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Kansas City, MO
Hello All,

I just joined this forum today. Been looking for a forum where I can have some thought-provoking discussions with interesting people, perhaps learn something and even make some new friends. My work schedule allows precious little time for a social life, plus I've recently divorced and moved into my own place, first time completely on my own, so my life is undergoing a huge transition, and, with that, comes a lot of 'soul searching' and introspection. I've had an interest in spiritually for years, did a lot of reading of various religious/philosophical texts and I love these discussions. I was raised in the Reformed Protestant religion (gasp .. must .. get .. fresh .. air ..) but, if I was forced to characterize my leanings today, I would say they most closely resemble paganism or shamanism (I took that 'choose your religion' test and got 100% neo-paganism, whatever that is.) I particularly enjoy the system put forth in the writings of Carlos Castaneda .. not that I blindly accept everything he said, but rather I like the idea of living a strong life and taking personal responsibility rather than looking for some outside force to save you, and many of my personal experiences in life have been similar to things he described. I guess my basic tenet is that I don't 'just believe' in anything, rather I accept facts that have been demonstrated in my own life.

Anyway, rather than rambling on and on here I guess I'll just start reading the topics and posting where I think I can make an intelligent contribution, and let you all get to know me that way.:)
Hi Mandrill, and welcome to CR. :)

Certainly sounds like you're have a tough adventurous time of it - feel free to put your feet up here awhile. :)
Hi mandrill and welcome to CR ! :)

Here you have something from Osho Rajneesh to think about :

loneness simply means completeness. You are whole; there is no need of anybody else to complete you. So try to find out your innermost center where you are always alone, have always been alone. In life, in death-- wherever you are-- you will be alone. But it is so full! It is not empty; it is so full and so complete and so overflowing with all the juices of life, with all the beauties and benedictions of existence, that once you have tasted your aloneness, the pain in the heart will disappear. Instead, a new rhythm of tremendous sweetness, peace, joy, bliss, will be there.


Thanks for the welcome. :)

I'm not too bothered about being alone .. always been kind of a loner and I tend of think being alone is lots better than being with someone you are not happy being with .. just need to find my .. hmm .. personal rhythm and such.

Lots to read and think about in this forum.
mandrill...Welcome to the forum. I notice that you said over on another thread that your education is in anthropology. Mine, too (although it was called Intercultural Studies where I went to school). Nice to meet someone else with interests in both anthropology and in spiritual/religious issues.
Mus Zibii said:
Welcome aboard!

Thanks again for all the welcomes. :D

I am really having a good time going through all the posts on this forum. Going to take me awhile to read and digest everything.
Merhaba Phyllis, welcome aboard ) hope you'll have the answers here . . .