Have your Spiritual Beliefs changed since joining this forum?

Namaste Jesus

Praise the Lord and Enjoy the Chai
Veteran Member
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Between Celestial Planes
I've had the same basic spiritual beliefs all of my life and little has happened over the years to change that. At times, things are said on this forum that reinforce my spiritual values. At other times comments are made that go completely against what I believe in. Thus far however, nothing has been said here to deter from or to change my beliefs.

I think that's because, though people often have opposing views, seldom is there no common ground and I try to focus on that rather than on areas of disagreement. If I really disagree with something someone has to say, I'll certainly voice my opinion, but rarely have I felt the need to change my spiritual views to suit theirs or to attempt to change their way of thinking to suit mine.
Since I lost the faith of my childhood by the time I was 19, nothing which has been said to me in person, or I have read on forums, has persuaded me to change my mind.
I came here agnostic. Never really satisfied with that though. Many excellent discussions here later, I have changed my belief structure to Deism - Post Modern variant.

Post-Modern Deism - An impersonal God exists, that is basically just a force. God does not possess conscious intelligence or will. Do not believe in an afterlife.

This fits my perspective on what we call reality closer than any theological concept I tried on before.
yes my beliefs change all the time anyway, but certainly my beliefs have been influenced by this forum.
If anything, my faith has been reinforced most notably by the challenges that have been presented ... ;)
yes my beliefs change all the time anyway, but certainly my beliefs have been influenced by this forum.

Now that you mention it, though my spiritual beliefs haven't changed, the way I present those beliefs to the forum has, in a way, been influenced by the forum.

For example, in practice I often refer to various scriptures, Christian, Hindu, etc. but for a variety of reasons rarely do I quote them chapter and verse. On the forum however, I sometimes end up doing just the opposite. I suppose there may be some sort of unconscious influence at play here. ;)
Although I have not interacted on this forum in a long time, I would say that during the time I was actively posting my point of view evolved quite a bit. It is helpful to work through personal issues publicly and experience a variety of input from other perspectives.

It has been said that we will not be able to achieve enlightenment until we work through all of our personal issues. (I strongly agree with this idea.) If you have been making progress on your personal issues, that means that you are making progress towards enlightenment, and that is a very good thing
"It is not for man to direct his steps," nor to codify his beliefs.

To be open to the lead of the Spirit is to be alive. To fortify oneself in a belief system is suicide.
