Point of it all?

Elizabeth May

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What is the ultimate point in life?

I mean, really?

Is religion and faith and belief something that simply makes people feel good about themselves?

Or is there an objective purpose at stake?

Is there really an eternal battle (or just a long one) between good and evil taking place, or does it only do so in our imaginations?

Does Divinity have any real meaning? Or is Divinity defined only by our own meanings? Can Divinity exist beyond our own definitions?

Just rambling questions I guess. :)
I do not believe the meaning has ever been able to reach beyond the personal and self-perception. We see our own place and extrapolate from that to all other beings. It is easier that way though not necessarily proper.
people tend to complicate the issue by phrasing the question wrong. when one asks "what is the meaning of life?", it implies the subtext "for humans". so we need to ask the question in a way that encompasses ALL life, in general. so the answer becomes, "to be(come) what you are, not what you are not".
we create our own meaning.
The meaning in our own lifes remains truly that. We see what it meaningful for ourselves and not necessarily others, for everybody has differing perceptions.
So I think it's all agreed we seek and see personal meaning. But does anything really exist beyond that? Or is that was faith really is?
If we try and go beyond that, then essentially our meaning is nothing more than to serve as vehicles for a constantly developing genetic tree of life, or which our own species plays a merely transitory role.

Whether therefore the human species itself has any importance in its own right, other than to be a precursor to later successful biological constructs – or else the human individual has any particular meaning, other than to serve as a modifying stimulus on the environment within which the genetic tree of life develops - - - is essentially a matter of personal faith. :)
So this is back to the whole idea of 'psychological' tools, is it, and that these psychological tools can never reveal an objective purpose, just personal preference?
Is there really such a thing as an "objective reality"? If there is will it not always be mysterious? We are left with our experiences. How else could we possibly view the world and why would we wnt otherwise?
To imply that there is a purpose in life implies that we also have a soul and, that there's a "greater reality" as well.

Yet each one of us is responsible for our "own reality" (how we perceive it) which, is why heaven and hell are so diverse.
Personally, I think the "point of it all" as you put it is life. Whether you actually believe in anything or not is entirely up to those individuals.

However, there does come a time in everyone's lives that we want to know why the life that was given us is worth it? We tend to ask what is the point in suffering alkl this garbage in life if no one really cares?

I think the point is that the answer to that question is not the answer you seek. None may know the answer I fear. However, if you find yourself asking what is the point in going on, then you have the time to ask yourself why am I asking such a question in the first place. WHat has caused me to get to this level and have to question my own existence.

If that is the case, then you need to change your life for the better. Me not wanting anyone here to think I judge them, because I do not. I am simply saying that if you ask yourself that, then something in your life is wrong and needs to be fixed.

It depends on what is in your heart whether you will believe in anything with faith or anything to do with some kind of spiritual god to lead them through life.

Me personally, the point in all this whole life is not to just better ourselves in the sight of the heavens, but to help others around us. And to rely on our faith that we believe in something other than oneself.

Personally, I would tell anyone who asked me the point to my life, I would have to tell them three things.

One: My wife.
Two: My faith.
Three: My writing.

I have seen many things in my life, and some of them are stranger and unexplainable by any means I can fathom. So I leave it in anyone's heart. Delve deeply into yourserlf, and let yourself not be decieved. We all know in our hearts what world awaits us when this one is over.

To each of us individuals we will believe how our heart tells us, and what our spirit tells us.
Hi there, AerylonBlackwolf, and welcome to comparative-religion.com!

Especially interesting to see another writer on board. :)

As to your post - you do make some important points - but I especially like the reference to helping others. Something I figured ages ago is that "faith" is of little worth unless it is expressed in some way - notably through compassion. These need not be big things - general attitude is a good starter.

My personal position is that it doesn't matter at all what anyone believes - it is only our actions that count. Our deeds express our wisdom - or lack of.

Some would disgree, but perhaps not so much around here. :)
[quote author=brian link=board=3;threadid=173;start=msg1095#msg1095 date=1057329502]My personal position is that it doesn't matter at all what anyone believes - it is only our actions that count. Our deeds express our wisdom - or lack of.

Some would disgree, but perhaps not so much around here. :)[/quote]

I was about to suggest it's possible to do something good, but with the wrong intent and vice versa. However, by your associating our deeds with wisdom (or the lack of), it pretty much says the same thing. :)

Yes actions are important, but it's really the "intent" behind the actions that are important.
Actions do speak louder than words.

However, according to many religions, getting into heaven is not done by deeds alone.

So for those who follow that particular path, they let their belief guide them in the path they think is best. And of course that path is not always best, but sometimes, it is.

I was invited to this site by Mr. Keith. <S>

I am glad to have a place to chat and do research at the same time.

I, like many others, believe things that most would find crazy. I cannot say what I believe though unless someone asks me. The reason for this is that even in this forum, I do not wish to seem to be pushing my beliefs on anyone else. For me, this site will be used for stimulating talk. And not the usual garbage that is online.

We as a people in this world cannot blindly accept things anymore. We have to see to believe. And I think that is a shame. One passage I know of says "...blessed are those who believe, yet haven't seen..." and another passage I know of says "...It is not with one's eyes that tell the truth...It is what one's heart says is true. The eyes, like the mind, are liars...."

So I guess it depends on your point of view and what you believe in.

Just my thoughts. Whatever they are worth.

Aerylon Blackwolf.
I, like many others, believe things that most would find crazy.

I like that statement. I used to tell people freely that I was mad during a time of intense asceticism, notably because I experienced so many things beyond the norm. Also met other people who admitted they were mad. Usually a sign of good company. :D

I guess spiritual revelation itself takes so many forms, allows for so much unknown, that what we bring back ultimately cannot make proper sense to others, precisely because the experience is so personal.

Which again relates to the original subject in that the "point of it all" seems only perceivable from a personal perspective. Although some of us would like to claim a wider objective reality to our own revelations, ultimately such ideas can only presented exactly like so - as ideas - rather than doctrine. Which means writing all the more of a great vehicle for spreading such concepts into a the wider human audience. Not to dictate, but to inspire through our own experiences, as related.
Cloud Woman said:
What if there was no point to life? How would that change everyone's perceptions?

From Louis....
For me, it would change nothing.... I personaly see no
reason why life (human life) needs meaning or purpose.
Of course, that's just my "ego" talking - I look into my
mind, check off my desires and fulfill them one by one
until I'm satisfied..... A "purpose" implies that I've
inherited some sort of intrinsic obligation or responsibility
just by being part of the human race .
We don't get a choice about being born - if we did, then
maybe we SHOULD feel some sort of "obligation"...
But we just get dumped here by accident - to make the
best of the little time we have.
Elizabeth May said:
What is the ultimate point in life?

I mean, really?

Is religion and faith and belief something that simply makes people feel good about themselves?

Or is there an objective purpose at stake?

Is there really an eternal battle (or just a long one) between good and evil taking place, or does it only do so in our imaginations?

Does Divinity have any real meaning? Or is Divinity defined only by our own meanings? Can Divinity exist beyond our own definitions?

I believe that life is evolving continuously. This means that physically life is evolving but it also means that the consciousness present in lifeforms is evolving or expanding through clash and cohesion.
So the point of life is that the consciousness present in life is unfolding or liberating itself from its bondage in matter and mind.

Religion and faith are largely constructed in such a way as to keep people docile and serving the aims of those who made those religions. At best religions keep people "good" in the limited meaning of the term.

The battle between good and bad is indeed always going on but what is good and bad is not determined by the limited viewpoints of religions but by how our actions affect the spiritual progress of oneself and other beings.

So the general direction of all beings is towards spiritual liberation but where a human being chooses the opposite direction, the actions or intentions involved can be called "bad". Actions are not intrinsically good or bad, it depends on the effect of those actions.