good vs. evil

Wil said "What really baffles me now is you guyses desire to deny the change is afoot."

Wil, my desire would be overjoyed to believe that change is afoot for the better. I truly wish I could. My desire has nothing to do with facts, unfortunately. You asked for examples of how you were wrong. Both Thomas & I gave you a raft full. And I could go on for another half a page we haven't even covered yet.

But I won't. The issue at hand here is it baffles us how you can be so optimistic when there is so much evidence contrary to what you desire to believe. I'm not saying that your facts are not true. I AM saying that your choice of facts to make your point do not add up to a kinder, gentler world, when compared to all the facts to the contrary.
yes a kid recently burned a cat and it was appalling by most people..

hundred years ago it would have gathered a crowd....come we are going to burn cats.

Today that has changed...

Abandonned pets? yes...your headlines 'Recession's silent victims': More than 100 pets are being abandoned every day in Britain as families can no longer afford to feed them

Read more: RSPCA: Over 100 pets are being abandoned every day in Britain as families can no longer afford to feed them | Mail Online

The recession has caused an increase since 2010 and pit bulls the current bane of society people are getting rid of them....

See what you will Thomas.... the sky is falling.... keep the fear alive..

The world is going to hell in a handbasket....

I see us working towards peace incrementally.... and the only thing that can stop the revolution is naysayers... those pessimists that call themselves realists...but ain't even close.
If "good" is at one end of a continuum and "evil" is at the other, where would one plot "wickedness" in that array?


You can think of evil at one end of a continuum but as long as you take it as the absence of the other. You know, like darkness that is the absence of light. Realistically, it does not exist. Evil does not exist therefore. It needs to be made to exist. And it exists only as it is on the make to exist. According to the Tanach, in Ecclesiastes seven:twenty nine, God has made man upright aka good and he went out into many moral distortions. It means that God created man good and he became evil by ill-using his free will.