Happy Chinese New Year--Year of the Dragon!


Mercuræn Buddhist
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Pacific Ring of Fire
May you all have a wonderous and prosperous New Year. (I just happen to be a dragon in Chinese astrology myself, so I'm hoping for a good year!)
I am a Rat and need to say some of us can be more sanguine in what we choose to celebrate. :(

'Tibetan rights groups outside of China say Chinese forced turned their guns on unarmed protesters in a remote mountainous area, The protesters had refused to celebrate the Chinese New Year.'

The China Hotline
I am a Rat and need to say some of us can be more sanguine in what we choose to celebrate. :(

'Tibetan rights groups outside of China say Chinese forced turned their guns on unarmed protesters in a remote mountainous area, The protesters had refused to celebrate the Chinese New Year.'

The China Hotline

I find this shocking:

Xinhua, the state news agency, reported without irony last July that Communist Party branches in foreign-invested firms in Shanghai had acted as a “red impetus” to growth in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008. It said one such branch in a British marine-equipment company wrote to the firm’s headquarters in London suggesting that the company take advantage of strong local demand by moving more of its operations from Britain to China. On receiving this suggestion, “light filled the eyes” of the top British management, and the firm carried out the party’s plan.
The amount of censorship in China is amazing. It was recently reported that Chinese TV drama shows are not allowed to have plots that contain love triangles, any mention of gay people, etc., and this type of "intellectual censorship" is becoming tighter and tighter every year.
Yes have a happy Chinese New Year.. I was born on a Dragon year! uhh...a long time ago..can't remember it very well though..;)
It figures the 2012 end of the world would come in a year of the dragon!


do you really think that passing through the galactic rift will spell the end of the world or just the end of human civilization?

did you know that two airports in the United States have had to renumber their runways because magnetic north has shifted 10 degrees?

interesting stuff, eh?