Israeli businessman: New European Holocaust


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No, he was not speaking about the Jewish people. He thinks that the new holocaust will be against Muslims. Also, this guy thinks that Israel should not worry, but rather take advantage of such pogrom. Thoughts?

'Europe Preparing Holocaust for Muslims' - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

My point of view: no, it will not happen like in the 1940s. Back then, Hitler's genocidal government did not care for criticism. He believed that he could exterminate a race of people, wipe out all about them and that there will be no one to talk about afterwards. If anything similar to holocaust happens in the future, as the businessman believes, it will be a gradual process. Already, we have secret prisons all over the world for Muslims. Half a million Iraqis were killed in Desert Storm. Thousands more since early 2000s. Then, we have Afghanis, etc. Of course, anyone surviving the world wide attacks on Muslims will have a hard time proving a genocide, let alone Holocaust, happened to them because:
1. "islamic" terrorism
2. civil wars among the Muslims
3. It is a gradual extermination

Guess we shall wait and see. :(
In terms of why the U.S. supports Israel:

a) Jewish Lobby in the U.S. is the strongest one. It pours in millions of dollars into politicians who support the Israeli causes.
b) Zionist Christians believe in the Chosen Race (that being the Jews) and it is part of their religious belief that by supporting today's Israel they are helping the ancient prophecy in the Bible (Qur'an too, by the way) that the Jews are to return to Holy Land in the end of days. These Christians also pour tons of money for the politicians who support Israel.
c) Oil. The U.S., like the rest of the world, depends on oil a lot.

Many people around the world are aware of the attrocities against Palestinians, but do not care much. Why? Because it is the Jews and Muslims fighting, and neither people are very much liked. As much as Jews have obtained civil rights in the West, to this day we still have racism and anti-semitism. Especially Europe and communist nations. Regarding Muslims... well, we all know how much the world cares about Muslims.

Kind of reminds me of what, supposedly, Albert Pike: WWIII will begin with "Islam and Zionism mutually destroying each other." Perhaps in his dreams. We shall see.

I think we can't completely dismiss New Testament prophecies. If anything, they are fairly on the spot with many things including the rise of the kind of state of Israel that will not be that friendly, at least to non-Israelis. And sure enough, we are witnessing this, no?

With all do respect to the Jewish believers and their religion, I do not support the state of Israel and never will. The modern state of Israel was found on terrorism (if we are to use today's definition of terrorism).
In terms of why the U.S. supports Israel:

a) Jewish Lobby in the U.S. is the strongest one. It pours in millions of dollars into politicians who support the Israeli causes.
b) Zionist Christians believe in the Chosen Race (that being the Jews) and it is part of their religious belief that by supporting today's Israel they are helping the ancient prophecy in the Bible (Qur'an too, by the way) that the Jews are to return to Holy Land in the end of days. These Christians also pour tons of money for the politicians who support Israel.
c) Oil. The U.S., like the rest of the world, depends on oil a lot.

Many people around the world are aware of the attrocities against Palestinians, but do not care much. Why? Because it is the Jews and Muslims fighting, and neither people are very much liked. As much as Jews have obtained civil rights in the West, to this day we still have racism and anti-semitism. Especially Europe and communist nations. Regarding Muslims... well, we all know how much the world cares about Muslims.

Kind of reminds me of what, supposedly, Albert Pike: WWIII will begin with "Islam and Zionism mutually destroying each other." Perhaps in his dreams. We shall see.

I think we can't completely dismiss New Testament prophecies. If anything, they are fairly on the spot with many things including the rise of the kind of state of Israel that will not be that friendly, at least to non-Israelis. And sure enough, we are witnessing this, no?

With all do respect to the Jewish believers and their religion, I do not support the state of Israel and never will. The modern state of Israel was found on terrorism (if we are to use today's definition of terrorism).

Don't assume that people don't care, be humble and accept that you don't know the minds of others. One reason why people are not as involved is that if two groups want to war it is impossible to stop them.

Not everyone see two groups that deserve all that misery, some see it as one aggressor and one innocent. I personally see groups with in both states that wish for war and these groups are surrounded by innocents. I don't think there are any good solutions out there right now, but sit here and hope for something to get better.

Please Amica, I have seen your intelligence in your posts, keep to what you understand and don't judge the entirety of Europe or the US for what you have seen or heard.
No, he was not speaking about the Jewish people. He thinks that the new holocaust will be against Muslims. Also, this guy thinks that Israel should not worry, but rather take advantage of such pogrom. Thoughts?

'Europe Preparing Holocaust for Muslims' - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

My point of view: no, it will not happen like in the 1940s. Back then, Hitler's genocidal government did not care for criticism. He believed that he could exterminate a race of people, wipe out all about them and that there will be no one to talk about afterwards. If anything similar to holocaust happens in the future, as the businessman believes, it will be a gradual process. Already, we have secret prisons all over the world for Muslims. Half a million Iraqis were killed in Desert Storm. Thousands more since early 2000s. Then, we have Afghanis, etc. Of course, anyone surviving the world wide attacks on Muslims will have a hard time proving a genocide, let alone Holocaust, happened to them because:
1. "islamic" terrorism
2. civil wars among the Muslims
3. It is a gradual extermination

Guess we shall wait and see. :(

i would say that this contains a lot of mis-information and the author is trying bolster the already inflated sense of victimhood amongst the ummah.
i posted a couple of replies to this topic on another forum; the OP ended with the question, 'it's allready happened to the Jews, is it possible it can happen to muslims too'?, and my answer was:

InshAllah it is not, for everything happens by the will of Allah and the jews had it coming to them [as part of their punishment and curse] but as for Muslims, Allah does not treat muslims same as kaafir, but far better

OP: drink, lie, commit zina, deal with riba, etc and you are saying we should not worry at all?

Me me

yes they do do all of that brother, but also they say LA ILAHA ILELLAH, and the worth of this is so great, that we have in our Aqeedah:

68. Those of the Ummah of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who have committed grave sins will be in the Fire, but not forever, provided they die and meet Allah as believers affirming His unity even if they have not repented. They are subject to His will and judgement. If He wants, He will forgive them and pardon them out of His generosity, as is mentionied in the Qur'an when He says:

`And He forgives anything less than that (shirk) to whoever He wills' (al-Nisa' 4: 116);

and if He wants, He will punish them in the Fire out of His justice and then bring them out of the Fire through His mercy, and for the intercession of those who were obedient to Him, and send them to the Garden. This is because Allah is the Protector of those who recognize Him and will not treat them in the Next World in the same way as He treats those who deny Him and who are bereft of His guidance and have failed to obtain His protection. O Allah, You are the Protector of Islam and its people; make us firm in Islam until the day we meet You.

Aqidah Tahawiyya

Allthough the above mentions about the Hereafter, i think a comparison can be drawn in this dunya too in that muslims are not bereft like kaafirs are of His grace and protection

If we look at history, the worst punishments have come to idolators and Jews; hiroshima, holocaust, first world war, second world war [allthough these are called world wars, yet they were largely western wars in which tens of millions of kaafirs were wiped out

may Allah continue to protect us ameen!


it is against Islam brothers and Sis' to forebode the coming of a holocaust for our faith lies between fear and hope; hope being the better of the two, thus the latter neccessitates we remain optimistic about the future and not dread the worst and as a brother said, the Lord Allah is on our Side thus why should he treat us the same as the worst of humanity?

their is evidence from Quran and hadith that the kaafirs wont mind us as long as were within the framework of their law [shaykh hamza yusuf showed this once], thus we have it from the Islamic sources that muslims are safe in the West

there is other reasons why a holocaust against muslims is very unlikely, not least muslim countries possesing nukes [pakistan and saudi [it is unoffically known that pakistan have given a few nukes to Saudi in return for the latter funding their nuke programme] and iran on the verge] and also they'd be terrified of our jihadi streak

do I need say more? :D
Abdullah said:
InshAllah it is not, for everything happens by the will of Allah and the jews had it coming to them [as part of their punishment and curse] but as for Muslims, Allah does not treat muslims same as kaafir, but far better
i wouldn't count on it. i very much doubt G!D is impressed by sanctimonious posturing of this nature, or assertions that my father-in-law's family (for one) deserved to be murdered. one of them was 8. what was she being punished for, you miserable, cruel bigot?

Excuse me ... but does the article read to anyone else like anti-Moslem scare-mongering? It does to me: "Cities in France with a Muslim majority that do not belong to the French", "Muslims are gaining control of the European economy".

Personally, I would be careful if I were he. America is, I think, a lot more anti-Islam than Europe, and Europe is a lot more anti-Semitic than America. If this respondent is right, then those who will be rounding up the Moslems will, without a doubt, take the opportunity to round up the last of the Jews as well ... and anyone else who looks different ...

But there is no doubt that fascism is on the rise. Look at Hungary, look at Greece ...

"Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men.
For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard,
the bitch that bore him is in heat again."
Bertholt Brecht
America belongs to the UK, so nothing to worry about. We simply must have the next Dr. Who episode or the population will riot. When Harry Potter died we very nearly burned all of our libraries.
That was a slight exaggeration, but we won't be dragging anyone out of their mosques any time soon. We're a little shy of going into a mosque, because its a little like a Tupperware party. You have to buy something.
It's not so much about a Muslim Holocaust.

It's more about never ending wars for resources. The ones behind it all couldn't care less what religion you are because it's your oil or minerals or your land beside them they are after.