Sound and Sacred Geometry?

a] Your heart rates slows down very much during meditation ---so that means your heart is pump blood very slowly, as if you were asleep ---so you have to cover yourself with a blanket during meditation in advance of you loosing the warmth of your body's high degree of inaction.

b] Apparently you are quite capable of meditating with full attention ---the research of Tibetan monks minds during meditation was the opposite of quite slowed-down mental activity, rather the test showed the the mind attained a state of High-alertness. You may be encountering two wholley different reactions that only seem to be connected one to the other. The anxious urgency of attaining a state of tranquility has left you hyper awareness that you may mis-construe as just more mind chatter. The same goes with the low body temperature due to low heart rate.
Remember, "Heat" travels toward the "cold" so as to dissipate into the cold.

c] Active-moving meditative routines may focus your quick intellect.
The samurai sought "Mushin" (no-mind) via saizen meditation ---so as to be clam-minded during fighting. The state of Mushin combined with the expert samurai's personal sense of self-preservation was a Zen Master's tight-rope moment in the spot light. Such samurai probably worked up a sweat during their work outs between daily seizen exercises.

d] Classical Silent Meditation is very specific and simplistic ---such meditation is not the same thing as Mental Contemplation. Mental Contemplation is an invocation of revelry via the action of mental defragmentation. During Defragmentation of the mental CPU it is advised to wait for the process the end before utilising other programs.
The anxious urgency of attaining a state of tranquility has left you hyper awareness that you may mis-construe as just more mind chatter.
Meditation is not about bliss! :eek:

c] Active-moving meditative routines may focus your quick intellect.
The samurai sought "Mushin" (no-mind) via saizen meditation ---so as to be clam-minded during fighting. The state of Mushin combined with the expert samurai's personal sense of self-preservation was a Zen Master's tight-rope moment in the spot light. Such samurai probably worked up a sweat during their work outs between daily seizen exercises.
I usually do movement meditation, especially if I'm doing contemplation work.

d] Classical Silent Meditation is very specific and simplistic ---such meditation is not the same thing as Mental Contemplation. Mental Contemplation is an invocation of revelry via the action of mental defragmentation. During Defragmentation of the mental CPU it is advised to wait for the process the end before utilising other programs.
I use Zazen style seated silent meditation for insight, and I'm usually well bundled up for it (long underwear, polar fleece, etc., unless it is very hot out.)
Meditation is not about bliss! :eek:

What? Why do you say this? But of course it is bliss.
The Purpose of Meditation is "Atma-rama" ---Bliss of the Soul.

The Soul's consciousness (chitta, aka cit) is composed of Ananda (Bliss).
The Soul's consciousness (chitta, aka cit) is composed of Sattva (Eternality).
The Soul's consciousness (chitta, aka cit) is composed of citta (cognition).

In brief, The Soul's constitutional make-up is famously defined as "Sat chit ananda".

Mantra (or, ala seizen tradition) meditation puts aside "thinking" inlieu of "Being" aka, conscious-in-the-moment, aka, aware ---without "obstructing distractions" ---which is famously defined as 'thoughts and memories and ego stuff' . . . inlieu of "consciousness" alone.

I use Zazen style seated silent meditation for insight

I do not understand how "insight" could be directly be achieved with Zazen meditation.

Do you mean "insight" as an after-effect? IOW, Zazen meditation provides to you an added benefit ---such as "insight" gained during the after-glow-like calmer or heightened clarity of thought and actions ---after the Zazen meditation is finished with?

The only way to experience hyperthermia IMO is to be overcome with a source of frigid temprature &/or via low-blood-pressure.

Sit-ups, Running in place, Jumpping Rope ---will bring on warmth.

It's when sweating accompanies the chills that one should be worried.
What? Why do you say this? But of course it is bliss.
The Purpose of Meditation is "Atma-rama" ---Bliss of the Soul.
We seem to have different purposes in mind for meditation, but that's ok. ;)

The Soul's consciousness (chitta, aka cit) is composed of Ananda (Bliss).
The Soul's consciousness (chitta, aka cit) is composed of Sattva (Eternality).
The Soul's consciousness (chitta, aka cit) is composed of citta (cognition).

In brief, The Soul's constitutional make-up is famously defined as "Sat chit ananda".

Mantra (or, ala seizen tradition) meditation puts aside "thinking" inlieu of "Being" aka, conscious-in-the-moment, aka, aware ---without "obstructing distractions" ---which is famously defined as 'thoughts and memories and ego stuff' . . . inlieu of "consciousness" alone.

I do not understand how "insight" could be directly be achieved with Zazen meditation.

Do you mean "insight" as an after-effect? IOW, Zazen meditation provides to you an added benefit ---such as "insight" gained during the after-glow-like calmer or heightened clarity of thought and actions ---after the Zazen meditation is finished with?
You yourself said it. It's about being, not thinking. Try "being" absolute space (as in non-relativistic space) and see if you get different results.

The only way to experience hyperthermia IMO is to be overcome with a source of frigid temprature &/or via low-blood-pressure.
Well, would you say 98 over 40 is low? :p
(Coffee is my friend.....)
Low??!! How are you still conscious?????

Mine seems to live around 110/70; supposedly 'ideal' ...
Low??!! How are you still conscious?????

Mine seems to live around 110/70; supposedly 'ideal' ...

Oops! Typo! 98/64, not 40....:eek:

{Must have been distracted by the thought of being able to further look into my makyo. Either that or my blood pressure isn't high enough to keep my brain going...}
The reason why I was asking about chaotic noises syncopated into a drumbeat rhythm is this:

A while ago, someone told me to try meditating on "absolute space." I took that to mean "non-relative" space, instead of "infinite space." {Which is what I think he meant now.}

Anyway, I tried a couple of different approaches to this, and each time I would wind up getting so cold and shaking that even a hot shower wouldn't warm me back up. (I also became quite sensitive to random noises as well.) Then I tried switching back and forth between two different approaches/perspectives, going from one to the other, thinking "not this" and "not that" in order to keep moving between the two. It solved the problem of the shaking and shivering, but the moving between the two became a vibration in and of itself, and would create relativistic space so that I could only get glimpses of what I was looking for.

I was thinking that some sort of syncopated rhythm might help to inoculate against the sensitivity to random sounds, and by associating each different "chaotic noise" with a different technique/approach/perspective, it might help out with the "not this" via the natural disaffinity with chaotic noise in general, and help out with the moving from each perspective/technique via the rhythm. This way you can utilize more than two perspective/techniques as well--and maybe the movement between them won't wind up as a wave-type vibration, either.

**end babble session**
Noise that rhythmically turns on/off is called Isochronic tones, they are superior to binaural beats when used for brain entrainment/trance induction
Make no mistake about it, meditation is a form of Trance Induction.
A states of consciousness which brings about a momentary release from the subjective personality and permits experience of the collective consciousness within the human psyche.

It is creating an [FONT=&quot]'altered state of consciousness'

·[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Rapture or religious ecstasy: is an altered state of consciousness characterized by greatly reduced external awareness and expanded interior mental and spiritual awareness which is frequently accompanied by visions and emotional/intuitive (and sometimes physical) euphoria. Although the experience is usually brief in physical time, there are records of such experiences lasting several days or even more, and of recurring experiences of ecstasy during one's lifetime. Subjective perception of time, space and/or self may strongly change or disappear during ecstasy.

[FONT=&quot]Rhythmic induction[/FONT]
Entrainment is the synchronization of different rhythmic cycles. Breathing and heart rate have been shown to be affected by auditory stimulus, along with brainwave activity. The ability of rhythmic sound to affect human brainwave activity, especially theta brainwaves, is the essence of auditory driving, and is the cause of the altered states of consciousness that it can induce.
Noise that rhythmically turns on/off is called Isochronic tones, they are superior to binaural beats when used for brain entrainment/trance induction

Make no mistake about it, meditation is a form of Trance Induction.
A states of consciousness which brings about a momentary release from the subjective personality and permits experience of the collective consciousness within the human psyche.

It is creating an [FONT=&quot]'altered state of consciousness'

·Rapture or religious ecstasy: is an altered state of consciousness characterized by greatly reduced external awareness and expanded interior mental and spiritual awareness which is frequently accompanied by visions and emotional/intuitive (and sometimes physical) euphoria. Although the experience is usually brief in physical time, there are records of such experiences lasting several days or even more, and of recurring experiences of ecstasy during one's lifetime. Subjective perception of time, space and/or self may strongly change or disappear during ecstasy.

[FONT=&quot]Rhythmic induction[/FONT]
Entrainment is the synchronization of different rhythmic cycles. Breathing and heart rate have been shown to be affected by auditory stimulus, along with brainwave activity. The ability of rhythmic sound to affect human brainwave activity, especially theta brainwaves, is the essence of auditory driving, and is the cause of the altered states of consciousness that it can induce.

LOL! Who needs drugs when you've got this? :p

While we await your book, care to share some Sonically Interesting Albums?

Rock n roll, but not as we know it.
Of course, but without naming names I am unable to listen to it as my device is not on commercial speaking terms with Adobe....
Low??!! How are you still conscious?????

Mine seems to live around 110/70; supposedly 'ideal' ...

Honestly, I'm not up on this factoid. But I'd have asked what your Height & weight is so as to get some idea . . .

I worried now.

BTW, I recall now, as a child after an accident that left me in hospital with a fractured leg [all's okay now btw] I had developed a sort of ring in my ear ---but it wasn't a 'ring' per se. I was "white-noise", that I had at the time, described and clearly do remember it now, as I write, as exactly similar to the sound of a Radio that is tuned 'in-between' stations on the radio dial. The sound I heard in my ears after leaving hospital was like the sound of my ears picking up on all the air-borne radio signals that my ears picked-up as a White-sound fuzz. When I subsequently visited the doc again later, I was warned off the idea when the doc mentioned that I may "or may not" have nuerological affects due to head trauma ---this discourage me from admitting to doc that I could hear the fuzz sound ---"maybe its from water from showering" I retorted. I dropped the subject and I saw now purpose 'tuning' in again.

And finally, I love the sound of white noise esp when transporting in the tram tunnels. White noise reminds me of the sound of the water of a flowing stream.
Nice little article: Have you heard about B-flat?

Have You Heard About B Flat? : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR
It's not the 'note' Bb . . . because notes don't really exist, they are merely what we assign different frequencies, which in turn are different states of vibration, which in turn act as agents of forced resonance which in turn changes the vibration rate of things.

This excerpt from my blog explains the Primordial Cosmic Note as being slightly flatter than B in standard tuning.

TaR KHeM: The Big Note