This opens up other topics. For example, take the word "heathen" (meaning non-Christian, non-Jew, and non-Muslim). Just recently, I was watching a movie where someone cried out, "You heathen scum!". It's as if "heathen" is an insult. (It is.) It's as if the words "heathen" and "scum" are interchangeable. (They are.) Are these new "liberal Christians" ready to fight against the use of such language?
"I can't see any major difference between Liberal Christian Theology and New Age Philosophy."
--> I can. It is the question of Jesus being a deity. This is the major difference. (And it is a big difference indeed.) And if we add the issue of Heathenism, I know some Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain New Age philosophers who are all "heathens".