Harry Potter v The Bible

Don't you have that a little backwards. You are the one that insist upon taking the Bible literally. Your negative attitude toward it seems to be based entirely on literal translation. Those on this forum are trying to help you understand the true meaning of the scripture. They are not giving you literal translation.

I don't take it literally, but many do and they are the ones who can be abusive in their dealings with those they try to covert. I don't deny there are some good things in that book, but I believe the good and the bad is the concept of its human authors with no input from any deity.
As to the conflicting attitudes here, I don't think it is a matter of taking the subject material literally; rather of prejudging what the book says and reading into it what one desires to get out of it.

And that is being done by both camps.
I have no problem with people who are moderate Christians, like my three daughters, they don't believe the Bible to be literally true, or try to force their belief system on others. It is those who use the book as an excuse to impose their religion on others, or to be unpleasant to gays, people in non marital sexual relationships, or women who have children out of wedlock, for instance, who really make me annoyed.
I have no problem with people who are moderate Christians, like my three daughters, they don't believe the Bible to be literally true, or try to force their belief system on others. It is those who use the book as an excuse to impose their religion on others, or to be unpleasant to gays, people in non marital sexual relationships, or women who have children out of wedlock, for instance, who really make me annoyed.

Yes, but by maligning the Bible at every turn are you not trying to force your lack of religion on others?
Yes, but by maligning the Bible at every turn are you not trying to force your lack of religion on others?

No because in real life I never talk about religion, only on forums such as these.

Our children were free to decide for themselves about matters of faith. Their father and I never imposed our views on them, religion was rarely discussed.
I have no problem with people who are moderate Christians, like my three daughters, they don't believe the Bible to be literally true, or try to force their belief system on others. It is those who use the book as an excuse to impose their religion on others, or to be unpleasant to gays, people in non marital sexual relationships, or women who have children out of wedlock, for instance, who really make me annoyed.

Yes I agree. It is the evangelicals who are warping the message, and in their zeal doing more harm to the religion than good.
Yes I agree. It is the evangelicals who are warping the message, and in their zeal doing more harm to the religion than good.

Surely your faith should make you a better person, but all too often, especially where the zealots of all religions are concerned, it often makes them highly unpleasant.
I'm surprised that you were once a Christian, considering your shallow interpretations. Very understandable that you fell out of faith considering it's foundation.

haha... ACOT, you just said exactly what I've been thinking.

I'm finding these days that many disgruntled former Christians were never a true Christian to begin with. They never have gotten the essence of Christianity, imho.

They fell out of faith because their faith was built on sand (fear of hell, Biblical inerrancy, you know, the wrong things) and not on the rock, which Jesus warned against in one of his parables.

however those who believe the book to be literally true, can impose a lot of suffering on those they try to convert!:eek:

I don't think there are many Biblical literalists currently in this forum... So, I don't know why you keep complaining to us non-literalists about Biblical literacy...

Perhaps you should go to fundamentals' forums and try to change their minds? That would be a better use of your time, I think...
I don't think there are many Biblical literalists currently in this forum... So, I don't know why you keep complaining to us non-literalists about Biblical literacy...

Perhaps you should go to fundamentals' forums and try to change their minds? That would be a better use of your time, I think...

oops, sorry, another hastily written post...

The words in my above post should be replaced with

fundamentals' --> fundamentalists'
Biblical literacy --> Biblical literalism
Hardly an assumption, there is nothing good about the Biblical deity, it is evil.

So we have established that the Biblical god is evil.

I have no problem with people who are moderate Christians, like my three daughters

You have no problem with people who are moderately into worshipping an evil god. Check.

No because in real life I never talk about religion, only on forums such as these.

So you only malign the Bible at every turn here? Would that make it better somehow?

I don't take it literally
but all too often, especially where the zealots of all [insert anything] are concerned, it often makes them highly unpleasant.
That might be true, but all you have shown so far are literal interpretation, and no willingness to see another one.

If you think these are all out of context, I would very much like to hear what you actually intended.
ACOT... I just wanted to say...

You're one of the most fair-minded, goodwill nonbelievers I've known. :)

I tried to give you Rep. but the system won't let me... :(

So we have established that the Biblical god is evil.

You have no problem with people who are moderately into worshipping an evil god. Check.

So you only malign the Bible at every turn here? Would that make it better somehow?

That might be true, but all you have shown so far are literal interpretation, and no willingness to see another one.

If you think these are all out of context, I would very much like to hear what you actually intended.

I have a right to state my views about the Bible on forums, just like anyone else. I believe that book has caused a lot of misery over the centuries, it certainly spoilt my childhood.

I read what is stated in the Bible. Of course many put their own spin on that book, which is up to them.
I have a right to state my views about the Bible on forums, just like anyone else. I believe that book has caused a lot of misery over the centuries, it certainly spoilt my childhood.

I read what is stated in the Bible. Of course many put their own spin on that book, which is up to them.

You might have the right to say whatever you want, but should you? What is it you're trying to get across? What your opinion is? Because we got that one. That we don't understand what you understand? Then you have to elaborate a bit I think.

This place have a purpose, interfaith, the sharing of thoughts and ideas. I don't get to decide what you can or cannot say here, but can you and I agree that what you have been spending your time writing here has not been interfaith?
ACOT... I just wanted to say...

You're one of the most fair-minded, goodwill nonbelievers I've known. :)

I tried to give you Rep. but the system won't let me... :(


Thanks, but I don't think I deserve one here. If I'm not all out attacking her, I'm at least very rude to her, and that shouldn't be encouraged.
You might have the right to say whatever you want, but should you? What is it you're trying to get across? What your opinion is? Because we got that one. That we don't understand what you understand? Then you have to elaborate a bit I think.

This place have a purpose, interfaith, the sharing of thoughts and ideas. I don't get to decide what you can or cannot say here, but can you and I agree that what you have been spending your time writing here has not been interfaith?

I have stated my opinion about the Bible.

1. I don't believe it to be anymore than a human creation.

2. I have said there are some good thoughts in the Bible among the less than credible stories.

3. I have no intention of trying to get anyone to see it my way.

I am not sure what you are meaning by interfaith ?

If people feel I should leave this forum, I will do so.
I have stated my opinion about the Bible.

1. I don't believe it to be anymore than a human creation.

2. I have said there are some good thoughts in the Bible among the less than credible stories.

3. I have no intention of trying to get anyone to see it my way.

I am not sure what you are meaning by interfaith ?

If people feel I should leave this forum, I will do so.

I don't know if you should leave or not, but I would question why someone without faith would join a forum primarily for those with faith. Be that as it may; perhaps you'd be happier here: The Antichristian Phenomenon ? Group at Last.fm
Thanks, but I don't think I deserve one here. If I'm not all out attacking her, I'm at least very rude to her, and that shouldn't be encouraged.

I didn't think you comments were rude at all. You simply said what needed to be said. Quite eloquently I might add. I doubt anyone else would have been so kind. Pity the individual it was intended for didn't take it to heart and see the err of their ways.;)