Do You Adopt Quotes from the Movies?

Gordian Knot

Being Deviant IS My Art.
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Tampa, Florida
Into your personal life that is. It has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. Not that I am a walking, talking movie quote dictionary. Nor am I talking about quotes that make it into the popular lexicon ("Go ahead. Make My Day!") Just that little odd phrase once in a while that adds a little spice to life.

One of my favorites is this "I cannot remember the last time I had this much fun and still been sober."

Now I have a very dry sense of humor, and this quote is meant to be used when one is not having any fun at all. For people who know me it is doubly amusing as they know that I do not drink.

Last time I used it was after my dentist asked me how I was doing after fixing a cavity.

The quote is from an old Robin Williams film - Popeye.

There are plenty of others; would enjoy hearing some of yours!
Did John Emmanuel Baptiste Zorg wear a plastic bowl on his head? Do rodents of unusual size (ROUS's) exist in the Fire Swamp? Is the Force strong with Luke Skywalker?

In brightest Day! In darkest Night! No evil shall escape my sight! Let those who worship evil's might beware my power, green lantern's light!
Ah Dream, another fan of The Princess Bride. Two of my other favorites from that movie:

"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."


"Get used to disappointment!"
Fifth Element, Princess Bride, Star Wars, Green Lantern?
Now that I think about it, 5th Element isn't a very quote-rich movie. The first quote I remembered from it was "Chicken Good!" There are some others.

"It costs money, because it saves money!"
"I don't care! I ain't no freakin' monument to justice!"

Cold Comfort Farm
"Highly sexed young men living on farms are always called Seth or Reuben."
"I try to bring people around to the higher common sense."

Pride & Prejudice
"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?"
"I have not the pleasure of understanding you."
There's three ways to do things, the right way, the wrong way and the way that I do it. -- Robert De Niro (Casino)