Who In Your Opinion Was The Last Khaliyfah Of The Ummah (Muslims).



as-salaamu "alaykum

I would like to know from the brothers and the sisters whom they think was the last Khaliyfah of the Muslim Ummah. Think about it and give your answer. Do some research if necessary. I am trying to gather as much information about what Muslims are thinking about the matter. Hope to hear from you inshaa allaah.
hmmm this is a confusing subject but if we follow the islamic rules i would say Ali ibn abi talib (May Allah be pleased with him) as he was the last caliph to be elected by the muslims not like umayyed caliphate which is by Hereditary.
the caliph would have been the ottoman caliph who abdicated in 1924
For me, the true last Khalifah (spiritual/religious and political leader) was Ali r.a. That is not to say that Khalifah after him were all bad ones. However, I think history has witnessed some crazy ones come to power for sure.
I would agree that other than Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (called by classical scholars the 5th Rightly Guided Caliph) they were all political positions taken by people who desired wealth and power.

If you haven't read the biography of Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz I would urge you to do so. He only ruled for 2.5 years but the fact that he still shines out as a guiding light is a testament to his time as caliph. If only we had had more like him.