Illuminati nothing compared to Zoroastrianism

Yo, Wil, everything was friggin hilarious, and you honestly had me laughing up until this part...

go ahead and take your idears to Hamas and the UN and come back and tell us how it all worked out.

I'm neutral when it comes to that whole thing. Though I'm not a believer myself I stand with the Aryan people.... Zoroastrianism has given the world so much, but all the world did back was rape it's living heirs.

But I do find it kind of odd that Hebrew was practically a dead language for over 2000 years, and then all these Europoids calling themselves Jews waltze into Palestine claiming it to be their homeland, while all the Arabs are saying no to a Jewish state, the Aryans are saying no, and even the Thais are saying no, and the US is saying yes, but not here. The same goes for the Vatican.