You cited two articles on your "Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism":
The Theistic God is Dead--A Casualty of Terrorism -
This article is interesting.
9-11 happened, and the Americans have a crisis of belief. Why? Probably, as you keep telling me, because conservative Americans think God is an American.
Or if not, then He's very definitely on the US side.
(This kind of thing doesn't happen to Europeans, because we've lived with invasion/bombing etc.)
Is Bishop Spong an Atheist?
Here we see the flip side of the coin, liberal fundamentalism.
But like the Rapture series, Spong knows his audience, he writes for them, and they buy his books.
As for serious scholarship. Well I think we all know God is not John Wayne, and the evidence of Spong's errors are there for anyone who's seriously interested in theology.
So it was that God came down from the sky and began to shape the dust of the earth into a human form as a child would make a mud pie. But when this creature was fully formed, he was still inert. So the Lord God swooped down upon this lifeless form in order to give this dirt creature mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, except that God breathed the living Spirit into the man through his nostrils." (Bishop John Shelby Spong, The Sins of Scripture, p. 75).
Sorry, this isn't scholarship, this is banal, playing to his audience.
Spong allegedly wrote: "God, to me, is a call to live fully, to love wastefully and to be all that I can be."
More banality. Interestingly materialist ... Spong's idolatry ... I can see where you get your 'it's all about me' philosophy.
Given that no-one would say 'God, to me, is a call to live half a life, to hate and to not be what I might have been ... ' See?
It's all about marketing. It's a sales blurb.
Bearing in mind it's axiomatic that Spong says he knows nothing about God (and nor can anyone else), what he assumes is that what turns
him on, is good for God.
Go figure.