Gnōthi seauton
Esoteric Keynote for moon in Virgo:
I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.
What brought this on? The full moon is now in Pisces.Esoteric Keynote for moon in Virgo:
I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.
At a full moon in Pisces, the Earth would be in Pisces with respect to the sun. The Sun is in Virgo with respect to the earth, using the adjusted tropic astrological system, where the vernal equinox is set at zero degrees Aries, instead of the actual star reading of around ω Pisces.Technically, yes. And for gardeners (et al) this observation will be most useful. The moon as a satellite, however, and her PARENT orb, the Earth ... are, together, in Virgo (3 days after full moon, waning toward 3rd quarter),
Actually, that would be in respect to the Earth's progression of the equinoxes.just as our entire Solar System is, collectively & as a unit, in Aquarius.
Okily dokily.For meditatative purposes, this consideration becomes important, along with the current phase of the moon. For several days prior to the actual full moon, and for several days after, the placement of our satellite is opposite the globe from the sun. This allows for an unimpeded Solar energy to reach our planet, bypassing the obstructing and negative influences of the moon.
Despite this arrangement, or rather, technically because of it, any person working in the ER, in the local police department or in similar such public service branches can testify, as many do, to what kinds of `lunacy' will always occur during the time of the full moon. This is accounted for simply:
There are such tremendous energies (again, solar in origin) playing directly - more directly - upon our astral body (individual and collective, or global) during this time. Those who are untrained to handle such a stimulus, including vast segments of our population, and especially those who have a difficult time of it anyway (emotionally speaking, or psychologically) ... are prone to overstimulation and excess during the time of the full moon.
There is certainly a great deal of glamour, distortion and mystique surrounding this phenomenon, when it comes to Hollywood and the popular imagination (just think of shows like Twilight, vampire and werewolf myths in general, etc.) ... yet the scientific basis is as obvious as going to the beach and observing high and low tide.
The benefit for the Esotericist at the time of the full moon cannot be overestimated. For those trained in individual and especially Group Meditation, the full moon affords several opportunities. In the personal life [of the disciple or aspirant] it becomes much easier to become en rapport with the instructing Master or Teacher and to receive council (concerning the life of Service). Likewise, and for the Group, there are extra-Planetary and even extra-Solar Agencies which can be contacted only at this time, while other Spiritual potencies are also more easy to access.
This makes the full moon an important time for the reception of those energies and that Guidance which Humanity is seeking, as the first responsibility for the disciple is the wise distribution of the energies and the Teachings which he contacts or has access to.
This is why the planting cycles, as according to where the moon falls in a lesser zodiac do not particularly affect the service life of the average disciple at all in the same way as the monthly lunar cycle, wherein the moon finds least influence and the Solar energies greatest ~ every 28 days, as for example on the `blue moon' of Virgo (full moon), Aug. 31.
And more properly we would say, "Earth in Virgo," yet I am not an astrologer so I forget that these things mean something different, or as my friend at work would observe ... where the moon is, in the lesser zodiac, indicates another entire `schedule of activities' in terms of the 12-house system than the solar zodiac.
For most of the folks I know, we are looking at which sign the Earth is in, while also paying attention to which sign the Sun is in ... such as Aquarius, having been in Pisces for 2100 or so years until the year 1900.
Another friend from work is a Hindu, familiar with Vedic astrology to a degree, and I remember him showing me a cycle broken down into each 20 minutes of the hour, thus with 72 segments across a 24-hr period, if I recall correctly. I noted that some of the names of the segments even correspond with the planets, as Shukra (Venus) and Brihaspati (Jupiter).
Of course, I might be getting that slightly wrong; it's been awhile since he showed me these things.
Anyway, thanks for the correction. To be honest, I had never paid much attention to the lunar cycle you're mentioning ... until I was peering through a gardeners' almanac.![]()