I know they would not agree because they take everything in the bible literally based on how we think and not on how god thinks. They however contradict biblically when they do that. One passage may say I will stop man from ruining the earth while another seems to destroy the earth. However that is not how god thinks. It may sound horrible but have an opposing meaning. A good example is john the Baptist. A beheading in holy scripture means to remove the carnal mind and replace it with the divine mind. It doesn't mean to actually chop someones head off. When you reason the bible this way you come out with the correct meaning. Jesus is the perfect example of what god does and doesn't do. He healed the sick he didn't infect people with diseases. He raised the dead, he didn't kill people. This is why he is the savior.Rush said that? He actually made a true statement? He musta been overdoing the drugs again.
Donnann, no disrespect to you - all those doomsday sayers would say you were the one not biblically correct. And as the Big Guy/Gal/Thing/Whatever refuses to take my calls (even though I have a really, really great long distance plan!) I cannot get confirmation which side has the right idea.