Is Ethics just for the lower classes?

Sacredstar said:
Dear Abogado

Why do humans think they are more important then a horse or a flower!
Because they do.

Sacredstar said:
All is GOD's creation and sacred divinity.
All but humans?

Sacredstar said:
Man is destroying it and not honoring the cycles of nature.
How is "man" separate from nature?

Sacredstar said:
A field needs a rest just like humans needs a rest, but yet we abuse nature itself, and when we do that we abuse GOD.
Then GOD abuses GOD?

Sacredstar said:
Nobel Prize Winner Dr Alexis Carel 1912, said The earth is ailing almost beyond repair and he warned that since the soil is the basis for all human life,
Is the Earth to be protected or is human life what is to be protected?

Sacredstar said:
and Rudolf Steiner said "So long as one feeds on food from unhealthy soil, the spirit will lack the stamina to free itself from the prisons of the body."
Knowing the Truth will free the spirit from the prisons of the body.

Sacredstar said:
So the disease we see today on this planet is our very own co-creation.
Or are we - its creation?

From "Twighlight of the Idols":

No one is responsible for man's being there at all, for his being such-and-such, or for his being in these circumstances or in this environment. The fatality of his essence is not to be disentangled from the fatality of all that has been and will be. Man is not the effect of some special purpose, of a will, an end; nor is he the object of an attempt to attain an "ideal of humanity" or an "ideal of happiness" or an "ideal of morality"—it is absurd to wish to devolve one's essence on some end or other. We have invented the concept of "end": in reality there is no end ...One is necessary, one is a piece of fatefulness, one belongs to the whole, one is in the whole; there is nothing which could judge, measure, compare, or sentence our being, for that would mean judging, measuring, comparing, or sentencing the whole ... But there is nothing besides the whole!— That nobody is held responsible any longer, that the mode of being may not be traced back to a causa prima, that the world does not form a unity either as a sensorium or as "spirit"—that alone is the great liberation; with this alone is the innocence of becoming restored ... The concept of "God" was until now the greatest objection to existence ... We deny God, we deny the responsibility in God: only thereby do we redeem the world.
Sacredstar said:
Well firstly how do you know? My experience is that when we are in balance we are in the state of grace with GOD and we grow in oneness and communion with the source, and we cannot ask for better then that! So instead of learning lessons from mistakes made, life is pure harmony, swimmng with the tide of the synchronicity of the cosmos instead of against it!

Technically, total perfect balance is static, and life is not static. We are an exception to the rule and our existence would seem to defy the second law of thermodynamics, that everything in the univese tends to disorder. However, when you consider that we are part of an open system, and our existence comes at the expense of greater than average disorder somewhere else in the universe, it is understandable.

As for our exchange about honoring children, I think I will just stick with saying that different children have different needs and to ignore those differences is not to treat them fairly. I don't really think we differ much in philosophy, we are just using different ways of saying things. However, I do set limits in my house. I tend to follow the ideas of "Love and Logic," if you are familiar with that approach. I will also say that my daughters, now 2 and 4, were adopted from China and were each in orphanages for the first several months of their lives. I tried to ignore this fact for about two years, but it was to our perile. I have also discovered that every family has to find what works for them, one size does not fit all.

It is threefold and the centre is the Grace of GOD

Well, this is interesting but I don't understand it.

Sacredstar said:
Dear Lunamoth

The line is drawn at the heart of conscience?

Every scientist should ask themself am I trying to change the natural order of the universe? Am I changing the natural born energy, e.g. the genetic work that is going on is against cosmic law. There will be karmic repercussions that is the nature of the universe.

Through greed and desire man seeks to control nature, and get it to do his will, but yet all nature is GOD's creation and so one should not tamper with that, unless one is prepared for the consequences.

Dear Sacredstar,

OK, I think we should turn to our conscience when addressing these questions. But are you really comfortable with that? I am a scientist, I worked on genetic engineering of plants for many years, and I think that the work I've done was ethical and good. Most of the work I did was aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of plant defense against diseases and environmental stress. The end product would be crops that would not need pesticides or other chemical additives in the field, or would have higher yield from the same acreage. Now, the type of work I did not happen to involve inserting foreign genes into plants, although I do not see anything inherently unnatural or wrong in doing that. I do have some concerns about the safety of biologically engineered foods, but they have more to do with the integrity of the gene pool (of plants) than with human health. I also do not think that bioengineered foods, in the sense of inserting foreign genes into plants or animals, is really the answer to the world's problems. I think that there are some pretty big lapses in business ethics around BE foods. But my main reservations about the technique have mostly to do with my belief that there are other, more efficient things that can be done to solve the world food shortage, which will come.

See, I told you you struck a nerve! :)


P.S. I love those eco villages too. There was one in a town I lived in.
Sacredstar said:
Recent research is also enlightening us on the negative impact of a high-carbohydrate diet which has become the stable diet for most people especially children and the poor. Not only is it creating obesity but it blocks the communications between the hormones and endocrine/chakra system helping to stimulate further disease.

Recent research completed at Great Ormand Street Children's Hospital found that when children were put onto a Ketogenic diet their epileptic fits completely stopped.

As Jesus said 'forgive them father for they not what they do'

Love beyond measure


"The ketogenic diet, which is very high in fats and low in carbohydrates, was first developed almost 80 years ago. It makes the body burn fat for energy instead of glucose. When carefully monitored by a medical team familiar with its use, the diet helps two out of three children who are tried on it and may prevent seizures completely in one out of three. It is a strict diet, and takes a strong commitment from the whole family. The ketogenic diet is not a do-it-yourself diet. It is a serious form of treatment that, like other therapies for epilepsy, has some side effects that have to be watched for. More research is being done to learn about the underlying reasons for the diet's positive effect."


Diet is a place where balance is important!

No matter what we eat, something has died for us. I agree we should honor that unavoidable fact.

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Sacredstar said:
Dear Lunamoth

and here it is in scripture

The law is the living word of living GOD to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You will find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes in the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly all living things are nearer to GOD than the scripture which is without life.

God so made life and all living things that they might by the everlasting word teach the laws of the true GOD to man. GOD wrote not the laws in the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit.

But you shut your eyes that you may not see, and you shut your ears that you may not hear. I tell you truly, that scripture is the work of man, but life and all its hosts are the work of our GOD.

The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1

Now this I really like. :) What is the Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1? When written, by whom? Guess next I'll check Brian's apocrypha
Sacredstar said:
another case in point is cloning and GM foods anything that plays with nature is against the natural laws.
I do not have any problems in accepting plants and animal cloning. Do you know for some species, this is the only way to survive ? And some geneticians do their best to find solutions for this planet in a continually population growing and environmental degradation. And we eat from quite some time GM foods. Only the media changed the perception on them.

Natural laws ? Hmm. From which century ?
lunamoth said:
Now this I really like. :) What is the Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1? When written, by whom? Guess next I'll check Brian's apocrypha

It's allegely part of a secret manuscript hidden by the Vatican that has only been seen by one man. It was written by Edmund Bordeaux Szekeley in 1937 when he called it the "Gospel of Peace by the Disciple John". He changed the name in 1977 to the "Essene Gospel of Peace."

Is it conceivable that it's real? Sure. But it's highly doubtful IMO. You'll find absolutely nothing about it from religious scholars or historians who undoubtedly would be deeply fascinated by such a strange work if there were any reason to believe it was authentic.

Just an aside, one of its more interesting additions to the canon is the requirement that christians administer enemas to themselves to enter God's kingdom. From Book II:

No man may come before the face of God whom the angel of water lets not pass. in very truth, all must be born again of water and of truth, for your body bathes in the river of earthly life, and your spirit bathes in the river of life everlasting. For you receive your blood from our Earthly Mother and the truth from our Heavenly Father.

Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam sporting in the sunlight.

Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and pray the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease. Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations, and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these. Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam. Then betake your body to the coursing river, and there in the arms of the angel of water render thanks to the living God that he has freed you from your sins. And this holy baptizing by the angel of water is: Rebirth unto the new life. For your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Sin no more, therefore, after your baptism, that the angels of air and of water may eternally abide in you and serve you evermore.

Holy Crap! (Sorry, couldn't resist ;) )

For a little of its history, read this:

To read the "Essene Gospel of Peace" itself, go here:

Book I:
Book II:
Book III:
Dear Abogado

But very interesting that scientists are now proving that water holds memory, we also know that if we do not drink enough water the toxins do not leave the lungs we are also aware of the importance of water to the kidneys. Hence why people get kidney problems, the kidneys are the shen of who we are, in Tai Chi they say it holds the spirit of who we are.

Dr Emoto
Until the groundbreaking work of a pioneer Japanese researcher whose astonishing discovery about water, documented photographically,
changed most of what we didn't know and led to a new consciousness of Earth's most precious resource. The "messages" of water he has brought us
is here for you to share through Hado (Vibration)

Lilliana Corredor, Ph.D.
Expert in Water & Aquatic Ecosystems

I did not begin to seriously look at water until divine mother asked me to bless the waters. My feeling is that this scripture has held many truths that are now being revealed by science. The message is more important to me then the messenger, or its acceptance by scholars for they all have their own bias.

I have some other research links, I will try to find them.

Dear Lunamoth

I have copies of the 4 books of the Gospel of Peace and they are worth viewing there is some overlap of sayings from other gospels.

I agree with you about the children each one is unique and this is the way we honour them, to treat them as unique. I watched a video from Frank Arjava Petter who was married to a Japanese lady for many years, and he said that
in this part of the world they do not think the way we do, they are unable to separate the heart from the head. I would be interesting in your view of this bearing in mind your experiences with your own beautiful children. GOD bless you for all that you do for them.

Love beyond measure

more on water


Are Its Secrets the Keys to Solving Today's Most Vexing Problems?

By Jeane Manning in Atlantis Rising, No 19, 1999 (reproduced here with the kind permission of Atlantis Rising)

Our thinking apparatus runs on water. Our physical bodies are two-thirds water, so obviously its qualities can heal or harm us. We now learn that water seems to remember and later convey "information". No wonder the most dynamic frontier in science today is water research. Or is it a re-search, I wondered, after encountering researchers who: show how neuroscience tends to confirm medieval concepts situating memory, imagination and reason in water-filled cavities of the brain.
experiment with transferring, from water to us, the life-force energy chi, also called prana down through the ages, or study specially-shaped water pipes used by ancient Minoan culture in Crete; or show how the emanations from healers' hands change water. measure physical qualities of "holy water," or effects of conscious intent upon water's crystalline structure, or build prototype inventions aimed at using water as a source of energy.
I have said before, I feel that as our realities change so does our perception and understanding of the universe change. This word Baptism what does it actually mean?

In ancient days it was seen as an initiation and surely is a blessing.

In modern language Divine Mother calls it 'Harmonic Epiphany' blessing the waters with conscious intent. I will make another post in the Christian forum on what I have written about this. The difference is that holy men have taken their divine right to do this, yet it is the divine right of all humanity to bless the self and the food and drink we consume. I even bless the waters and thank them when I take a shower, it is an amazing feeling when you allow these blessed waters to shower upon you with their love.

Maybe there was a lot more to the saying 'cleanliness is next to GODliness' and it would be interesting to see what the original translations of this word cleanliness are.

When you love the earth it loves you right back!

Sacredstar said:
Dear Abogado

But very interesting that scientists are now proving that water holds memory, we also know that if we do not drink enough water the toxins do not leave the lungs we are also aware of the importance of water to the kidneys. Hence why people get kidney problems, the kidneys are the shen of who we are, in Tai Chi they say it holds the spirit of who we are.
Is this a response to something I wrote? I'm not sure I see where enemas fit in to any of this.

Sacredstar said:
I did not begin to seriously look at water until divine mother asked me to bless the waters. My feeling is that this scripture has held many truths that are now being revealed by science. The message is more important to me then the messenger, or its acceptance by scholars for they all have their own bias.
If its content rings of Truth for you, so be it. My sole point is that there is no reason to believe that it is what it purports to be. It was in all likelihood originally written by a purveyor alternative "health" products and philosophies in 1937 and modified and republished in its current form in 1977.
Dear Abogado

May I ask have you read all 4 parts of the Gospel of Peace?

being love

Sacredstar said:
Dear Abogado

May I ask have you read all 4 parts of the Gospel of Peace?

being love

I have read the first three books.

Have you read "Twilight of the Idols"?
Dear Adogado

No I haven't, I am not ignoring anyone's questions there are just so many I do not know where to start Big smiles!

But the one about GOD abusing GOD, well my truth is that there is a difference between divine will and human will, because most people do not listen to the divine self e.g. the soul's wisdom. Most people operate from lower levels of consciousness so the aim in my paid work is to help people to heal their needs and human desires, so that they can move their energy into their hearts. In so doing they are able to operate from the heart of the soul's wisdom.

Ethics is a very important one, so I thank you all for your contributions and Brian for starting the thread, because I can assure you I have not worked it all out yet on this front. There is such a thin line we walk and yet humanity appears to have stepped well over the boundaries of divine creation.

For instance Alexa mentioned earlier on the thread about cloning animals and if we did not do this they would be extinct! From my perspective this is just like the medical profession, providing a solution and a band aid for the problem, instead of resolving the root cause of why the animals are becoming extinct. For instance the frogs are dying on mass in the rain forests, these frogs have lived through every earth change for 200 million years (say the scientists) but yet they are not living through this earth change. This is showing me that something is seriously wrong, humanity are not listening, not seeing, not realising the destruction they are co-creating on this planet. The planet will survive if we don't blow it up, but yet will the current day civilisations? That is the the choice I feel we face. Civilisations have died off before so it would not be the first time.

Millennium prophecy 2/3rd's of the world population will cease to walk the earth.

Love beyond measure

Sacredstar said:
Dear Adogado

But the one about GOD abusing GOD, well my truth is that there is a difference between divine will and human will, because most people do not listen to the divine self e.g. the soul's wisdom. Most people operate from lower levels of consciousness so the aim in my paid work is to help people to heal their needs and human desires, so that they can move their energy into their hearts. In so doing they are able to operate from the heart of the soul's wisdom.
So are humans in the "whole" or are they not?

The True liberation is in experiencing that there is nothing but the whole.

And that can be experienced for free by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Do you perceive the possibility that you are rejecting a false dualism only to replace it with another one? Or that the replacement is, when subjected to close scrutiny, a rephrasing of the very false dualism you've rejected?
Dear Abogado

Planet Earth is the best Academy in the cosmos, my truth is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, life on planet earth is a rite of passage through various initiations. It is only through alignment of both energies, the two become one which you kindly quote from the Gospel of Thomas the other day. The male and feminine energies to come into alignment they become one, human and divine come into alignment, two become one. Through this integration we are able to realise our wholeness and oneness with the creator. I have written an article on this if you are interested to view.

An analogy from a published article 'Secret of Ascension and the Holy Grail.

In present day this analogy may help you to integrate this knowledge. When your human will is in control you have your hands on the wheel of the car, when you surrender your heart to GOD and align your will with GOD’s will then you don’t need the car anymore!

You freely walk in the light! You can then see the signposts, as if for the very first time, a picture emerges of that which no longer serves you, unhealthy situations drift away like the clouds leaving a blue sky, and your vision becomes sheer with clarity. When you surrender your heart and implement the wisdom of self discipline you are able to walk on the middle path directly in oneness with the source. Both feminine and masculine energies are balanced and this determines the value of the third resulting in completion of at-one-ment. ©2003Sacredstar

Love beyond measure

We are all part of the whole whether we recognize it or not. Finding liberation in peace is in seeing and experiencing this Oneness rather than denying it by elevating the self (ego) over the whole. Not that either is "wrong."

It is what it is.
well this is where we differ Abogado yes we are all part of the whole of group consciousness and ego is expressing GOD omnipotence so part of the whole too!

But yet each and everyone is a unique individual and it is human will that chooses to control and dominate nature itself not divine will of each soul.
So humanity is still learning why they are here......

Being love

Sacredstar said:
well this is where we differ Abogado yes we are all part of the whole of group consciousness and ego is expressing GOD omnipotence so part of the whole too!
I agree that ego is part of the whole too. As far as "expressing GOD omnipotence" I would respond that Gottschalk also defines normalcy by invigoration.

Sacredstar said:
But yet each and everyone is a unique individual and it is human will that chooses to control and dominate nature itself not divine will of each soul.
The two are one.

Sacredstar said:
So humanity is still learning why they are here......
There is nothing to learn except that there is nothing to learn.