My mistake. "Race" was just a hook. I was using the term loosely. But let's be real here for a second. I guess you don't hear a lot about the Aryan Nation, but when you do hear about them one of the things that comes across is that they think they're race is dying out. I'm not really sure why they say that because there are a lot of Aryans in the world still. What they should be complaining about is how their religion has died out or morphed into a Afro-Asiatic Indo-European hybrid called Christianity. This is not an authentic Indo-European religion. Zoroastrianism, the worship of Greek, Roman, and Nordic gods are all Aryan religions. It's the Zarathushtrians who are Aryans that are dying out. And I see Radarmak uses the Parsis, but there are Zoroastrians in Iran, and even a very small persecuted number of Zoroastrians in Afghanistan in Mazar-Sharif. Aren't these the Aryans that are dying out religionwise? It's a bit upsetting to me that Aryan Nation even call themselves Aryans to begin with, but these guys who I think have even been shut down still get more press than the Zoroastrians and they're the ones who based on the message that I'm getting through all the cross-referencing are the ones who invented God, if not the God Jews and Muslims worship, well at the very least people still say that they're the same God, but certainly it's the same God that is described in the New Testament. Speaking in the context of the study of religion that is a big deal is it not? Yet only a select few have ever been exposed to this fact. It makes it hard for me to look at anyone, the vast majority of people, being affiliated with Christianity or Islam, with a straight face. I want to say "you're a freak." "How can you be serious about you're religion when we know how it was created?" "Why should you priest or mullah or even rabbi be taking the credit for what the Zoroastrians created?" Something like that anyhow.