New Agers/Practitioners


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I'm in the process of writing a research paper on the New Age movement. I'm still toward the beginning of the process, so I'm only somewhat familiar with it. I was hoping to talk to some people who consider themselves "believers" of this worldview to frame my paper around. What I want to know is:
What are some of the key beliefs of modern New Agers? (It is so vast!) Also, how has this way of thinking and living life affected you individually? Have there been positive changes in your life?
All I've seen is criticism, so i would love to see the good side of this movement. Feel free to email me for a more personal convo. :)
Well I'm not a New Ager, but I tend to see its origins in the Romance Movement, or rather, its the same impulse ...

The interest in 'spiritualism' and 'theosophism', the re-invention of pagan practice and religion, the Gaia-phenomena, and the general rejection of the status-quo was all there 100 years before the term New Age was coined.
The new age covers a wide range of beliefs . Personaly I believe in God , the creative source of the cosmos . We have a soul , after death we either go to a level on the astral plane , or reincarnate , based on beliefs and karma . This link covers a little more .
New Age A
Thank you both. All I'm seeming to find is this idea that New Agers are all satanists and the like -- hard to sift through it all. Seems that everyone can tell me what New Agers are like except for the actual people who practice it, which is frustrating.
This is one case where Wikipedia is helpful: there's a large article with plenty of references. Looking at the list of beliefs, I'd say that the Age of Aquarius, indigo children, and the power of positive thinking are unique to New Age, but the other features can obviously appear elsewhere. It is a very difficult thing to define, although I know it when I see it!

One point to remember is not to confuse New Age with Neopaganism. Many Neopagans dismiss Newagers as "fluffy bunnies".
All I'm seeming to find is this idea that New Agers are all satanists and the like

Okay. That was quite the leap for you to make from the information presented here!
All I'm seeming to find is this idea that New Agers are all satanists and the like

Okay. That was quite the leap for you to make from the information presented here!

I think the person is referring to other sources.

...well I hope
Neither LaVey, nor Crowley had anything to do with New Age philosophies. Both were well known Occultists in their time.

Satan is a Western religious character. There is no Satan in New Age philosophies. Zip. Zero. Nada. Just like there is no Satan in Wiccan religious beliefs.
Many of the major US cities have new age/med phy. book stores , I dont know about the rest of the world . You could visit some and ask there .