Harry Potter v The Bible



Some people have condemned the Harry Potter books as encouraging children to dabble in the occult.

The Harry Potter books are much less harmful than the Bible, imo. They are a great read, quite moral and as far as I know, no one is forcing anyone to believe the tales therein are factually true! The Bible is full of hocus pocus, which if practised by a witch doctor, for instance, would have some Christians rushing for their crosses and garlic for protection.:D Many of the Bible stories are no more credible than those in the Harry Potter books, yet Biblical literalists reckon they actually happened as recorded. Whilst Harry Potter is read for pleasure, the Bible is often forced down the throats of people using scare tactics. I vote Harry Potter for post of DEITY.:D
One of those things that most intrigues me about people is just what you said. People will accept completely that what happened in the bible actually happened. But any other source and it is just nonsense (at the least) and dangerous to the minds of people (at the most).

Why is it so hard to accept that a book written as fiction is just that?
One of those things that most intrigues me about people is just what you said. People will accept completely that what happened in the bible actually happened. But any other source and it is just nonsense (at the least) and dangerous to the minds of people (at the most).

Why is it so hard to accept that a book written as fiction is just that?

Because some need to believe the Bible is true, I suppose!
Guess this would be a bad time to post this picture then. A strange tern if ever I saw one!

Some people have condemned the Harry Potter books as encouraging children to dabble in the occult.

there are a lot of paranoid delusional people who identify as Christians

The Harry Potter books are much less harmful than the Bible, imo. They are a great read, quite moral and as far as I know, no one is forcing anyone to believe the tales therein are factually true! The Bible is full of hocus pocus, which if practised by a witch doctor, for instance, would have some Christians rushing for their crosses and garlic for protection.:D Many of the Bible stories are no more credible than those in the Harry Potter books, yet Biblical literalists reckon they actually happened as recorded. Whilst Harry Potter is read for pleasure, the Bible is often forced down the throats of people using scare tactics. I vote Harry Potter for post of DEITY.:D

as for Harry Potter I have seen the films never read the books though, the Bible however is the most influential book ever and it has stood the test of time the Harry Potter books have a long way to go to even be considered in the same league as the Bible.

and if you want to Worship Harry Potter then thats your call :)
Seeing we have moved onto quirkybirds , I will share my pheasant story with you.

About three years ago I taking a walk in the river meadow beside our former property. It hosts a pheasant shoot and normally the birds scatter to the four winds if you approach them. However whilst all the other pheasant scattered in front of me, one pheasant came running up to me and accompanied me on my walk, and all the way home! All the time 'chatting' to me in pheasant speak! I just couldn't believe it, and would have thought I was imagining the experience if my husband hadn't witnessed the pheasant interacting with me when we arrived home. The pheasant stood outside the patio doors looking into the house for about 30 minutes before departing. I look this photo of the bird.

About three days later I encountered my birdie friend again, it spotted me in the meadow and ran towards me and had another 'chat', although it didn't accompany me home this time. There was a pheasant shoot the next day and I never encountered my friend again. I would be upset if it had got shot.:(


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    My pheasant.jpg
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Seeing we have moved onto quirkybirds , I will share my pheasant story with you.

About three years ago I taking a walk in the river meadow beside our former property. It hosts a pheasant shoot and normally the birds scatter to the four winds if you approach them. However whilst all the other pheasant scattered in front of me, one pheasant came running up to me and accompanied me on my walk, and all the way home! All the time 'chatting' to me in pheasant speak! I just couldn't believe it, and would have thought I was imagining the experience if my husband hadn't witnessed the pheasant interacting with me when we arrived home. The pheasant stood outside the patio doors looking into the house for about 30 minutes before departing. I look this photo of the bird.

About three days later I encountered my birdie friend again, it spotted me in the meadow and ran towards me and had another 'chat', although it didn't accompany me home this time. There was a pheasant shoot the next day and I never encountered my friend again. I would be upset if it had got shot.:(

any idea what he/she wanted ?
Shows just how shallow culture has become.

When I was a kid, the go-to books were by Dennis Wheatley. You got a good intro to dabbling with the occult there :D

I don't think everything magical should be labeled the occult. Only if your using that practice to do bad things it is wrong.
Because some need to believe the Bible is true, I suppose!

The bible is true. Its misinterpretations that are the problem. You know there is a saying among religious scholars that the bible is the devils best weapon and why is because it is sooooo easy to misinterpret. That is why jesus is so important . He is the living truth about what god is and really does. Its why he was sent.
The bible is true. Its misinterpretations that are the problem. You know there is a saying among religious scholars that the bible is the devils best weapon and why is because it is sooooo easy to misinterpret. That is why jesus is so important . He is the living truth about what god is and really does. Its why he was sent.

You can't prove the Bible is 'true', that is an assumption on your part, NOT a fact. I hope to goodness the deity portrayed in it is a figment of the human imagination, as it highly unpleasant. Satan couldn't be any worse. As for Jesus he wasn't perfect by any means if some of the stuff attributed to the guy had any credence. If he was alive today I suspect he might be surprised by being made the figurehead of one of the world's leading religions.
I hope to goodness the deity portrayed in it is a figment of the human imagination, as it highly unpleasant.
This is an assumption on your part, not an uncommon one, but quite frankly it's breath-takingly vacuous and naïve.
This is an assumption on your part, not an uncommon one, but quite frankly it's breath-takingly vacuous and naïve.

Hardly an assumption, there is nothing good about the Biblical deity, it is evil. Of course I don't believe the Biblical to be any more than the product of the human imagination, however those who believe the book to be literally true, can impose a lot of suffering on those they try to convert!:eek:
You can't prove the Bible is 'true', that is an assumption on your part, NOT a fact. I hope to goodness the deity portrayed in it is a figment of the human imagination, as it highly unpleasant. Satan couldn't be any worse. As for Jesus he wasn't perfect by any means if some of the stuff attributed to the guy had any credence. If he was alive today I suspect he might be surprised by being made the figurehead of one of the world's leading religions.

I'm surprised that you were once a Christian, considering your shallow interpretations. Very understandable that you fell out of faith considering it's foundation.
Hardly an assumption, there is nothing good about the Biblical deity, it is evil. Of course I don't believe the Biblical to be any more than the product of the human imagination, however those who believe the book to be literally true, can impose a lot of suffering on those they try to convert!:eek:

Don't you have that a little backwards. You are the one that insist upon taking the Bible literally. Your negative attitude toward it seems to be based entirely on literal translation. Those on this forum are trying to help you understand the true meaning of the scripture. They are not giving you literal translation.