I'm so pleased and excited that I found interfaith and this forum, I'm going to let you all know more about me and make one of those presentations later on.
I'm curiose of the Ananda Marga (AM) movement, manley because their philosophies applies so well with my own beliefs. I have read a lot on the internet aswell as some books f.i Garda Ghista - Beacon of hope for suffering humanity and is now reading Marsha Goluboff Low - The orange robe: My Eighteen Years as a Yogic Nun .
And thats were my hope for dialogue with you and questions raised.
Marsha Goluboff Low became a Margii very early in the movements history, and was a nun for 18 years so it's quite a long time ago she decided to leave AM, as far as I have come through in the book she seems to have a rather negative expirience from how they practiced out in the fields and even during her training.
I would like to know if anybody here more recently in time - know somebody who have had expirence from AM or is a part of the movement nowdays or if someone who has been a former member or just have a lot of insight in AM by anyother reason, may respond on my thoughts. My questions are how you then look upon AMs practices today and even better if you have read the book or having expiriences both former and present and can share your thoughts about the movement and possible changes over time?.
If you feel to vulnerable in anyway or by any reason to make a public statement in this thread, then pleas feel free and be welcome to contact me using PM instead.
(Ps. Pleas have lenience with my spelling and grammar, hope you can understand even if my writing is far from perfection
. Ds)
I'm so pleased and excited that I found interfaith and this forum, I'm going to let you all know more about me and make one of those presentations later on.
I'm curiose of the Ananda Marga (AM) movement, manley because their philosophies applies so well with my own beliefs. I have read a lot on the internet aswell as some books f.i Garda Ghista - Beacon of hope for suffering humanity and is now reading Marsha Goluboff Low - The orange robe: My Eighteen Years as a Yogic Nun .
And thats were my hope for dialogue with you and questions raised.
Marsha Goluboff Low became a Margii very early in the movements history, and was a nun for 18 years so it's quite a long time ago she decided to leave AM, as far as I have come through in the book she seems to have a rather negative expirience from how they practiced out in the fields and even during her training.
I would like to know if anybody here more recently in time - know somebody who have had expirence from AM or is a part of the movement nowdays or if someone who has been a former member or just have a lot of insight in AM by anyother reason, may respond on my thoughts. My questions are how you then look upon AMs practices today and even better if you have read the book or having expiriences both former and present and can share your thoughts about the movement and possible changes over time?.
If you feel to vulnerable in anyway or by any reason to make a public statement in this thread, then pleas feel free and be welcome to contact me using PM instead.
(Ps. Pleas have lenience with my spelling and grammar, hope you can understand even if my writing is far from perfection