The Absolute Unity of God

..The context of the Lord's prayer would appear to be Jesus asking for a spontaneous cry from the heart, of what is here, now. Instead there is often dumb repetition of merely what He said there, then.

Well, what is temptation?
eg. rather than concentrating on what we are saying (as if we are talking to G-d meaningfully), we might be thinking about what we are having for dinner etc.

..and BTW, G-d is not in need of our prayers, but we are in need of cultivating our relationship with Him.
I like the OP by @ben :)
He starts off by quoting "Isaiah" from the OT.
He also suggests that if One G-d would suffice, then a second or third would be supperflous.
If One G-d was not sufficient, He is not perfect and could not be consider a deity :)
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Well, what is temptation?
eg. rather than concentrating on what we are saying (as if we are talking to G-d meaningfully), we might be thinking about what we are having for dinner etc.

..and BTW, G-d is not in need of our prayers, but we are in need of cultivating our relationship with Him.
I like the OP by @ben :)
He starts off by quoting "Isaiah" from the OT.
He also suggests that if One G-d would suffice, then a second or third would be supperflous.
If One G-d was not sufficient, He is not perfect and could not be consider a deity :)

For some strange reason a episode from the life of Oscar Wilde popped into my mind after reading the above. From when he was in Jail and endured repeated visits from a well intentioned vicar.....

There had been one unfortunate incident when the clergyman had responded to Wilde’s complaint that his cell window gave no view of the sky with the pious observation, ‘Let your mind dwell not on the clouds, but on Him who is above the clouds’; at which Wilde, losing his temper, had pushed him towards the door, shouting ‘get out you damned fool’.
Imagine one God or hundreds of Gods and Goddesses. What difference does it make? It is all in your mind. Everything came out of 'physical energy' at the time of Big Bang.
Well yes, it's all in our mind.
..but what IS a mind?

My mind tells me that there is only the One God. Many gods imply some kind of creation.
The God I believe in was not created, and has no parents or children.

The creator of the universe must be superior to His creation. We are unable to even create a fly.
We all have our reasons for following or believing in a religion. We should be free to choose and
not be coerced. Unfortunately, the nature of human beings is to love wealth and security. This, rather
than any particular religion, is the primary cause of enmity between people.
Mind is the result of working of the brain; the working of its neurons, dendrites, axons and synapses; its atoms, electrons and protons. Yeah, mind creates many images. As a student, I used to return from my coaching class along a graveyard after nightfall. My mind created many images, it felt as if around some trees, the air was colder. But then, I asked my mind not to conjure up such false images.


I do not think it is only wealth and security, it is tribalism and greed for power. Some of us (Advaitist Hindus) may not believe in Gods, Goddesses and (edited) souls, but believe in a grand unity of all humans, animals, vegetation and non-living substances. We do not exclude anything. :)

(sarvam khalu idam brahman tajjalān iti shānta upāsita) – Sage Shandilya
"All this (collectively) is Brahman, indeed: 'what evolves from That, what dissolves in That, what breathes or functions in That'*, should be closely and calmly studied……." - (Chandogya Upanishad III.14.1)

* That is the meaning of 'tajjalan'.
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