How many Bibles are sold every year? And how much are they sold for? And all together how much money is made selling bibles every year?
How many Bibles are sold every year? And how much are they sold for? And all together how much money is made selling bibles every year?
I guess it is in the hundreds of millions 98% for American believers in Paganized Christianity. The number of American published Bibles probably outnumbers rational science texts and books at least 100,000 to 1.
That is why the USA ranks so low compared to First World Nations in Science Literacy, Math skills, Geography, Geology, Astronomy, life expectancy, infant mortality. You are a Third World nation rules by a !% minority (Oligarchy) of Billionaires and their Corporations. Jefferson's Republic and Lincoln's Democracy are vague memories of the past.
How can an Oligarchic Totalitarian State invade other countries with the excuse of bringing them democracy. If they believe that, where are they getting that democracy? Personal freedom in most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, and Iceland is greater than in the USA.
I am not anti-American. I love the Americans I have known in the past. I feel their tragedy of having lost their freedom in recent decades.
How many Bibles are sold every year? And how much are they sold for? And all together how much money is made selling bibles every year?