Preparation for the "Day of the Lord"

Rush said that? He actually made a true statement? He musta been overdoing the drugs again.

Donnann, no disrespect to you - all those doomsday sayers would say you were the one not biblically correct. And as the Big Guy/Gal/Thing/Whatever refuses to take my calls (even though I have a really, really great long distance plan!) I cannot get confirmation which side has the right idea.
I know they would not agree because they take everything in the bible literally based on how we think and not on how god thinks. They however contradict biblically when they do that. One passage may say I will stop man from ruining the earth while another seems to destroy the earth. However that is not how god thinks. It may sound horrible but have an opposing meaning. A good example is john the Baptist. A beheading in holy scripture means to remove the carnal mind and replace it with the divine mind. It doesn't mean to actually chop someones head off. When you reason the bible this way you come out with the correct meaning. Jesus is the perfect example of what god does and doesn't do. He healed the sick he didn't infect people with diseases. He raised the dead, he didn't kill people. This is why he is the savior.
When you say he healed the sick and raised the dead....aren't you taking the bible literally?

(ps, thing is, they never say for how long... how long were they healed for...and the dead that are raised...they are never mentioned again...)
When you say he healed the sick and raised the dead....aren't you taking the bible literally?

(ps, thing is, they never say for how long... how long were they healed for...and the dead that are raised...they are never mentioned again...)
its the Holy Bible so everything has to have a good meaning.
Well, I don't take that for granted. It's only verification of that is itself... but I do believe it is all worth looking into.

Why do you believe this isn't mentioned? Think it not worthy? Seems a pretty big omission.
Donnan, I do not know you so I don't know how you think. Your comment though is interesting to me. A lot of people that I do know, that make the comment you made, or similar comments - they seem to be in a place not of faith, but of blind faith. Would you consider your faith a blind faith?
its the Holy Bible so everything has to have a good meaning.

Dear donna,
It is the "holy bible" because the unholy church said it is holy. One should always consider the source. Yeshua testimony was with respect to the O.T. which he called "Scripture". Anything not in sink with the O.T. is couched in darkness. (Is 8:20)

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony ! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.
Dear donna,
It is the "holy bible" because the unholy church said it is holy. One should always consider the source. Yeshua testimony was with respect to the O.T. which he called "Scripture". Anything not in sink with the O.T. is couched in darkness. (Is 8:20)

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony ! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.
Its only holy when you rationalize it in a holy way with a divine mind, When you read it with a carnal mind you come out with opposing meanings. Jesus is the perfect example of what god is and does. He rasied the dead, he didn't kill people, he healed the sick he didn't inflict people with illnesses. He preached forgiveness and mercy not anger and condemnation. I had a book some years back called signs and symbols of the holy bible. It was a good companion book because it had stuff in it like the meaning of frogs. frogs means bringers of prosperity then you apply that to the moses story and you come out with what kind of plage god sent. Sometimes things sound bad and we base what we read on how we think and base it on our experience and apply that meaning. That is the carnal way of reading the bible. When we apply the divine mind and go I know god Is like jesus and he sent him because he was the living truth of god so what I am reading has to have some good compatable holy meaning. One example is fire. Fire is symbolic to represent the holy spirit. This is a key to true interpretation so you know everywhere in the bible there is fire there is a holy meaning behind it.
You have to have to put logic in cold storage if you can accept the less than credible stories attributed to Jesus art literally true.

Jesus might have preached mercy not anger, but it didn't stop him vandalising the Temple when he had a temper tantrum!

What did those poor pigs do wrong that he frightened them over the cliff when talking nonsense about demons? There is no record he compensated their poor owner!
I'm not in the camp that believes the bible is literally the word of god. Methinks you are nitpicking at this point though, Q.

There is no record he compensated the owner of the pigs? There is no record that George Washington compensated the orchard farmer for cutting down his cherry tree either!

And I'm a fairly peaceful guy, but if I could get my hands on the bankers that eviscerated the American economy out of pure greed, I'd be doing some vandalizing on them, and quite happily.
Donnann said "Its only holy when you rationalize it in a holy way with a divine mind"

My concern with this statement is that it seems to me you have prejudged the evidence that the bible is holy, and then read the meaning of it to confirm your own viewpoint. Is that a fair way to balance the truth of something?
I'm not in the camp that believes the bible is literally the word of god. Methinks you are nitpicking at this point though, Q.

There is no record he compensated the owner of the pigs? There is no record that George Washington compensated the orchard farmer for cutting down his cherry tree either!

And I'm a fairly peaceful guy, but if I could get my hands on the bankers that eviscerated the American economy out of pure greed, I'd be doing some vandalizing on them, and quite happily.

I don't know anything about Washington and a cherry tree but if he cut it down and it wasn't his, he should have compensated the owner.

Vandalism is WRONG! If one has a genuine grievance then one complains about it to the appropriate authorities.
Rush said that? He actually made a true statement? He musta been overdoing the drugs again.

Donnann, no disrespect to you - all those doomsday sayers would say you were the one not biblically correct. And as the Big Guy/Gal/Thing/Whatever refuses to take my calls (even though I have a really, really great long distance plan!) I cannot get confirmation which side has the right idea.

The bible says we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet. It also says there will be a new heaven and new earth. These quotes show that it is a change that will occur a making of the mortal into the immortal and earth into a paradise again. The doomsday sayers forget about those quotes because they tend to like somekind of movie like drama.