This statement of the bible has always been an issue for me. Mankind is created in God's image? Seriously? Has anyone looked around this world in recent times, or the past hundred thousand years for that matter?
The creature called man is hardly a shining example of godliness. At least not in the sense of the New Testament God. If how humanity behaves on this world and to this world is a reflection of God; well that is not a God I would want to have angry at me!
This thread is not meant as an attack one anyone's religion or beliefs about God, okay? My question is more about the difference between the concept of humankind created in the image of a just, caring God versus how humankind acts on a day to day basis, which too much of the time is the antithesis of said caring God.
And right up front, I will challenge anyone who will suggest the whole 'man was made with the right to choose' how he/she will act. That is not an answer from my perspective; it is a dodge.
This is why I believe it is a dodge. Given that humans have the right to choose to do good or to do evil, if we are in God's image why does such a large percentage of the population choose the latter. (Or if we were to take the good/bad terms out, most people choose what is in their own best interest, which very often is the same thing).
A race made in the image of a caring, just God would do the right thing over their best interests more often than not. Wouldn't they?
If an alien visitor ever visited our planet and looked at how humankind has acted, taken as a whole; and then was told we were created in the image of our God; I do wonder if that alien would not be terrified of a god who acts even remotely as we do.