So who are you and where are you bound?
Do you really know?
If the rest is to keep you from being bored along the way, then have you come into this world to take up space and use up resources?
I encourage you and others to try the following twice a day for a week:
- Go into a quiet room and sit comfortably.
- Ask the question sincerely: “What do I really know?”
- Then breathe in through your nose and out through your almost closed mouth for a couple of minutes, taking at least 15 seconds for each breath.
- Enter quietude for 15 minutes. Don't ask any questions or try to answer any questions. Enter stillness.
When you have tried this for 15 minutes, twice a day for a week, then return to the forum and answer the question again.
The Gnose knows....
When you have stepped through that stillness into light, let me know and we will have even more conversation....
You needn't convince me of the need to put the ego in it's place - as long as you are not telling me to dispose of it.....
And i do indeed have a slightly differing method:
I choose to acknowledge the ego as being a useful tool, and choose to pay attention instead - understanding the chain of reaction which has taken it to this place.
That requires hearing and paying closer attention to the ramblings of the mind - until they are ramblings no longer; simply concerns which may be set down for short periods....
THAT, IMOFFO, is a much more profitable direction.
As a result of long practice it occurs to me to point out that thoughts are THINGS. They have form and structure in other spheres. They DO NOT simply go away because we have developed the ability to "Not See" them...
The idea that one should "suppress" their thoughts to achieve a harmonious state is patently ridiculous on it's face.... it is the noise which must be understood and dealt with...
The idea that meditation is some magical process needs to be dispelled.....
It is a way of achieving harmony within one's self - because you have taken the time and given the effort to seek a silent place to explore who you REALLY are.
It is grueling psychological work which throws you all off balance for periods at a time - and the point is to get to where you can look at it ALL, understand it, and remain in a harmonious state and be productive the whole time........
I was only being halfway playful with the Navel comment - this is how one ends up isolated in mental realms..... THERE IS NO CREATING REQUIRED OR DESIRED IN THIS PROCESS - the whole point is to clear away all the unconscious creating we have already been engaged in for the years of our life..... follow it all backwards to it's point of origin.... a painful and effort laden exercise..... which brings TRUE REWARDS.....
I am not shouting.... I have capitalized for emphasis.... I want those words to stand out clearly...
There are entirely too many pointless ( or harmful ) techniques out there....
Truth is always simple.... Effort moves you forward.... Rest and fall back....