Who Dried up the Sea?


Ben Hur


That's another point Hugh Joseph Schonfield, the author of the book "And the Bible was Right" goes miles to say that the parting of the Red Sea was a natural phenomenon and not a miracle of the Lord. In a way he is right. For the Creator of the universe, how could the parting of waters be a miracle?

During the Six-Day War in 1967, the Israelis crossed the Suez Canal on "dry land," as they built a floating bridge for their infantry and tanks. The Egyptians startled dumbfounded to stare at an Isreli army over the other side heading towards Cairo.

From the mouth of piety, we have that the Lord dried up the sea for the Israelites to cross it in dry land. But how? Prophet Isaiah implies that it was by a booster of self-realization, as a result of the natural urge to survive.

When the Jewish People got exiled to Babylon, they had almost literally hit the bottom when all hopes seemed to be lost. That's not what the Lord wanted. Then, came God's exortations through Isaiah: "Awake O Jerusalem! Put up your strength O Zion! Look back at Abraham and Sarah, the rock from which you were hewn! Awake as in the days of old! Was it not you who dried up the sea, who made the depths of the sea into a way to pass over?"(Isa. 51:1,2,9,10)

Wait a minute! Does it mean that the Israelis did nothing new in 1967 when they crossed the Suez Canal on "dry land?" I wonder how similar was the booster into the Israelites to cross the Red Sea on dry land. Imagine if the Israelis had just stood there crying to the Lord? At least, this time, they didn't wait for the Lord to tell "Moses:" "Why keep crying out to Me?" Tell the Israelis to go forward!" We did it then, and again today, and we have won the day.
Interesting, Ben. The whole moral point of the Exodus could be "do what the L-rd wants". The Hebrews had to leave on " the depths of the sea [made] into a way to pass over?" And Pharaoh had to "Let my people go".

But it is incumbent for us (human beings) to choose, to act and just wait for G-d to come to our aid (or to our harm).
Interesting, Ben. The whole moral point of the Exodus could be "do what the L-rd wants". The Hebrews had to leave on " the depths of the sea [made] into a way to pass over?" And Pharaoh had to "Let my people go".

But it is incumbent for us (human beings) to choose, to act and just wait for G-d to come to our aid (or to our harm).

IMHO, when this text was written, they embellished the account as a result of piety. The Israelites had become real experts at building cities and dams at the Nile River for 430 years. I am not disregarding the role of HaShem in the Exodus because that's how He works, by using humans as His tools.
I'm a dancing!! We are real close to agreement...

But I don't believe it to be piety...but the standard hyperbole used in the oral traditions...in order to get the story repeated around the fire and remembered it has to contain something fantastical, exciting....tell me that again dad...you know the story about the water being blown away...and then crushing the oppressors....
I'm a dancing!! We are real close to agreement...

But I don't believe it to be piety...but the standard hyperbole used in the oral traditions...in order to get the story repeated around the fire and remembered it has to contain something fantastical, exciting....tell me that again dad...you know the story about the water being blown away...and then crushing the oppressors....

As you know, I hope, it is much easier and faster to destroy than to build. At the right time and at the command of Moses, the builders of the walls of the dam caused them to collapse and the force caused by the waters from both sides smashed the armies in confusion and drowned most of them.