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Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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It's always been my intention to move the forums from dynamic URLs to static HTML URLs.

However, I never realised what a rear-end it would be to implement.

The forum has been down from Friday morning to Sunday morning - so I guess you could say that on the third day we were finally risen.

Basically, it was just one problem after another - I got something wrong on the initial coding, so had to hold back for support (it was a small issue, as ever). Then I tried to set up the boards in a new folder, but had to wait for support from the webhost (and lo! they were slow), and then I had a nightmare of trying to redirect everything from one folder to another.

In the end, I reverted back to Friday's original set-up. However, there's another little bit of code gone awry (read: I've made a small error) and to compensate for that I've had to not show the subforums (Baha'i, Buddhism, etc).

Anyway, we're finally open. Been a heck of a pain - quite a nightmare infact - but CR is back in one piece.
Ah, shigite. So I figured it didn't all look neat enough, so I undid the whole damn lot. All that time completely wasted.

I'll just have to try to ensure I'm a lot more prepared next time.
Are you sure it wasn't a bad spirit who was playing with you ?

:D Just kidding, Brian.

You know, as I couldn't access this site the last couple of days, I've looked around on the net to see what happens on other forums. Well, I can tell you something. Your site is a civil one, so I'm glad to be a member of it.

There is a category of "humans" who think that mocking about the others beliefs is really funny. Maybe it's funny for them, but this is not funny at all for those who believe in something and they find themselves covered with swamp.

I would like to help you with computer stuffs, but you already know I need a lot of help in this area, too. :D
Heh, I just totally mis-judged the complexities involved. :)

Normally I will consider a change to a website for ages - then one day I will suddenly decide to implement the changes immediately.

Trouble in this ergard is that there was a whole lot of stuff I was unused to, and far more to do than I originally anticipated. Still, all good fun. :)

As for civility - funnily enough, we do pretty well here. I think civility scares most trolls. :)
Kindest Regards, Brian!

Just a little note, the email links do not seem to work anymore. I often use them to open the site, but the last few have not been working. The thread links in the email notification take me to the CR error page, from where I can find my way to the forum, and from there to the thread. Of course, this is the long way around (not that I mind). If the purpose of the email link is to go directly to the thread, they are not working.

Is anybody else experiencing this problem?

Thanks for listening to my gripe. :)
Originally posted by juantoo3
Just a little note, the email links do not seem to work anymore. I often use them to open the site, but the last few have not been working. The thread links in the email notification take me to the CR error page, from where I can find my way to the forum, and from there to the thread. Of course, this is the long way around (not that I mind). If the purpose of the email link is to go directly to the thread, they are not working.

Is anybody else experiencing this problem?
*sheepishly raises hand* I am, too.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I'm afraid I'm not sure what the issue might be - recent joiners have complained of membership activiation e-mails as not being sent. Sounds like a general e-mail problem to chase up. Pretty exhausted tonight, but I will try and chase this tomorrow.
I've asked for support on this issue. Hopefully that will help. :)
I need to ask - can someone post some example links that do not work, please?
Okay - I think I just fixed the URLs settings - did the prior links have "/community/" in them instead of "/forum/" by any chance? :)
Kindest Regards, Brian!
I said:
Okay - I think I just fixed the URLs settings - did the prior links have "/community/" in them instead of "/forum/" by any chance? :)
Short answer, yes.

Thanks for the fix!