ISIS: Sunni Muslims, or Heretics?

Many Imams here in the UK spoke out last Friday after prayer to dissuade young men from going to fight for such causes ... this after a video posted on YouTube showed a number of British Muslims doing just that.

According to a report on the BBC, of the last 16 recorded deaths of British citizens killed fighting for freedom against the oppressive Syrian regime, only one was killed in action against the regime. The other 15 were killed in clashes between the various factions fighting over who is the official resistance!

Medecins Sans Frontieres – a fantastic organisation, btw – reports that foreign nationals who rally to such causes in the Middle East are invariably despised by the civil population, and tend to be treated with contempt by those they've gone to serve, usually as canon fodder ...
i want to know where they got their weapons from ?

ISIS are the same people the Americans British and French were calling the 'Syrian Emergency Task Force' 2 years ago.

The same people that they were helping to bring down Assad.

The same people they armed and funded to destroy Damascus Alleppo and everything in between.

Back then the US etc called them 'moderate rebels'

Assad and Gaddaffi called them terrorists and jihadists

Morsi called them to jihad from Cairo Stadium and Egypt threw out Morsi or Egypt would be like Syria now.

Assad Gaddafi and Egyptians were right

The West created funded and armed ISIS
I assumed when I first read your comment that you were being sarcastic and pointing out that America armed these thugs in the first place. Well, although they do carry plenty of American arms and have procured a few hum-vees and a couple of helicopters... they got all that stuff when the Iraqi military dropped their weapons, took off their uniforms, and ran. Initially, the weapons ISIS took into battle were supplied by Turkey and Iran if I'm not mistaken.


They were armed by the West long before they hit Mosul
Stories are that Turkey, Saudi and US have been arming, training and funding ISIS since 2007....


When I have posted 10 posts I will provide the evidence and photos and video
The West supported and armed 'The Syrian Emergency Taskforce'. These were what the West and it's media called the 'moderate rebels'. These were the ones that were meeting up with the Western leaders in the EU to get support and funding to overthrow Assad for the West. many of them were the same 'rebels' the US, France and Qatar supported with airstrikes and arms to overthrow Gaddaffi in Libya and were the Jihadists who took control of Benghazi with US and Qatari and French help. Later they spread out towards Triploi and Misurata and south down to the Tuareg. In Libya they are now the weak puppet US installed government. Gaddaffi and Assad and Egyptians warned of them and were calling them insane jihadists.

Egypt became affected by them when they infiltrated it's Western border towards Matrouh bringing all of Gaddaffi's arms including RPG's etc and headed towards the Sinai where they are now based and where the Egyptians government is struggling to kill them. During this time the USA supported the other radical element the Muslim Brotherhood against the people and the army. The army and people however overthrew the MB and jailed Morsi. The West spent a lot of man hours trying to get Morsi freed but the Egyptians refused and he is still in jail. The final straw came when Morsi had the rally at the Cairo Stadium where the MB called for 'All Egyptians to go to Syria to fight in the jihad against Assad'. Days later the Egyptian army showed him the door of the prison cell.

Many Libyan jihadists also sailed with arms to Syria to join the jihad and help the West overthrow Assad.

This combination has led to ISIS. Actually they are called QSIS now because the Highest Authority for Muslims has declared them non Muslims and they are now to be called 'Al Qaeda Separatists in Syria and Iraq'. Muslims have not to use the word 'Islamic' when they are talking of them because they have been declared unIslamic.

When Qatar the 'nest of the MB' and Turkey joined up to join the jihad with the West to oust Assad they had meeting with all the QSIS commanders. One of the top commanders was called Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. He is now the self declared calipha of QSIS in Iraq. The West wants to fragment Iraq into 3 states and they support the Kurds where they control the oil rich region Mosul and Erbil where the American oil contractors are stationed. Where QSIS are stationed.

Obama sent John Mc Cain many times to Syria and Turkey and Iraq to have meeting with QSIS commanders.

Here is John Mc Cain in one secret meeting with Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi the new Calipha of QSIS and Mustafa Mouaz the head of the Western supported Syrian Emergency Task Force.

aka ISIS

The one in black is Baghdadi the one in white with scarf is Mustaf Mouaz BOTH are ISIS QSIS with their enabler the US Government rep Mc Cain.

The West created the Frankensteins like Baghdadi and Bin Laden and now they cannot control them and we are all suffering now because of it.

I posted the proof with photos and they are not showing and have to be approved:confused:

Why are the photos with John Mc Cain and ISIS leader in secret meeting in Syria not being shown?
I posted the proof with photos and they are not showing and have to be approved:confused:

Why are the photos with John Mc Cain and ISIS leader in secret meeting in Syria not being shown?

Because you didn't have enough posts to insert links - which includes images. :)
There is no doubting that the American belief that enemies of our enemies are our friends has led to a large number of very botched international incidents. And have helped to create groups that are now against us. If George W. Braindead had paid even the least attention to history, he would have known that invading Iraq would have nothing but long term disastrous consequences.
Re: ISIS: Sunni Muslims, or Heretics?

Answer: None of the above.

They are the product of the West.
Hi, New here, but saw the topic and not many Muslims chiming in so I felt the need to. ISIS is not a Muslim movement. If they are trying, they are attempting to be successful like Christianic Satanists (Satanists who accept Christianity is a path but choose to follow the opposite in hopes of being the right hand of the devil.)

Proof is as simple as Quran 5:32:

Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.

Also, religion cannot be made compulsory as they are trying to establish with the convert or die policy Quran 2:256:

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

I can't seem to find it now, but In Sunnah (what makes Shia and Sunni different is accepting the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) ) it states that when Mouhammed (PBUH) came upon a Jewish settlement during the Meccan War, the soldiers asked if they should go and destroy it. Mouhammed's answer was "No", leave those in prayer as they are not opressing you. (this is obviously my words describing what I have read, and not direct)

They have killed Sunni Muslims by the thousands, Christians who were peaceful and minority and certainly not oppressive by the hundreds, and Shia Muslims by the (at least) hundreds. This fact alone disqualifies them from Sunni Muslim classification, Muslim classification, and any other classification than Evil.

To further this view, their clerics have stated that once their fight in Syria and Iraq are done, their next target is the Kabaa.

Am I saying that all those in ISIS are horrible, no. But I am saying that the ones who are not are being misled. I've read and heard many accounts of people signing up to go there to fight Assad for his crimes that the International Community seems to have let slip by. If it weren't for the attacking innocent people, I could stand behind that cause. But, the fact is they have and continue to place a black mark on Islam by doing that which is forbidden in the name of Allah.

Furthermore, there has been a lot of political discussion on who they started out and where they got their weapons. They started as a group loosly tied to Al-Nusra, Al-Queda, and other terrorist organizations as a third perspective in the battle between Assad Loyalists and the oppressed citizenry (Kurds were staying out of it at that point but they refused to fight alongside the group now known as ISIS which has led to the conflict in unnofficial Kurdistan). They got their weapons (Humvees, tanks, and some of their light arms) from what was left after the last Iraq war by the US. Others they have purchased over the years through the ties to the Terrorist organizations that founded it. At 1 time the US was considering backing the group as it seemed to be tied to the oppressed citizens under Assad. Although some conspiracy theorists seem to think we were involved, but as far as public knowlege (ie. Al-Jazeera, BBC, various US based news companies) it never panned out.

Then there are the other conspiracy theorists that say the Israeli government is funding them, with reference to the fact that ISIS seems to have not made any attempt to help Palestine or mentioned targetting Jerusalem to retake it for the Muslims (a common goal for most Jihadi wannabe Muslims).

Long post, lot to say. Salaam Allahikum everyone.
Honestly they are Moslems, for I am Moslem too so I know, but they just out of this world or gone ashtray Mohammad was crying for them, they are the Moslems that was told to him that they will be burn in Hell
ISIS is made up of all good Moslem's. The difference is that the God of Islam is not the God of Abraham. The two messages one from Our Lord Jesus Christ the other from Mohammed are exact opposites. That means that each represents a different being calling themselves God. Jesus warned us that all others who come to start a new religion are wolves in sheep's' clothing. In Christianity only the devil would give a message the opposite of God.
ISIS is made up of all good Moslem's. The difference is that the God of Islam is not the God of Abraham. The two messages one from Our Lord Jesus Christ the other from Mohammed are exact opposites. That means that each represents a different being calling themselves God. Jesus warned us that all others who come to start a new religion are wolves in sheep's' clothing. In Christianity only the devil would give a message the opposite of God.
Care to back that up with any Evidence? The only thing in this post that is true is the last 2 sentences. Thing is Islam was not nor is a new religion. There isn't much if anything that contradicts the Tanach (OT) or the NT. It combines the 2. The Law and rules and order of the OT, combined with the forgiveness and charity of the NT. There are a couple of people who seem to have come on the last day or 2 (presuming because of the events in Paris) who seem to want to spout off about how horrible Muslims are, and how our religion is opposite or evil compared to the Bible. If the Moderators would grant me permission to do so, I welcome any debate from you or others who feel Islam is evil. Or that the teachings of the Quran are different from the ethics of the Bible. I will not debate on Islam vs Christianity being correct, as it tends to get others upset and 1 side or the other will try derailing the conversation on semantics. If this comes to be, It can be a 1 on 1 (or 2 on 2) debate. and have moderators delete others posts. or move them to another thread. This isn't the point of interfaith, so I leave it entirely up to Mods.
Interview, Hannity and Immam Choudry from Great Britain, You are trying to Justify.

Interview is in response to the Immam stating that the 14 people massacred at Charlie Hadbo got what should have been expected if you offend Islamic sensibilities.

All people on earth can live in peace if they obey Sharia law was a statement conveyed by the Immam.

If I were a Moslem I would probably feel the same. I congratulate Moslem people for being so passionately faithful to what they believe, even though at the same time I find everything that is generated from what they believe to be the greatest danger to the freedom of choice and religion of all the rest of mankind.
That's new, commending fundamentalists for being fundamentalists, do you recognise the same in yourself?
Isis are heretics guys; they are muslim but very bad examples! :(