Oneness of Allah


Peace, Love and Unity
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I saw this in another post:

semantic said:
Oneness of Allah (swt)
Is there a specific term for "the Oneness of Allah"? Would that come under the term "Umma" by any chance?
i think "umma" refers to the community of islamic believers, rather like the jewish term "'am". the word you are looking for may be tawhid, or "unity" - although this can also refer to community solidarity as well.


The word you're looking for is Tawheed. Here's a short summary:
The statement “none has the right to be worshiped but God” has deeper meanings that ought to be elaborated on, such as:

A. The word ‘worship’ includes obedience, which means none has the right to be obeyed over God. This also means that we refer to God for all our values and morals. Neither our conscience, nor anything else has the right to be obeyed over God.

B. It also includes supplication because us Muslims can’t supplicate to other things asking them for something, which only God has the power to grant. In other words, we can’t believe in superstitions.

C. We can only say about God what he has revealed to us about himself. For example, we can call him The Most Merciful because that is what he has revealed to us about himself, but we cannot say he has a nose because God has not revealed any such thing about himself.

Also, other resources...
Thanks for the replies - much appreciated. :)
Is there a specific term for "the Oneness of Allah"?
I guess Oneness of Allah(God) is an opposed term to Trinity of God(Allah).There are 99 names of God Almighty and one is called 'Al-Ahad(the one)'.When we muslim says God is 'Al-Ahad' then we means 'oneness' of God no trinity or any otherone sharing him.we say there is no son of God nor any father of God.(cos if God can have a son then he can have a father).Here is a translation of Surah Ikhlas(purity) that tells about oneness of Allah.So specific term to say Allah is one is Al-Ahad and believing in this concept is called 'believing in Tawheed'.

Surah Ikhlas:-

"Bismillah-ar-rahmaan ar-Raheem
Qul hu Allahu Ahad
Allah hus Samad
Lam ya-lid wa lam you-lad
wa lam ya kullahu kuf-uwan ahad"

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
"Say! He is God, the One!
The Eternally Besought of all!
He does not beget, nor is He begotten.
And there is nothing comparable to

The Tawheed of Purity is in the statement: "He does not beget nor is He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him"</I>. This statement can also be understood from the general statement: "Say! He is God! The One"</I>. Nothing came out of Him nor did He come out of anything. He has no equal, no likeness and no similarity.

BTW,guys although i have read everywhere that word ummah refers to muslim community but it is me only who have doubts cos of some hadiths...cos our beloved prophet when spoken word 'Ummah' he meant all people of this world(either muslims or cristians or jews or hindus etc)..but word 'muslim ummah' should b a correct word to refer muslims community....He often spoke 'my ummah' meant people of this world to whom message of God I m conveying.

"[font=Courier New,Courier]I am the last of the prophets and you are[/font][font=Courier New,Courier][size=+1]the last of the Ummahs (nations)[/size][/font][size=+1]."[/size]

hmm i m not sure if i m right but i m sure at least 70% that word ummah refers to all those people who born during and after Muhammad(Pbuh)'s period.any one who can clear me.


No, Ummah definately means the world Muslim community in general, and not both Non-Muslims and Muslims. This is the way the word has been understood and used for centuries.
hmm..interesting.....I would say that our conscience is the spirit of GOD within.

I don’t really know your religious or ideological background, but I’ll try to reply the best I can. Also, when I say “you”, I’m not referring to you specifically, but just in general, so I hope that you please won’t be offended.

hmm..interesting.....I would say that our conscience is the spirit of GOD within.
Actually, no, that seems to be a major misconception with a lot of people. Your conscience does not equal God. I don't get what it is that makes people think that God is somehow restricted to only commanding and forbidding, to only considering moral and immoral, that which is in line with thier own personal opinions. With such a mentality, you're equating your “conscience” to God and his revelations, or even worse, putting it above God, which, according to the teachings of the Messengers of God, would be shirk (blasphemy, or associating rivals to God). Also, it is this mentality which causes many people to reject anything from the revelations that contradicts their conscience/personal opinions/heart.

Besides, conscience is very subjective and relative depending on each person. For example, some people will say capital punishment is wrong, and others will say it’s right. Some people will say homosexuality is wrong, and others will say it’s ok. And the examples go on. And in all these issues, nobody really bothers referring to what God says at all, in the first place. So, in other words, you are worshipping other things (conscience, heart, etc.) instead of the only one who deserves worship, God.

Tell me another thing: If you came to an issue where your conscience was in clear contradiction to what God has revealed, then which one would you agree with and which one would you reject? Perhaps some that agree with this “Conscience is God within” mentality would reject God’s opinion in favor of their own. So, in other words, you are worshipping other things (conscience, heart, etc.) instead of the only one who deserves worship, God.

And this is what we, as Muslims, call you away from, and we call you to the worship of your Creator alone. Why? So that on the Day of Judgement, you will not be of the losers, but rather, you will be of the successful. In Paradise. This is our call, simple, plain, and easy to understand.

I don’t mean to attack you with all this and I really do hope that you won’t be offended, because that was not my intention at all. My intention is only to warn, and explain and teach.
It seems to me there's a difference between political correctness, cultural applications of ideas, social norms, and conscience. To me, conscience is the more evolved part of us, the Self that has the most contact with the divine. Since the human experience is subjective, of course it is not infallible any more than we are. But to many, it is more trustworthy than blindly following dogma, which may contradict what they feel, independantly of social conditions and beliefs, is fundementally wrong, in which case they will decide on an appropriate reaction. Whether this is "wrong" or "right", again is for each individual himself to decide, and even in submission, we see that freewill is key. This doesn't mean you're "worshipping" freewill, or your conscience, it means that you are using it to understand the world around you, and to analyze what you are being presented with, thus coming to a conclusion. Intiution sometimes speaks louder than words. There has to be some measure of reason, of understanding, and instinct in faith, as far as I'm concerned, or it defeats the purpose of willful acceptance.
As always, you are more than welcome to disagree, this is just my two cents worth.
Dear NaseehaMan

I appreciate and respect your beliefs.

My conscience is never in contradiction with GOD and the heart as many tongues!

Do your beliefs allow you to embrace the spirit of GOD within you?

Love beyond measure

No, no, no... I think you sort of may have misunderstood what I said. Social and political conditions don't have anything to do with what I'm talking about.

Here, just take this simple example: Ahmed believes in the Qur'aan and he believes that it is the word of God. Let's say he's a new Muslim. Now Ahmed comes across these verses in the Qur'aan where the people of Paradise will ask the people of Hell what caused them to enter Hell:

Soorah al-Muddaththir
40 (They would be) in the paradise; (and) they shall ask,
41 The criminals,
42 “What has caused you to end up in this scorcher?”
43 They would reply, “We were not among those who established the ‘salat’ (prayer).”
44 “Nor among those who fed (and cared for) the poor and the destitute.”
45 “(Instead), we joined those who indulged in idle prattle (against the truth).”
46 “And we denied the (coming of the) Day of Judgment.”
47 “Till the inevitable (death) came upon us!”

Now, as you can see, one of the things which seem to be a major sin for which punishment is threatened is to abandon prayer. But this may not "feel" right to Ahmed, because he knows many fine people who don't pray and also don't believe in the Day of Judgement. So here's the question: Should Ahmed follow the clear texts which he believes to be the word of God (i.e. should he agree with God), OR should he follow what "feels" right to him (i.e. should he agree with his conscience)?

So if your answer is "God", then cool, you worship God. But if your answer is "Conscience", then you're worshipping that, and this is what I would warn you against. And there are many other examples I could come up with besides the one above if that one's not good enough. Also, think of the consequences of what you're saying: If you're saying that conscience is more trustworthy than "blindly" following the clear texts revealed by God, then that would mean that there's no need to ever refer to God's book at all in the first place, since what your conscience is probably already telling you what God wants anyways. See what I mean?

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not saying that conscience has no place in Islam at all. In fact we should use our conscience, but only in the abscence of a text from God.
So you're saying anyone who doesn't follow the Qur'an is wrong and anyone who chooses a path besides what the Qur'an dictates is an idolater?
LOL. Did you, like, just completely edit your post or something?

Anyways, to answer your question, yes, I do believe that anyone who doesn't follow the Qur'aan is wrong and a disbeliever (not necessarily an idolator). But I think what you're trying to prove is that I'm "intolerant", "prejudiced", etc. In that case let me ask YOU something... actually, nevermind. How about you first tell me whether I was correct in assuming what you're tying to prove, and then I'll ask my question. I don't want to ask a question based on a false assumption.
Yes, I did edit my post because I thought it was unnecessarily long.
I wanted to completely understand what you were saying before I jumped to any conclusions. I don't like making assumptions either. No, I'm not trying to "prove" anything. I'm trying to gain some insight into your beliefs, as they seem to greatly differ from mine.
You have a right to believe whatever you wish. Everyone on this forum, including myself, should respect that.
I simply disagree with you on this topic, because I think that people should be free to choose their path to higher conciousness without being told its wrong to do so. But again, this is my point of view. If you believe that the Qur'an is the measure of good and evil, then good, believe that, and follow that path. I'm only offering my opinion.