
Sure, I'll bite :)D)

The khaibit, the Egyptian shadow in essence, is quite close to what we understand the Jungian shadow to be - the "dark" aspect of our nature.

Upon death, it is said that the ba and ka combine to create the akh which can be seen as our Divined Self. At other times, it is said that the ba and the khaibit combine.
Sure, I'll bite :)D)

The khaibit, the Egyptian shadow in essence, is quite close to what we understand the Jungian shadow to be - the "dark" aspect of our nature.
Yay! Someone to vet all these archetypal images that have just come bubbling up from my memory!

Upon death, it is said that the ba and ka combine to create the akh which can be seen as our Divined Self. At other times, it is said that the ba and the khaibit combine.
I would say the khaibit is prolly the more likely candidate, as the akh has an appetite, must feed, and is tied to the material plane where the shadow memories reside. (only comes out at night as well, if I remember correctly?)
Shadow" has a slightly different connotation within Quakerism. Since "The Light Within" or "the Seed of Truth" is the Sp!rit or Chr!st, the Shadow is just the lack of the same. This coincept really influenced Jung's work (Quakers were at XIXth century movement for humane treatment of the mentally ill). So his archetype is very similar.

What it amounts to is that unless we recognize the "Voice Within" as the Sp!rit or Chr!st or G!d itself, we lose out. The Shadow clouds out vision (like Maya pulls the wool over our eyes).

"Sin" would then be really just "straying from the path" (not paying attention to the Light Within"). Very close, if not identical to (in my opinion) to the original Hebrew use of the term).

We are flawed in that Sh! gave us the free will to ignore H!r word. That is (imho) the essence of both sin and the shadow.
Shadow is also associated with memories, no? Not learning the lesson from those memories/karma will only lead to making the same mistakes over and over again, no? Isn't the craving/hunger associated with shadow/preta/khaibit actually the hunger for knowledge, wisdom, and healing, but this hunger gets projected onto something else that doesn't satisfy (solve the problem?) It is this mistaken displacement/projection that is what is called "straying from the path," no?
I believe I have read that the word Khaibit has survived as the word Habit.
If that's the case then it certainly ties in with what you just said.

The practice of Predatory Spiritualism makes use of the Khaibit as the Vampyric aspect of the Soul, that which 'feeds' off of a Life Force.
I believe I have read that the word Khaibit has survived as the word Habit.
If that's the case then it certainly ties in with what you just said.

The practice of Predatory Spiritualism makes use of the Khaibit as the Vampyric aspect of the Soul, that which 'feeds' off of a Life Force.
Or as in the case of an addicted junkie, the "habit" sucks all the life out of the individual. It affects the mind so you become a mere shadow of your former self. I think the King James Version of the Bible used strong and uncompassionate words like "depravity" to describe the affect it has on your mind. (So much for "skillful means." :rolleyes:)
I believe there are alignments with the Qabalah/Qliphoth as well;
Yesod can be the Khaibit or Image of the Holy Spirit, and our rebirther, and the place of what has been called the Etheric Double.

To invoke any force is to invoke automatically its opposite as well. Which brings me to the Qliphoth.The psychic equivalent of working with toxic wastes, dangerous animals or high voltage wires. The Qliphoth are the negative energies, the Shadow/Khaibit aspects of Creation. All positive aspects of divinity have their "excremental" sides, or demons.

Daath is the Hebrew word for knowledge, it is an existing/non-existing 11th Sephira on the Tree of Life, the "Gateway to the Other World" (and to the Shadow-side of the tree), leading to the 22 Qliphothic tunnels and their demonic sentinels. By the same token, it is the same doorway through which death, entropy and non-existence come into Being.

What a diabolically fun thread!!
I believe there are alignments with the Qabalah/Qliphoth as well;
Yesod can be the Khaibit or Image of the Holy Spirit, and our rebirther, and the place of what has been called the Etheric Double.

To invoke any force is to invoke automatically its opposite as well. Which brings me to the Qliphoth.The psychic equivalent of working with toxic wastes, dangerous animals or high voltage wires. The Qliphoth are the negative energies, the Shadow/Khaibit aspects of Creation. All positive aspects of divinity have their "excremental" sides, or demons.

Daath is the Hebrew word for knowledge, it is an existing/non-existing 11th Sephira on the Tree of Life, the "Gateway to the Other World" (and to the Shadow-side of the tree), leading to the 22 Qliphothic tunnels and their demonic sentinels. By the same token, it is the same doorway through which death, entropy and non-existence come into Being.

What a diabolically fun thread!!

The Shadow "projects," does it not? Wouldn't that mean that you (or your shadow projections) are the sentinels?
Like the angels of the Prophecy series, they are of infinate patience and can perch for eternity just wathching. Is Khaibit the Watcher as well?
I have always postulated a second daath. Mainly because I find it odd, that, traditionally, the gate of daath is so high, up there near Binah and Chokmah, and I find it difficult to believe that, after leaving the radiant splendour of Tipereth, one could become "evil"... I always gave daath to Pluto, and a second daath, occuring after Yesod and before Tipereth, on the middle pillar, to Uranus -- otherwise, I don't think the daath concept works... just thought I'd throw that in... !
Some traditions have it that the Tree of Life was unstable/inferior and collapsed, the original Tree of Life did not contain the material world, instead the non-Sephira Daath existed, united by paths with Kether (above), Chokmah, Binah, Geburah and Tiphareth (below) . . . upon its collapse (Fall of Man) Malkuth becomes the Material World and Daath the Abyss that leads to the Inverse Tree of Death where the Qliphoth reside.

Confusing isn't it? LOL
there are references to two trees throughout the scriptures.

I think I even remember reading about five trees in a Pseudepigraphacal text somewhere.
there are references to two trees throughout the scriptures.

I think I even remember reading about five trees in a Pseudepigraphacal text somewhere.
Hey now . . . isn't ALL scripture Pseudepigraphical? :D

*yes, I had to look that word up ;)
there are references to two trees throughout the scriptures.

I think I even remember reading about five trees in a Pseudepigraphacal text somewhere.
I think it was in the Book of Giants I read about 5 trees. They were associated with the five elements.

I guess 5 trees comes up quite a bit in Gnostic texts, as well, as well as there also being five trees in Indra's paradise. Five Worlds in Kabbalah, too.

Five Trees - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nice one, Etu -- I hadn't heard of this "collapse" -- when I'm next surfing, I'll see what webbie throws up.

seattle -- yes: two trees, in scripture -- The Tree of Life, but also... The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil... but I haven't heard of five trees... I looked at the link, and found this...
The "five trees" also could be interpreted as referring to the Five Worlds of the mystical Jewish Kabbalah: Asiyah, Yetzirah, Beriah, Atzilut & Adam Kadmon "

...For me, these five worlds do not exist. Adam Kadmon has never been a "world", in itself: but just the first man, or just "a man", or "mankind". The unenlightened Adam resides in Malkuth, and is not a realm in itself.

Asiyah, Yetzirah, Beriah and Atziluth, are... realms, but these realms are not considered worlds, but... filters...

These filters are present upon every viewing of the tree:

The realm of Asiyah: simply Malkuth; the material world, (represented by the cross inside the circle)

The realm of Yetzirah: the conjunction of Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Geburah, Gedulah, Tipereth -- the realm of formations, (represented by a six-pointed star),

and the Realm of Beriah containing Binah and Chokmah, (represented as the infinity symbol)

and the realm of Atziluth containing just Kether (no symbol).

I agree, though, with the wiki post statement that these levels are considered "developmental" levels... And, as for them corresponding with Five soul levels-- I thought there was just three-

Ruach, Nefesh, Neshimah: the basic life force as ruach, the Nefesh being the first soul proper, the intellectual soul (consciousness), and then neshimah, breath, the holy spirit (kinda), the proper soul.

ruach- the realm of asiyah, (malkuth)
nefesh- the realm of Yetzirah, (the summation of yesod, hod, netzach, tipereth, geburah and gedullah),
neshemah -- the realm of Beriah, (the summation of binah and chokmah)
and G!d himself: the realm of Atziluth: Keter: "the head which is not".

I aplogise for any misspellings -- I haven't touched kabbalah for years!

I see parallels between these three hebrew soul aspects and the trikaya of buddhism --
the dharmakaya- malkuth/Asiyah (ruach)
the sambhogakaya -- Yetzirah (nefesh...enjoyment, mind)
the nirmanakaya --Beriah (spiritual power, the soul proper)

How do you two see it? I'm interested! Tell me (please).
Francis: I don't really know. However, if you consider the 31 planes of existence, and the stories about the Buddhas and bodhisattvas teaching the dhamma in each of them, (except for the immaterial realm, where the beings cannot hear dhamma teachings) there must be different gateways by which to access them. **shrugs**
By G!d I love this thread! Zohar indeed does postulate five trees, each metaphorically the same for each metaphysical world. Ari (Isaac Luria) has a slightly different bent. Adam ha-Ḳadmoni is the essence of the three lights (Ain, Ain Fos, Ain Sof Aur) which "really is" the contraction. Thus the Crown "really is" Aziluth and the "Fifth" Olamot is a Logos in the sense of Herclitus