a sermon. ;)
Not everyone can afford to consult a therapist.

Why not spend a little more time enjoying the bounty of this life? IMO, so many people never learn to live.....they kinda' just exist.
Some of us, on CR belive in re-incarnation. :)

When I had written those comments, I tried to think as general as possible. The thread doesnt speak about a specific religion.
Heh, et moi - general comments, no particular subsription. :)
Where did I come from? From my mom's .... She chose to give birth naturally.
I was not born of woman. From my mother's womb I was untimely ripped.
A transition in life

Glad to meet a member of the Turkish nation in you, Persona. Or are you not an aboriginal Turk but an immigrant into Turkey, or your parents immigrated and settled in Istanbul?

Anyway, I used to hear a song from the US or was it the US, with a line like the following, as a recurring refrain:

Istanbul is not Constinople now, Istanbul is not Constinople now, Istanbul is not Constantinople now...

I had visited Turkey and I noticed statues of Ataturk everywhere. He was the one who started Turkey in the secularist direction. I guess you are one fruit of his movement, the secularization of Turkey.

About your contention that religion is for fools, if I may, assuming that your home and family are traditionally Muslim in religious orientation, can you go back to your past and locate the time when you started having thoughts about Islam and religion in general, and you eventually came to the conclusion that religion is for fools?

And what are the benefits of considering that religion is for fools? Do you feel that you are happier now or more contented -- although as one poster maintains that contentment is not exactly happiness.

I am always interested to know the religious or a-religious development of people, starting with myself, of course.


PersonaNonGrata said:
I would like to open a new thread to find out what are the different approaches to these given questions by different religions.

However to start with my own belief (let me say..) system, that i made up from my own lil ass, the answers for those questions are:

Who am I? I am, as my adults named me, Eray. I have a sister, a mother and a father. I talk with them. I am living alone. I usually spend my life in a place called Istanbull. I am 32 years old.
Where did I come from? From my mom's .... She chose to give birth naturally.
Where am I going? I dont know where im going, i am going day and night.I dont know which state i am, i am going day and night.
What is the meaning of being alive? You mean this consciousness that im living now ? Errmmm eating, reproducing, shiting, thinking, loving and sharing. ( i love -ing ;)
Does God exist, It sure does exist, not in terms of human beings understanding of ones existance maybe, but its an instinct knowing it is an instinct that everyone has inside. You can reach that by living alone byyerself in an isolated (kinda) place for 2,3 months. (yeah simple as that) is there anything special I should do to encourage a relationship with the Divine? When you have worked by yerself to understand if theres God or not, on your way to reaching its existance you shall be informed. Everyone has its own God, but one.
What is the best way to be the best person that I can possibly be? Ahaaa, that good old story between good vs evil. Damn dude thats quite impossible for me to explain everything that is in my mind here, with this limited vocubulary of mine. but let me ask you what is good ibrian?

and these were my own respective answers, dude ready to start my own religion, huh?

i have a cat, zuzu
Religion as an effective system

Vajradhara says:

why do i "need" religion? frankly, i don't. religion is the combination of the praxis and beliefs of a system. i can do fine without the system simply using the praxis and the beliefs. my use of the system, however, is due to one factor... it's been shown to be effective.

Is this what you mean? Vajradhara:

For me religion is a combination of praxis and beliefs into a system. I don’t really need the system, but I make use of the praxis and the beliefs. On second thought, I use the system also for the effects it produces.

So, since you are a Buddhist, there are practices and beliefs in Buddhism you adopt in your lifestyle, but not in a rigid way, unless you want to arrive at the effects of Buddhism, in which case you have to adhere to the system, which is essentially rigid as all systems are rigid, meaning the mental and physical actuations are faithfully, punctually, and meticulously observed as regards the where, how, and when.

Tell me, what is the most important effect to be attained or acquired by the strict observance of Buddhism as a system.

Re: A transition in life

Susma Rio Sep said:
Glad to meet a member of the Turkish nation in you, Persona. Or are you not an aboriginal Turk but an immigrant into Turkey, or your parents immigrated and settled in Istanbul?

Istanbul is not Constinople now, Istanbul is not Constinople now, Istanbul is not Constantinople now... (got no idea. fascists everywhere, american flags all over)

I had visited Turkey and I noticed statues of Ataturk everywhere. He was the one who started Turkey in the secularist direction. I guess you are one fruit of his movement, the secularization of Turkey. (hes da man)

About your contention that religion is for fools, if I may, assuming that your home and family are traditionally Muslim in religious orientation, can you go back to your past and locate the time when you started having thoughts about Islam and religion in general, and you eventually came to the conclusion that religion is for fools?

And what are the benefits of considering that religion is for fools? Do you feel that you are happier now or more contented -- although as one poster maintains that contentment is not exactly happiness.
you are not the idcard you have in your wallet,
you are really not the passport you are carrying,
and you are not the heroes of your country Pachomius, though thank you, not proud or anything but im Turkish originally if thats what you want to find out.
sure i can go past Sig., and what i see is that ive been slapped in the face by a hodja that supposed to teach me how to recite the quaran (in turkish kuran means 'builder' btw) because i was curioser (!) then the other guys in the mosque. then i asked my dad about the religion, since i was 10 my dad was a professor, "there are some going on, and they each say theirs is true, say you believe in the islam for now, time will come for you to choose, no great deal", i said k.

actually it really isnt islam that made me to think that RELIGION is for fools, its the life's simplicity within complexity itself and my beings unimportance(y) in it. why make things larger then we could burden, there is him/her/it and there are basic rules do not spoil and live!

i hope i could be able to answer your questions, sir..

Lovenhate what a beautiful combination i used to cry, heheh those were the happy good ole days )
I'd like to echo those who pointed out the different between organized religion and spirituality. It has been my experience (long and hard) that while organized religions might mean well, they tend to end up becoming a lot more about rules and obedience to them than about feeding the spirit. This is very discouraging to me, because I sometimes feel a need to associate with a community of likeminded individuals. Unfortunately, every time I have gone ahead and tried to do this, I've gotten bogged down in rules and expectations that don't seem to me to have anything to do with the growth of my spirituality.

However, I can't say that I believe that "religion is for fools", necessarily. For some people, that sort of conformity helps them on their spiritual journey. I just find that it hasn't helped me on mine. And so, for now at least, I go it alone as I search for the truth, or even for an indication that there is any one, singular, and eternal truth. I haven't seen much evidence for that last thesis, but I won't rule out it's existence just yet.
ahanda miss attitude

littlemissattitude said:
I'd like to echo those who pointed out the different between organized religion and spirituality. It has been my experience (long and hard) that while organized religions might mean well, they tend to end up becoming a lot more about rules and obedience to them than about feeding the spirit. This is very discouraging to me, because I sometimes feel a need to associate with a community of likeminded individuals. Unfortunately, every time I have gone ahead and tried to do this, I've gotten bogged down in rules and expectations that don't seem to me to have anything to do with the growth of my spirituality.

However, I can't say that I believe that "religion is for fools", necessarily. For some people, that sort of conformity helps them on their spiritual journey. I just find that it hasn't helped me on mine. And so, for now at least, I go it alone as I search for the truth, or even for an indication that there is any one, singular, and eternal truth. I haven't seen much evidence for that last thesis, but I won't rule out it's existence just yet.
wow, that was quite a summarised writing of my thoughts, im feeling exactly the same here on the other side of the world, do you know the thread that ibrian opened up, that is trying to figure out which religion is best for ya. i did that, and felt more lost, hence the religions that i should choose died, or barely heard around.
So i guess, our path, that is based on individual seekings of the one, singular, and eternal truth might be the hardest but as for me the bestest.

The thing that has to be asked is, shall we be able to go this far in thinking if there wasnt any religion at all?
littlemissattitude said:
This is very discouraging to me, because I sometimes feel a need to associate with a community of likeminded individuals. Unfortunately, every time I have gone ahead and tried to do this, I've gotten bogged down in rules and expectations that don't seem to me to have anything to do with the growth of my spirituality.
Amen to that!

Have you ever tried to start up your own group? or meetup? That's partly why a small group of us formed the Progressive Spiritual Alliance (see below). We think that there are many of us that have had similar experiences.

Cute name BTW... that sounds like something a parent called you. :)