Reluctantly, radar, I would step forward to say yes, I think in my case this somewhat applies. My earliest conceptions of `God' must include at least three incidents or influences in my life which affected me profoundly, by and earlier than the age of three. From there, another half dozen or so equally have shaped & determined - not the outside *limits* of my beliefs or belief system, but rather, its bare `minimum.'
I would list a few of these influences, stressing that at no point, even in childhood, have I ever maintained or believed that God was, is or
could be one individual ... although I am not a Pantheist, or even a Panentheist by usual definitions. I am a Hylozoist, I believe in God Transcendent, God Immanent and God everywhere `in-between.' This, in short, is the only Trinity I know or could imagine the intelligent person believing in {after due diligence, experience & research}.
Any questions about the evolution of my understanding?
Those three events or factors I named as being so influential are as follows:
- An occult experience at age 3
- An out-of-body experience of importance, age 3 or earlier
- The Lutheran Pastor & also the church congregation of my childhood
Here are some additional determinants in my evolving understanding of God, which I maintain is basically unchanged as to its foundations ... for several incarnations:
- Discovery of Buddhism & Theosophy by age 17
- Direct experience of the `etheric double' and subtle aura by the same age
- Membership in the Theosphical Society & visit to the TS HQ in Chicago ~ age 21
- The influence of college girlfriends {one of them Catholic} with culmination in a Grad school relationship of note
- Involvement with Tibetan Buddhist teachings, meditation & Dharma Centers ~ college onward
- Invitation to & participation in an esoteric study group {three, over the years}, Alice Bailey tradition ~ college onward
- Re-acquaintance with & participation in an Egoic Group, or `Occult Family' of Servers, during college & onward
- An insight or two, ages 16 onward, either during an LSD trip, or possibly high
- The far more weighty individual encounters, discussions & other types of telepathic or spiritual rapport ~ across 22+ yrs [and beginning at age 3, as mentioned above] ~ with NO drugs or lack of clarity involved
- One specific encounter in college, an overshadowing & Samadhi, technically two in # w/same Mahatma, different foci
- Recognition from ages 16 onward of dozens of kindred Souls, often by former or co-incarnations, else by current Initiatory standing
- Rare & precious opportunities to sit `At the Feet of the Masters' via their Initiate Teachers in the world today, on several occasions
- The proving of all that I might otherwise have held near & dear as a SOUL ~ via Service alongside co-Disciples & Aspirants, age 21 onward
- Buddhic/Intuitive Insights & specific Revelations as these occur, collectively shaping & shifting my understanding as many levels or octaves higher & forward as I've been able to allow!
I can name many more factors, yet these are some of the strongest influences on an understanding of `God' which has certainly been expanding or growing for my 40 years on the planet ... this time. I can talk about lifetimes before that, if reservedly. My emphasis is on the ABSTRACT levels where never ONCE have I been so unfortunate as to `ratchet down on' or otherwise SETTLE for a particular image, or icon, or Representation of the Divine.
Nor do I disregard or think poorly of SAGUNA Brahman, as without the same, NIRguna Brahman remains simply ~ space fluff.
In other words, we NEED points of contact with, and increasingly in our Journey of Self/Other/God-exploration, points in our lives where the Divine is
anchored ~ within out thoughts, within our heart and within our daily Lives. We need to be working towards Love-in-ACTION, not Love in the abstract ~ while recognizing that without its Soul, even `good actions' are really not why we are here.
God has expressions, as manifold and various in our Cosmos as the grains of sand upon the beach, and literally, as the ATOMs which
compose that Cosmos. Remember that *each snowflake* is unique, despite being made of the same WATER of Life ...
... and thus we have a poetic Prototype, or Template, for our little lives ~ as even for the Grander Beings we are, each of us, slowly evolving into. So the mightiest Oak Tree, over time, with its humble beginnings in tiny acorn.
And so my fondness for the insight of an Alexander Pope, who tells us {as any hylozoist with his/her heart/eyes/ears/mind open can observe}:
All are but parts of One stupendous Whole
Whose body Nature is and God the Soul
Compare with the Hermetic Axiom: `As ABOVE, so Below' plus the axiom that:
The Whole is GREATER than the sum of its parts ...
... which one Teacher put to us thus:
"The Greater can ALWAYS include the Lesser," ~ and voila! You've got a head start!
Here, at any rate, are some of those ideas or keys which are central to my worldview and `take' on God. Yet my point is, since I put God Transcendent on the other side of mind, on the other `side' of my concepts & insights, even my moments of greatest Samadhi and of the Loving-Kind ... what, then, does that leave by way of `room' for God ~ both in my life, in the lives of others & the world at large, and certainly in the in-between where I assert &
affirm that God verily dwells {Immanently, latently} within *every atom* and thus also in EVERY confluence, concurrence or aggregate, of atoms?
It leaves ... A LOT ... of room, lol! That's the short answer.
God, in my experience, is now, always has been and always shall be ~ a God of LOVE, of PURPOSE and of Intelligent CO-Creativity. It means we are not divorced from God in any of these capacities and in our True Essence. My own Journey, then, naturally enough {to me} involves sharing something of these Qualities ... as they exist within me, and within all people. True Education, via the Christ and the Great Ones, involves the elicitation and amplification, or emphasis upon ~ precisely the Prajnaparamita, and the Royal Road to the same Great Goal ... call this by whatever name you wish, in whatever tradition, with whatever motif, individual descriptive factors, rites & etc. Anyone with a willingness to open his eyes, can read the signs. This, I have always insisted, and will always maintain!
And so I'll close with `O Hidden Life' by Annie Besant, and look forward to what others have to share!
O Hidden Life, vibrant in every atom;
O Hidden Light, shining in every creature;
O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness;
May all who feel themselves as one with Thee,
Know they are therefore one with every other.