Explain to me this verse

I totally understand Thomas, my native language is arabic but i can speak french / english / spanish / and i'm learning hebrew so don't worry you are not confounding me , i hope that you understood me in the previous posts, my style is simple and critical
Oops! Well that put me in my place! :eek: Sorry, Paradoxe.
Thanks for that!

A theologian wrote 'all theology is anthropology', but yours says it so much better!

I can't take the credit, it is Alexander Pope, Essay on Man and I remembered it incorrectly

Know, then, thyself, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of mankind is man.
Oops! Well that put me in my place! :eek: Sorry, Paradoxe.

it's was an honor to debate with such a brilliant man, i have some exams this week so i will be off , we will continue our discussion later ! greetings to you
Didn't want to break the custom of the board ;)

That is not the custom...

If you are speaking from your heart or understanding, your opinion on a thought, no citation is required.

But heck it is quite handy if one makes a statement of fact and references something like new dates, it behooves discussion and your point to provide the back up for said discussion.
Hello, Can you explain for me this verse : i'm quoting John 14:28 " I am going to the father; for he is greater than I "

the meaning is similiar to"there are none good but the Father",
Said it JEsus when someone called him good.
Jesus always put God above him..
That is not the custom...

If you are speaking from your heart or understanding, your opinion on a thought, no citation is required.

But heck it is quite handy if one makes a statement of fact and references something like new dates, it behooves discussion and your point to provide the back up for said discussion.

The custom reference was a joke.

Will indeed supply links or references but will take me a time to find them
i have some exams this week so i will be off , we will continue our discussion later ! greetings to you
And to you ...

I will be at Glastonbury this week, rockin' my wellies off, so away also, back next week.

Good luck with the exams.
*Jesus said He does the will of He who sent Him
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the same but separate. The Holy Spirit is in us. Jesus is the son or a human manifestation of God because he is identical to Him in nature however He is still God’s son therefore He is not God but another version of Him. He has His own individual personality yet He and God are one. He was sent here as a representation of the fathers love for us... to die for our sins… and thus redeem us so that we too may become one with the father through Him (the Holy Spirit).
The three are one*
*Jesus said He does the will of He who sent Him
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the same but separate. The Holy Spirit is in us. Jesus is the son or a human manifestation of God because he is identical to Him in nature however He is still God’s son therefore He is not God but another version of Him. He has His own individual personality yet He and God are one. He was sent here as a representation of the fathers love for us... to die for our sins… and thus redeem us so that we too may become one with the father through Him (the Holy Spirit).
The three are one*

perfectly said.
Hello, Can you explain for me this verse : i'm quoting John 14:28 " I am going to the father; for he is greater than I "

It depends on how you want the answer about these words of Jesus, if according to Jesus as a Jew whose Faith was Judaism or according to the gospel of Paul. Since I am a Jew I'll answer according to his Faith. Jesus was referring to his death according to the embellishment that his breath of life would go back to God Who gave it. (Eccles. 12:7) This is a reference to the origin of man when the Lord formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul. So, at death, the body would go back to the dust and the breath of life aka spirit would return to God Who gave it. (Gen. 2:7) That's all, no mystery involved.