Muhammad=74, Al Quds=74, Sufis=74 (hasib al-jummal [gematria])

  • Thread starter Brad Watson Miami
  • Start date

Brad Watson Miami

Muhammad=74, Al Quds=74, Sufis=74 (hisab al-jummal [gematria])

The Hindu numerical system (which has been used globally now for several centuries) was just beginning to reach Arabia at about the same time as scribes were writing down the words of God's prophet Muhammad. Therefore, the Arabic Qur'an was written using an alphanumeric code called hisab al-jummal (google that). The first ten letters in the Arabic (and Greek and Hebrew) alphabet doubled as 1-10. The eleventh through twentieth letters equalled 20-100 and the remaining letters represented hundreds. The scribes couldn't help but think of letters as numbers and numbers as letters.

Today, English is the primary language of Earth and there is a Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74) of Step 1: counting the number of letters in a word/name/phrase and it having significance and Step 2: using the key(74) of A-B-C becomes 1-2-3(74) to give each word/name/phrase a gematric sum(S19+U21+M13=53). Note the 'coincidence' of the following...

Muhammad = M13+U21+H8+A1+M13+M13+A1+D4 = 74

Al Quds (Arabic: Jerusalem) = A1+L12+Q17+U21+D4+S19 = 74

Sufis = S19+U21+F6+I9+S19 = 74
Re: Muhammad=74, Al Quds=74, Sufis=74 (hisab al-jummal [gematria])

The primary rule of gematria74 - English, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew - is that there is a connect74 between74 words/names/phrases that have a similiar sum. This is not numerology and is not subjective (opinionated).

Note: I misspelled hisab al-jummal in the title of the thread. Pardon me.
Re: Sufis

Sufism is a branch of Islam, but it has many peculiar characteristics that set it apart from the other sects, particularly in the eyes of those other sects.

Technically, one does not have to be Muslim to be Sufi. The basic quality of Sufism that sets it apart is the notion that one can enter into an ecstatic state and become one with God.

The picture of the "whirling dervish" using dance to grope for that state of ecstasy is world-wide. This union with God could be pursued through song, poetry, meditation and other means. Sufis, particularly those of the Sulamaniyyih school of Sufism revered Baha`u'llah as one of those individuals who could achieve Oneness with God. Baha`u'llah's Seven Valleys, The Four Valleys, and Ode to the Dove were all revealed by Baha`u'llah while He was in seclusion in the mountains during the early years of His exile to Baghdad.

The issue with Baha`i belief is that no one but the Manifestation is capable of such a union with God, and the rest of mankind must depend upon the Messenger for direct knowledge of God.

To a Baha`i the notion that anyone can achieve the state of union with God, is slightly heretical.

The Sufis have many similarities also with Hassidism in Judaic faith.


When I searched for 'Sufism' on this forum, I came across the above post that was made in regards to the difference between Sufism and Baha'i. I thought it important to post here. ;)
Crowley's Liber 777 states in Gematria 74 means "Worn-out beggar" "Ox-Goad"
I'm just sayin' Ayin!
Re: Muhammad=74, Al Quds=74, Sufis=74 (hisab al-jummal [gematria])

The Hindu numerical system (which has been used globally now for several centuries) was just beginning to reach Arabia at about the same time as scribes were writing down the words of God's prophet Muhammad. Therefore, the Arabic Qur'an was written using an alphanumeric code called hisab al-jummal (google that). The first ten letters in the Arabic (and Greek and Hebrew) alphabet doubled as 1-10. The eleventh through twentieth letters equalled 20-100 and the remaining letters represented hundreds. The scribes couldn't help but think of letters as numbers and numbers as letters.

Today, English is the primary language of Earth and there is a Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74) of Step 1: counting the number of letters in a word/name/phrase and it having significance and Step 2: using the key(74) of A-B-C becomes 1-2-3(74) to give each word/name/phrase a gematric sum(S19+U21+M13=53). Note the 'coincidence' of the following...

Muhammad = M13+U21+H8+A1+M13+M13+A1+D4 = 74

Al Quds (Arabic: Jerusalem) = A1+L12+Q17+U21+D4+S19 = 74

Sufis = S19+U21+F6+I9+S19 = 74

If you dont mind me saying, this is a load of utter tosh! :D

what next?; the 13657 times table? :D

ofcourse if one searches in a book as vollumous as that, some words will match certain sums as will only be expected! :rolleyes:

do us a favour mate, swap your username with bananabrains! :D; only joking! ;)
