yes thats right the Quran has whole of it as sunnah is an extension of the Quran [as explained in OP]
if Quran is left for leymen to interpret then there will be million different interpretations dont you see sis?; people will be following their desires deliberately or inadvertantly, politicans will be interpreting according to their boss, mr president etc etc so really we all have to follow the Prophetic interpretation:
Sis, see the 'two kinds of interpretations'; chapter:
and here is a verse that refers to Prophets interpetation:
In the early days of his Prophethood, when the Holy Prophet (
) received the verses of the Holy Qur’ân revealed to him, he used to recite the same simultaneously, lest he should forget them. It was a strenuous exercise for him, because he felt it was much too difficult to listen to the revelation, to understand it correctly, and to learn it by heart, all at the same time. Allâh Almighty relieved him from this burden when He revealed the following verses of the Holy Qur’ân:
Move not your tongue with it in order to hasten it. It is on Us to gather it (in your heart) and to recite it. So, when We read it, follow its reading. Then it is on Us to explain it. (75:16-19)
In the last sentence, Allâh Almighty has promised the Holy Prophet (
) to explain the verses of the Holy Qur’ân to him. It is evident that this explanation is something separate from the Holy Qur’ân itself. It is not the Holy Qur’ân. It is its explanation or its exegesis. Therefore, it should necessarily be in some other form, distinct from the words of the Holy Book. And this is exactly what is meant by the “unrecited revelation.” But the two kinds of revelation, though different in their form, are both revealed to the Holy Prophet (
); both are from Allâh; and both are to be believed and obeyed by the Muslims.
and one that says his role is to explain the Quran to us:
And We sent down towards you the Advice (i.e. the Qur’ân) so that you may explain to the people what has been sent down to them, and so that they may ponder. (16:44)
Abdullah, thank you for taking the time to reply to my questions and my apologies for taking so long to reply to you as well.
If Hadiths are the extension of the Noble Qur'an, they why do we have so many different hadiths per sect (e.g. Shia Muslims have their own hadith books)? And, why are thousands of hadiths fake? An extension means equal in content and truth. Therefore, Hadiths should not contain false teachings if they are extension of the Noble Qur'an? According to the facts, Imam Bukhari himself collected over 200,000 hadiths out of which about 3,000 of them are in use today. Out of the 3,000 hadiths read by Muslims in modern times, many are classified as weak or fake. So, how can this be?
I think that laymen should be able to interpret the Holy Book for themselves too, as much as there needs to be scholarship and educated religious leadership too. We need both, not just the latter. Why? because if we only leave the interpretation to the religious leadership, then we get into the situation that people in Arabia have found themselves in since the oppressive Saudi dynasty begun their rule. We are reading that for centuries there were Muslim rulers who have utilized the Hadiths to promote their political ideas and rules.
Regarding verse 75:16-19 it is clear. However, this is what Allah SWT explains how the understanding of the Noble Qur'an is to come to a Muslim:
1. A humble approach to the Qur'an with the intent and desire to understand while using reason:
*Example: Using your own faculty of reason is actually one of the commandments from Allah SWT as seen in many verses. For instance, in 5:58 Allah SWT says that people who are not using their reason laugh at prayers to Allah SWT because they do not contemplate why someone would
pray to the Higher Power. Further, in 8:22 Allah SWT calls people who do not use their faculty of reasoning worse creatures because they have shut
off their ears and minds to the Truth willingly. That one refuses to understand something is noted in surah Al-Yunus, verse 100. Allah SWT is
basically saying that if a person demonstrates will to understand something, he/she will per Allah's SWT permission. No amount of scholars or
imams can make a person understand something if they refuse to listen (even this is stated in 43:40). When you have intent to understand, then
employ your abilities to help you: mind, eyes, speech and hearing.
2. Contemplation of what is being read/recited
*Example: Here is the commandment:
“(This is) a Book We have revealed to you abounding in good, that they may ponder upon the verses”. So, one must contemplate and think about Qur'anic verses so that they understand. When reading Qur'an alone at night, you can't call up your imam to explain things to you.
3. Allah SWT gives clear instruction
* Example: in Surah 2, verse 242 Allah SWT says that he is giving explanation to Muhammad pbuh and Muslims so that they may use their reason. If one looks previous verses in the same surah, one will see that Allah SWT is explaining marriage issues, such as divorce. Clear, to the
point instruction for all Muslims in the ayats before verse 242.
You say that Allah SWT clearly promises explanation of the verses, and that it is something else. Then clearly we have lost it forever BECAUSE: a. hadiths were collected 200 years AFTER Prophet Muhammad's pbuh and sahaba r.a. deaths, b. there are fake hadiths, as admitted by Muslims, c. there are variations of the hadiths by sects, etc. Truth must not confuse anyone, and unfortunately, that is what many hadiths do: they confuse Muslims in that the hadiths support Old Testament but contradict Qur'an! If the Qur'an is the Last and Final Testament, the one that has not been altered as is claimed for the Bible, then we cannot have hadiths that actually support the Bible and contradict the Qur'an! For example: the Old Testament requires death sentence for sex outside of marriage or marrying one's rapist. However, Qur'an requires both men and women just to get lashes publicly, to marry other adulterers and to remain house bound until there is a different solution. Yet, what do hadiths do in this case? The clear explanation of what to do from the Qur'an is ignored and biblical tradition is promoted instead. Whenever the Qur'an wants Muslims to follow what is from the Bible, the Qur'an restates it such as in the case of: forbidding pork, stone altars, sacrificing animals to other than God, commandments not to kill innocents, not to lie, not to steal, not to use interest, to pray, to give charity, to fast, etc. Yet, everything biblical Allah SWT excluded from the Qur'an or changed it, Muslims seemed to revert back to it through hadiths! Even Jews and Christians have abandoned most of what Allah SWT excluded (e.g. death for adultery). Seems to me that by playing with hadiths in such a manner, Muslims have fulfilled the prophecy by Messenger Muhammad pbuh where he said that in the last days Muslims will follow/emulate Jews and Christians in the matters of religious practices/beliefs. And, here we are... took Muslims just 200 years after Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
Verse 16:44 actually is saying two things: Messenger Muhammad pbuh was God's tool for revealing something to the people. Hence, when it says that the Prophet pbuh is to explain it means: let them know what I just said to you, tell them what you just heard from me BECAUSE no one could hear the Revelation but Muhammad pbuh at the time. Second, people are asked to ponder about what Prophet pbuh tells them was revealed. He may provide an explanation on his own, BUT the people are required to PONDER. Again, here is that requirement to think, to reason, to ponder! For example: I can tell you, brother Abdullah, that I just received a writing script. Then, I can tell you why I received it: so that we can document things down for further generations. However, it is up to you to expand on the message and my explanation by thinking about what else you can do with the script.