Perhaps we were `built' by one wave of life, and entities, acting under the instruction and guidance of yet a higher Order of Creative, Loving and adequately *emPowered* beings. I would argue that these latter, as well as the former, themselves come in several `classes' ... although admittedly, there are yet Higher Orders altogether, and these are the Custodians, or Keepers of the PLAN.
Nor is this latter Divine Plan altogether Inscrutable, Unknowable or even particularly difficult for the Human Consciousness to access, for otherwise we must posit the likelihood or possibility that `God' is in fact a tyrant, being so unreasonable as to expect us to
guess His Will, or otherwise make totally haphazard approximations as to what might be the correct course of action in a particular situation.
Sure, it does make complete sense that it is altogether IMPOSSIBLE for us to know the Highest, or the Ultimate Will of Deity, even for our little System, or chain of planets, focusing at present upon the Earth ... even given the last few thousand years, projecting also several centuries into the future. True, it will be futile for us to imagine that we know the intended outcome of evolution in this Manvantara, yet this does not prevent us from imagining several stages better in a progressively better, more efficient, more Harmonious Society ~ in every way that can be conceived coming under the jurisdiction of what are called colloquially `God's Ways' as opposed to strictly, or predominantly our own.
Now there are those who cannot imagine even with such capacity, or who find it difficult to shake themselves free of the illusion that things are always like this, that things have always been like this, and that in fact, there's nothing new under the sun ... such that in effect, there is NO change. Buddhism can cure even the most stalwart holdout of the illusion that there is ANY solid, permanent aspect or component within the physical world ... even including the physical universe as a whole. And where exoteric teaching leaves off, even the esoteric portions of Buddhist and Vedic instruction will remind you promptly that every *least* manvantaric period is followed by a pralaya of equal duration, then another manvantara, then a pralaya, and so on.
After so many, we are done with a Mahamanvantara, and so we experience a Mahapralaya. The difficulty with reincarnation is that even the Rishis, the enlightened Sages, from Buddha to Bodhisattva, Mahatma to arhat, cannot remember across the MahaManvantaras, if even their memory could be said to span the Human Kingdom and enter the animal. While it is certainly possible to enter into the higher awareness whereby we may fathom the earlier phases of evolution of the Solar Logos and Sacred & non-Sacred Planetary Logoi, we cannot with equal facility, even as a Buddha, trace our every single incarnation AS A MONAD through the earlier kingdoms: Animal, Vegetable, Mineral ... then the involutionary descent through vast eons from the spiritual into the dense, material planes. Thus, every student among us may only TRY to see the picture complete, this being all the more difficult when very few who post at Interfaith are even aware of the nature, purpose, role and significance of the 5th Kingdom, the Kindom of `God,' `Heaven' or `Souls,' as it has variously been termed.
What more can be suggested until we realize the unique position which Humanity holds, as the 4th Kingdom in Nature, both with relation to the three earlier Kingdoms, making us somewhat of a capstone in this tetrahedral solid {to invoke the imagery of geometry} - and also with relation to the 5th and higher Kingdoms, whereby immediately we become one side alone of THE Divine Pyramid ... the capstone
now become the upright point of a Five-Pointed Star, as our own SOUL is a Fivefold Entity, contrasted with our own fourfold position within nature.
Yes, I quite agree. To divorce Humanity from our overshadowing Souls is absurd. Just because technically we are the incarnation of an altogether HIGHER Triune Power, the MONAD {JIVATMA or Divine Pilgrim, allegorically described in Christ's Parable of the Prodigal SON} ~ which is also the case when we turn to EVERY other Kingdom [mineral, vegetal, animal, SOUL & beyond] ... does not mean that our SOUL is not where we should be turning our attention. Meditation, plus Study, plus SERVICE are described in the Ageless Wisdom Teachings as the threefold touchstone whereby the earnest disciple may literally *transmute and transform* the outer life, of the persona, into the Inner Life of the TRUE Individual.
What the Soul essentially does, as the temporary [only a few thousand lifetimes, till darn close to the very `end'] stand-in for our own, UNdeveloped Spiritual Potential and innate Capacity, is to
show us this same Capacity, as often and as fully as we will have it, or bear it, or be able to receive and benefit from it. Nor does this really even become possible until something like 2/3rds or 3/4ths of the Solar Lotus has been unfolded. And the order varies, yet typically the first petals to unfold are the Knowledge petals, as pertain to the physical and astral planes, then later the lower mental. As these unfold, gradually do the Love petals ... with the Sacrifice petals only coming along as we enter the path of discipleship and begin to Serve.
Here are three tiers of three petals each, Knowledge, Love and Sacrifice, occurring on each of the three lower planes. Finally, as we tread the Path of Initiation proper, an inner tier of three concealed petals is unfolded, and the Arhat-Initiate {as became Christ Jesus, then Paul after him, others since, many hundred before any of these ...} altogether transcends the Higher Mental plane. His Causal [Soul] body is consumed, the Lotus itself is fully unfolded and thus no longer `needed' as an intermediary [having existed upon the Higher Mental plane all this time]. The arhat stands free from what is called trishna, or tanha [Sanskrit and Pali, respectively] and is able to move with facility upon the Buddhic plane {in his `Sambhogakaya'} and upon the Nirvanic/Atmic plane {in his `Dharmakaya'} as well as manifest in the higher mental and rupa worlds via the Nirmanakaya ... unless he enters into Nirvana completely, whereupon he loses the ability to contact us for the remainder of the present manvantara.
Well. God might have been an ARHAT, once upon a time {in the Ageless Wisdom Teachings we learn that ALL beings in Cosmos either are, HAVE BEEN or
will become[/b] human, at some point in their evolution ~ NO exceptions} yet that will have been long, long ago. For in time, every arhat [or equivalent in the Deva evolution, or other evolutions] must move on to become Asekha Adept [A-sekha, no-learner], then a Chohan [a `meditating Dharma-Lord' of 6th Degree] or its equivalent, then finally in some altogether different & higher order of evolution, a Bodhisattva, Buddha, Kumara and then a Planetary Logos. Technically these titles will not likely apply, as they are pertinent to our local evolution, and none of us is that versed on conditions of Sirius or the other Systems where we likely will be evolving once we are Initiates of these degrees. But we do know that we move through the stages of Planetary Logoi, eventually on up to Solar Logoi, and beyond.
God isn't unknowable, or unknown, even if it is true that "the Tao that can be named ... is not the Eternal Tao." It just behooves us to admit that we do not really know or understand, and for most of us that stops pretty short, even if it does reach the level of the Earthly Hierarchy, the Christ and Masters, or perhaps Shambhala. To suggest that one is even VAGUELY familiar with the true PURPOSE of our own Planetary Logos, let alone the other Logoi of our System {and they are SACRED Logoi, in distinction} ~ much less the Solar Logos .... ha! Well that's just absurd! 