Abogado del Diablo
Ferally Decent
Because they do.Sacredstar said:Dear Abogado
Why do humans think they are more important then a horse or a flower!
All but humans?Sacredstar said:All is GOD's creation and sacred divinity.
How is "man" separate from nature?Sacredstar said:Man is destroying it and not honoring the cycles of nature.
Then GOD abuses GOD?Sacredstar said:A field needs a rest just like humans needs a rest, but yet we abuse nature itself, and when we do that we abuse GOD.
Is the Earth to be protected or is human life what is to be protected?Sacredstar said:Nobel Prize Winner Dr Alexis Carel 1912, said The earth is ailing almost beyond repair and he warned that since the soil is the basis for all human life,
Knowing the Truth will free the spirit from the prisons of the body.Sacredstar said:and Rudolf Steiner said "So long as one feeds on food from unhealthy soil, the spirit will lack the stamina to free itself from the prisons of the body."
Or are we - its creation?Sacredstar said:So the disease we see today on this planet is our very own co-creation.
From "Twighlight of the Idols":
No one is responsible for man's being there at all, for his being such-and-such, or for his being in these circumstances or in this environment. The fatality of his essence is not to be disentangled from the fatality of all that has been and will be. Man is not the effect of some special purpose, of a will, an end; nor is he the object of an attempt to attain an "ideal of humanity" or an "ideal of happiness" or an "ideal of morality"—it is absurd to wish to devolve one's essence on some end or other. We have invented the concept of "end": in reality there is no end ...One is necessary, one is a piece of fatefulness, one belongs to the whole, one is in the whole; there is nothing which could judge, measure, compare, or sentence our being, for that would mean judging, measuring, comparing, or sentencing the whole ... But there is nothing besides the whole!— That nobody is held responsible any longer, that the mode of being may not be traced back to a causa prima, that the world does not form a unity either as a sensorium or as "spirit"—that alone is the great liberation; with this alone is the innocence of becoming restored ... The concept of "God" was until now the greatest objection to existence ... We deny God, we deny the responsibility in God: only thereby do we redeem the world.