US priest backing women's ordination briefly held

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
US priest backing women's ordination briefly held - World Wires -

VATICAN CITY -- A U.S. Catholic priest who supports ordination for women was detained briefly by police Monday after marching to the Vatican to press the Holy See to lift its ban on women priests.

The Rev. Roy Bourgeois and about a dozen supporters had marched down the main boulevard leading to the Vatican holding a banner "Ordain Catholic Women" and chanting outside St. Peter's Square "What do we want? Women priests! When do we want them? Now!"

Police prevented the group from entering the piazza and told them to take down their banners since they didn't have a protest permit. When police then tried to confiscate the banners, members of the group resisted, resulting in Bourgeois and two supporters being taken away in police cars, witnesses said.

The three were detained for about two hours at a Rome police station and released without being arrested or charged, though prosecutors were still investigating, said Bourgeois' attorney, Bill Quigley.

Bourgeois and members of the Women's Ordination Conference and other groups that support women priests had come to Rome to deliver a petition signed by some 15,000 people backing Bourgeois, who is facing dismissal from his Maryknoll order for his support of women's ordination.

The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2008 ordered Bourgeois to recant his support for women priests or risk excommunication after he delivered the homily at the ordination of Janice Sevre-Duszynska, one of several women who have defied the Vatican and begun passing themselves off as Roman Catholic priests.

Church teaching holds that the priesthood is reserved for men, since Christ chose only men as his apostles. Proponents of women's ordination say there is no theological basis for excluding women from the priesthood, that there is evidence of women priests in the early church and that the Vatican's ban is purely sexist.

"If the call to be a priest is a gift and comes from God, how can we as men say that our call from God is authentic but God's call of women is not?" Bourgeois wrote in an open letter to Vatican officials.

The women's ordination movement, while still small, has become something of a thorn in the side of the Vatican: Earlier this year, Pope Benedict XVI removed an Australian bishop for suggesting the church consider women priests.

Last year, the Vatican made ordaining a woman one of the gravest canonical crimes, on par with sexually abusing a child.

And in Austria, some 300 Catholic priests have joined an initiative "Call to Disobedience" calling for women priests and an end to priestly celibacy, among other church reforms.
Disgusting, in the Original Roman Empire, Women where Sacred, and treated Equally, they where the Giver of Life, and Milk, they had there very own Temples and Priesthood called the "Vestals".

The Evil Flavius Josephus not only created antisemitism but anti-womenism, this is shown in his book "Gospel of Thomas",which was banned for Ignorant reasons.

God forbid that for you there should be sparing or propitiation, for ye know not to spare nor to have pity: but in the name of Jesus, depart from them and stand by their side. And when the apostle had so said, the women fell down and became as dead; for they neither had breath nor uttered speech

And the apostle said: They also shall now be abolished, with their works. And suddenly the devils vanished away: but the women lay cast upon the earth as if were dead, and without speech.

Who suffice not themselves with one wife but corrupt many women; who, saying that they despise children, destroy many children (boys), for whom they will pay the penalty; that content not themselves with their own possessions

114. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."

Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven." IN JESUS' OWN WORD, WOMEN DO NOT ENTER HEAVEN

In Revelations, WOMAN is a Beast

These are From the works of "Flavius Josepus"

Josephus again appeals to the Jews to surrender. He lambastes John. Titus rebukes John, urging him to put a stop to the needless destruction. Antonia is destroyed. The Jews burn the colonnade, killing some Roman soldiers.

Stories of famine horrors: Mary daughter of an Eleazar eats her baby. This abomination leads Titus to higher resolve to destroy the City.

God burns the walls for the Romans. Eleazar son of Jairus appeals to his followers for mass suicide to prevent their capture and enslavement. God himself has taken away all hope of survival. They burn their possessions. Eleazar speaks on the soul and sleep, the exterminations of Jews in Syria, how other Roman victims have been tortured or half-eaten by beasts but kept alive, etc. They choose 10 men to kill the others, the 9 are then killed by the one, and he kills himself. 960 are dead (72 or 73 CE). When the Romans arrive, they find only 2 women survivors, hiding in the conduits.

This quote takes the PISS, written by the SAME FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS (whom authored the Gospels)

Eat, for I have eaten already. Do not show yourselves weaker
than a woman, or more pitiful than a mother.
—Mary, daughter of Eleazar, as told by Flavius Josephus

Mary(A JEW) held her baby in her arms, a son born
as the siege began. No milk in days,

she(A JEW) boiled broth from clumps of grass
the neighbors sold, held it to his mouth.

His face grew gaunt, her arms so thin it hurt
to carry him. Too hunger-filled to sleep,

she held her fingers to his throat until
his breathing stopped, weaved a skewer

through his ribs, set him on a spit
above the fire. His skin crackled in the heat,

his bony back, rounded stomach, feet,
the smell of roasting flesh more pungent than

the excrement, the burning at the city gates.
A meal, the first in weeks. After she ate

of his flesh, the neighbor men(JEWS) broke down
her door, demanded their share of meat.

Their clothing cracked with dirt, their mouths,
a hollow smell. She pointed to her child’s remains, said quietly, I knew you’d come. Eat.

Gee, the Jews slaughtered by the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Seleucids don't count? Likewise the women enslaved in Africa and Asia and Oceania and the Americas don't count. That is the problem with using the word "all" or "origin".

See, there was plenty of anti-Semitism before Josephus, and plenty of misogyny as well.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt!
The Babylons and Assyrian where Semitic, why would the be Anti to themselves, and the Greeks, well, they did a Good Job conquering Judea, they introduced the technology used to write the Torah, henceforth Judaism.
Wow! See my comment on your other thread. "Anti-semitism" refers to specifically anti Jewish (by religion or ethnicity) behavior. And, no they did not introduce the technology to write Torah (we have lots of Hebrew script predating Alexander, let aloine the Seleucids). Judaism predates the Greek conquest by a millenia or so.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt!