Dear Lunamoth
GOD's laws well there are the universal truths like love, forgiveness, compassion etc but there are also the natural laws of the universe. Sometimes called cosmic laws/spiritual law. For instance cause and effect.
The importance of the law is about balance we are in a state of grace when we are in balance, so for instance if someone is stressed at work, this is showing us that something is wrong. Also it is against spiritual law to control or dominate another being, because this is tipping the scales out of balance. Hence why we have so many problems with children and depression. It is also against the law to send healing to another person without their permission. This is like going into someone's house uninvited, but many healers get upset when I tell them this and in effect they are controlling and also abusing spiritual energy which is why we fell down the dimensions in the first place. Another example is when Isis was bringing Osirus back to life, again this is abuse of spiritual energy.
Another law is the law of justice, the sun shines on every man and so all are born equal and all that is bestowed should be shared equally, then there is balance. When a small percentage or the world population hold a majority of the finances the world is again out of balance. This is why in ancient days they lived in community.
I have been working on this for most of this year and when it is complete, I will be building a new website with the full information, so that it is accessible for everyone.
So going back to the original question of love, when people are only being unconditional love and into spiritual self gratification, they are out of balance if they are not taking part in compassionate action to help others, we are here to serve the self and others. So for instance a family man is serving himself but also others by taking care of his family. We are on this forum because we like to be here but yet sometimes we get the opportunity to serve others by sharing, giving, supporting. It is a community.
When someone is giving and the other is only taking this is out of balance. Children are not treated as equal, some school teachers and parents treat children like possessions and inferior beings once again it is out of balance. Slavery was against cosmic law for every man is born free as GOD intended.
War is against the natural law, every time a bomb goes off it is effecting the conciousness of the planet and its inhabitants, it is also interfering into another countries karma. But yet do we go in and try to bring balance back or do we trust GOD and the law of cause and effect this is a tough one! My feeling is to do what has done previously, and withdraw support financially and let out outrage be known through communication, so that the leaders are forced to back down of their own accord. This concept is hard for people to take on, if they do not accept that we are immortal.
My view is that if the natural laws were taught in school and at home, there would not be a wish to control are dominate another in the first place.
Abogado might have some input here as I have noticed that lawyers are beginning to look into natural law.
I would be interested on other's views in respect of the natural spiritual laws of the universe.
Love beyond measure