The "Secret" on the century...

Hello Arthra, I promise once my internet is turned on, I will listen through YouTube. But in the meantime, I would like to express my feelings on the "Secret" of our Century.

I feel and I know that Yoga, is a very big secret. Yoga is the key to all reasoning, and using all its aspects will help guide all those who have confusion, struggle, and hardship to find themselves, within themselves, and really be content and happy with themselves. I find that all of the interesting aspects happening in the news, healthcare, and such, drive home to people that they need to prepare for a catastrophe, when in fact we as a public need to reach within ourselves our true spirit, hard work, focus and truth about what our own individual goals are, to help each other. The way this becomes a reality is through Yoga.

Read up on Hatha, Kriya and Raja Yoga. All involve much meditation and much reflection within the self, but mostly they all in involve self forgiveness and ample room for practice and learning.

I wish most folks would take the time to really love themselves...take themselves out on a date, treat themselves to a lovely evening of dinner and drinks, or a spa massage, and be content with themselves. As they are.

I am happy. And what I have to be happy about is the idea of being content with myself, knowing my two boys, Andrew and Kamron are doing magnificently well, and that everything else comes to pass; all we need to do is let "the secret" take its place.

What is the secret?? It's the power of our intentions and desires that propel the inevitable, to create a most great dynamic of good moments and bad moments, and to be strong within ourselves to get through the bad ones, so the good ones are always welcome and never forgotten. I will truly never forget ANY of the greatest moments of my life with some really awesome and special people. Most of which I have met in North Carolina. I just truly love and appreciate all the great memories, and will always know those moments were part of the secret to many things in my life. Those moments created are points of thought and heartfelt desires; that when thought of during moments of calm and strong will, come true!! That is the "Secret". How to unlock that point of calm and desire {positive desire} is solely through meditation, and yoga practice.

You will never know how much to overcome, and if you will overcome anything, without knowing your strengths and weakness' in the first place. How do you know how far up you can go without knowing how far down you "really" are? Sitting, Liking, and Knowing yourself, is the key...and that is "the Secret".


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I know many Baha'is who practise Yoga and of course there are a number of Baha'is in India I don't think it's a "very big secret"...

This thread is a series of videos about Baha'u'llah and the Baha'i teachings and their influence.