The Dying Race



In passing I get the impression that the Aryan Nation consider themselves the dying race. These are Aryans that have denied their pre-Christian religious heritages Zarathushtrian, Greek, Roman, Norse, etc... and have adopted an Afro-Astiatic religion the Abrahamic religion, Judeo-Christianity and Islam and even claim to be the true Israelites. But aren't the Zarathushtrians the real Aryans who are dying out. Aren't these the Aryans who have battled against the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Arabs, and themselves to maintain their identity in the world. Haven't the Aryan Christians and Muslims betrayed the Aryans by catering to the Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam? Hasn't Christianity and Islam blinded the Aryans and turned them against themselves?
You are assuming either (1) religion is based on race or (2) original religions are always preferable to present religions.

I do not agree with either. I know good Quakers who are African or Natrive American. I know good anglos who are good Sikhs and Bahais.

Is it preferable for the Catholic Christians of Mezo-america to be practising human sacrifice and cannibalism?

Is it preferable for the Germanic people to be practising a relion where the only road to heaven is death in battle (and women need not apply)?

Finally, if you research the genetic testing of Parsees (the vast majority of Zoroastrians today), their gentics are quite within the Punjabi norm. No real difference between them, Sikhs, Hindus or Muslims genetically.

Similarly if you geneticallly test the pockets of Jews who have historically lived outside Europe, they share more genetic markers with their neighbors (Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Berbers, Ethiopeans) then they do with the Russian jews.

Then, of course, there are the pockets of generically white Hmong or Native Americans (historically with uncontaminated blood).
We are all human. Our individual similarities much outweigh our individual differences, imo. Therefore, a particualr culture/perspective really shouldn't be tied to race, imo. Correlation does not mean causation.
Oddly enough if your mother is Jewish you are automatically Jewish . . . how does that work? LOL
No, I mean you are considered Jewish if you are born from a Jewish mother, as if it was like DNA. I've argued this with Jews before (yes, I like to argue) and I can't understand it. There is NO Jewish race, it is a religion.
No, I mean you are considered Jewish if you are born from a Jewish mother, as if it was like DNA. I've argued this with Jews before (yes, I like to argue) and I can't understand it. There is NO Jewish race, it is a religion.
Or a culture.

Maybe it might be related to the reference to Abraham's seed. Perhaps some might mistake this to be physical seed, rather than the ideological seed beginning with substituting animals for humans in sacrifice, etc?

{I love heated debate, as well}
In the really olden days, a child born to Jewish parents was a Jew. The oral law (halakah, per Mishnah Kiddushin 66b and Shulchan Aruch EH:4:49) was extended to make this dependent only on the mother--why? Probably to make sure that children of rape could become Jews.

Of course anyone could convert.

If Othodox or Conservative one thus born Jewish remains a Jew. I believe this remains so (it does not with Reconstructionist or Reform Judaism) for much the same reason that Apostates remain so in Islam... a holdover of an inappropriate tradition.
The UNHCR and most modern governments have overruled this. You are what religion you claim.

So it comes down to do you allpy the law of the reiligion or the law of civil society.
My mistake. "Race" was just a hook. I was using the term loosely. But let's be real here for a second. I guess you don't hear a lot about the Aryan Nation, but when you do hear about them one of the things that comes across is that they think they're race is dying out. I'm not really sure why they say that because there are a lot of Aryans in the world still. What they should be complaining about is how their religion has died out or morphed into a Afro-Asiatic Indo-European hybrid called Christianity. This is not an authentic Indo-European religion. Zoroastrianism, the worship of Greek, Roman, and Nordic gods are all Aryan religions. It's the Zarathushtrians who are Aryans that are dying out. And I see Radarmak uses the Parsis, but there are Zoroastrians in Iran, and even a very small persecuted number of Zoroastrians in Afghanistan in Mazar-Sharif. Aren't these the Aryans that are dying out religionwise? It's a bit upsetting to me that Aryan Nation even call themselves Aryans to begin with, but these guys who I think have even been shut down still get more press than the Zoroastrians and they're the ones who based on the message that I'm getting through all the cross-referencing are the ones who invented God, if not the God Jews and Muslims worship, well at the very least people still say that they're the same God, but certainly it's the same God that is described in the New Testament. Speaking in the context of the study of religion that is a big deal is it not? Yet only a select few have ever been exposed to this fact. It makes it hard for me to look at anyone, the vast majority of people, being affiliated with Christianity or Islam, with a straight face. I want to say "you're a freak." "How can you be serious about you're religion when we know how it was created?" "Why should you priest or mullah or even rabbi be taking the credit for what the Zoroastrians created?" Something like that anyhow.
They are neo-nazis. That is where they got the term "Aryan" and their racism. The Nazis made up their own religion.

Religious aspects of Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You say like its a hybrid religion or something. Adolf Hitler alluded to Christianity in his speeches, but the word is that their was a movement among Hitler and the Nazis to purge Christianity and embrace authentic Aryan religions, pantheism and Zoroastrianism. Groups like Aryan Nation, however are overtly Christian. They even hold the confused belief that they are the true Israelites who were Semites. Christianity is a hybrid Aryo-Semtic religion. The New Testament written from the worldview of the Semites. Jesus was a Jew. Not an Aryan. Jesus' message was meant for the Jews.

"Kingdom" for the Jesus and the Jews of the New Testament was a real place that was really supposed to happen for the Jews. The idea that the Kingdom of God is within was derived from the Zarathushtrian concept of Ardabehesht cf. Best Order, one of the 7 hypostasises of Mazda Ahura, the one true God of the Zarathushtrians.

The Romans had been at war with the Persians for years. To begin with the Romans persecuted the Christians so much so that the Christians were exiled to Persia which became the major center of Christianity. The major motivation for the Romans later co-opting Christianity was to gain loyalists on the inside of Persia. The Romans then made Christianity into their own thing, but Christianity maintained a Semitic worldview. Most of the Aryans, the Europeans and Persians, were subjugated by the Romans and the Arabs and converted. Whereas Romans and Arabs had adopted their monotheistic belief systems the Persians had been monotheist as far back as they can recall. As far back as the evidence can show. The Aryans were the first monotheists.