Science , health and our daily life .


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Eastern USA
Hi Alicia!

Yes. Centuries ago the word 'Science' meant something different from what it means today. It meant study. Today, Science is a philosophy about what knowledge is and how it may be verified. In the scientific method, all knowledge comes from observations. The Scientific Method is the practice of obtaining verifiable knowledge. First, Scientific Hypothesis come as a result of observations alone. They must never come only from pure ideas. A 'Scientific Hypothesis' must be reasonable and verifiable, or it is only an assumption (not Scientific). In other words you must place every Hypothesis into situations that may disprove it. Anything else is not 'Science'. Finally, a few hypothesis rise to the status of a Scientific Theory after they have been tested many ways with multiple attempts.

The Scientific Method requires discipline to work, and it requires peers who will check each others work and thought processes. Scientists must be willing to submit to the scrutiny of others, or they are not Scientists at all. Such practice and teamwork have resulted in verifiable knowledge that never before existed. What began as a philosophy has ironically resulted in real results.
Brava, Dream! There is an alternative to your "verifiability" caveat; it is "falsifiability". See, one can find a lot of supporting evidence (verify) for any number of theories. The key (at least since Popper) is does the theory predict things that would contradict the theory (falsify).

For instance, quantum theory predicted the Schrodinger wave equation would "collapse" when the quanta was observed. If it had not, quantum theory would have been wrong. This fact is the foundational idea separating the Copenhagen Interpretation and "Multi-verse" interpretation. Copenhagen says the quanta just collapses into some potential state, Multi-verse says that each possible state occurs in previously non-existing "parallel universes". The collapse (in this universe) is paralleled by other collapses with other outcomes in other, new, universes.

Yes, the scientific method requires discipline and peer review and, really, a great deal of luck. The overall progress continues unimpeded, the luck is who "gets there" first. Like Newton versus Liebnitz in developing the calculus or Einstin and Poincaire in developing relativity.
Dr Malone on the corruption of Science:

"Disrupting normative science has become a de rigueur component of the pharmaceutical industry business model. A new pharmaceutical product is not based on need; it is based on market size and profitability. When new data threatens the market of a pharmaceutical product, then that pharma company will try to sprout the seeds of scientific uncertainty and lack of proof. For instance, clinical trials can be easily coopted to meet specified end-points positive for the drug products. Other ways to manipulate a clinical trial include manipulating the dosing schedule and amounts. As these practices have been exposed, people no longer trust the science."
Dr Malone on the corruption of Science:

"Disrupting normative science has become a de rigueur component of the pharmaceutical industry business model. A new pharmaceutical product is not based on need; it is based on market size and profitability. When new data threatens the market of a pharmaceutical product, then that pharma company will try to sprout the seeds of scientific uncertainty and lack of proof. For instance, clinical trials can be easily coopted to meet specified end-points positive for the drug products. Other ways to manipulate a clinical trial include manipulating the dosing schedule and amounts. As these practices have been exposed, people no longer trust the science."

Not the corruption of science...but capitalist corporations twisting data and science for increased profits...

Tis what they do....and what Dr. Malone does.

Science is fine....the interpreters of data, biased statisticians on the other hand...

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of statistics to bolster weak arguments.

He did a disservice during covid confusing people and more will die next pandemic citing his rehetoric
Dr Malone on the corruption of Science:

"Disrupting normative science has become a de rigueur component of the pharmaceutical industry business model. A new pharmaceutical product is not based on need; it is based on market size and profitability. When new data threatens the market of a pharmaceutical product, then that pharma company will try to sprout the seeds of scientific uncertainty and lack of proof. For instance, clinical trials can be easily coopted to meet specified end-points positive for the drug products. Other ways to manipulate a clinical trial include manipulating the dosing schedule and amounts. As these practices have been exposed, people no longer trust the science."
Brownstone's agenda is to take in donations and manufacture propaganda on behalf of the donors. The donors will be so anti-government, that they will risk the citizens' lives, not to take reasonable public health measures.