I don’t really know your religious or ideological background, but I’ll try to reply the best I can. Also, when I say “you”, I’m not referring to
you specifically, but just in general, so I hope that you please won’t be offended.
hmm..interesting.....I would say that our conscience is the spirit of GOD within.
Actually, no, that seems to be a major misconception with a lot of people. Your conscience does not equal God. I don't get what it is that makes people think that God is somehow restricted to only commanding and forbidding, to only considering moral and immoral, that which is in line with thier own personal opinions. With such a mentality, you're equating your “conscience” to God and his revelations, or even worse, putting it above God, which, according to the teachings of the Messenger
s of God, would be
shirk (blasphemy, or associating rivals to God). Also, it is this mentality which causes many people to reject anything from the revelations that contradicts their conscience/personal opinions/heart.
Besides, conscience is very subjective and relative depending on each person. For example, some people will say capital punishment is wrong, and others will say it’s right. Some people will say homosexuality is wrong, and others will say it’s ok. And the examples go on. And in all these issues, nobody really bothers referring to what God says at all, in the first place.
So, in other words, you are worshipping other things (conscience, heart, etc.) instead of the only one who deserves worship, God.
Tell me another thing: If you came to an issue where your conscience was in clear contradiction to what God has revealed, then which one would you agree with and which one would you reject? Perhaps some that agree with this “Conscience is God within” mentality would reject God’s opinion in favor of their own.
So, in other words, you are worshipping other things (conscience, heart, etc.) instead of the only one who deserves worship, God.
And this is what we, as Muslims, call you away from, and we call you to the worship of your Creator alone. Why? So that on the Day of Judgement, you will not be of the losers, but rather, you will be of the successful. In Paradise. This is our call, simple, plain, and easy to understand.
I don’t mean to attack you with all this and I really do hope that you won’t be offended, because that was not my intention at all. My intention is only to warn, and explain and teach.