Alien Religions


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a figment of your imagination
Yes, from another thread....

Alien Religions....

What do you think Aliens believe?

Would they have created gods or a god?

Would they have that need that humans have? Wired for Religion like us?

Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God? | Think Tank | Big Think

Is religion/mythology naturally created when we ask 'why' and don't have the answer?

Will a sufficiently scientifically advanced society have eliminated religion?

If G!d spoke to them as "he did" to us....would they create dozens of religions with thousands of denominations/sects?

Are these questions as unanswerable as whether or not heaven, hell, afterlife or G!d exists to us?
Good questions, Wil. I don't think we can know the answers. Their brains might be very different from ours. If they are wired for religion, they'd probably create religions. If they are anything like us, science will probably not eliminate religions completely.

Those who believe in an external God (outside our own minds) are perhaps more confident that He would find a way to communicate with them if He felt they needed Him.
Bullseye....both of you.

Usually the strange way my mind works confuses people.

It seems this time you both understood quite clearly.
What do you think Aliens believe?
Depends on the alien, I suppose...
Whether or not the alien has the faculty and the capacity to contemplate 'I' as distinct from the environment ...

Or indeed whether and how the concept of 'I' is conceived in the alien consciousness, if at all ...

I'm assuming an 'I' is required before a 'Thou'. But for the sake of argument, and assuming said alien is surprisingly like us...


Would they have created gods or a god?
Or would they, like us, have the capax dei, the intuition of the Divine?

Would they have that need that humans have? Wired for Religion like us?
Well if there is a God, then I would hope they were at least capable of considering such. And if there is a God, then I would hope their nature, having arisen in God, would find its rest and end in God.

Is religion/mythology naturally created when we ask 'why' and don't have the answer?
I think religion/mythology is an answer to the question. Not so much 'created' as 'mined' ...

Will a sufficiently scientifically advanced society have eliminated religion?
Not if God has anything to do with it :D
But I don't think so. Man is infinite in his capacity to seek the understanding of things.

Science is about surface and dimension; religion is about depth and meaning.

If G!d spoke to them as "he did" to us....would they create dozens of religions with thousands of denominations/sects?
Back to the 'I' again ...

Are these questions as unanswerable as whether or not heaven, hell, afterlife or G!d exists to us?
Well we all have our answers, even if we say there is no answer.
Wil said "Are these questions as unanswerable as whether or not heaven, hell, afterlife or G!d exists to us?"

This last question is much easier than the rest to answer. If we ever meet up with intelligent life from another planet, they will most likely exist in the four limited dimensions that we do. We can ask them all your other questions. I for one would find their answers fascinating, no matter what form those answers take!

There is no asking God(s) anything because we never will have a direct conduit to talk with them. There is no red phone in the Vatican with a direct line to God like there is in the White House and the Kremlin with direct lines to each other!

The difficult part is the original 'if' in my reply. There is little doubt in my way of thinking that there are other advanced civilizations out there amongst the stars. I am equally convinced none of them have ever come here as of yet.

This is the crux of the problem. Another space faring civilization would have had to have developed this level of technology within the past 100 years. Anything before that and we didn't have the technology yet to talk to them.

This hypothetical race would also have to have developed darn close to us in distance as well as time to allow interaction to take place. I figure roughly within a ten light year radius of our solar system*. Otherwise the limits of speed would make us too far apart to ever meet. Though communication 'might' be possible

Space is SO vast and time is SO fleeting, it would be random chance that two space faring civilizations arose at the same time that could make a meeting possible. If I were a betting man (which I am not) I wouldn't put much money on that coincidence taking place.

*This is assuming that Einstein is correct in that the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit of the universe. If you want to allow warp drive or some such, that is science fiction, and, to my way of thinking, can not be seriously considered as a viable possibility in thinking about how different civilizations might meet.
Why not let Monsignor Corrado Balducci do some talking on the subject? [short YouTube video follows:]

I like his emphasis, and I like his explanation of ETs in terms of theology ... insofar as it goes. He's been trying to get folks - especially Catholics - to think rationally about this, for decades.

Father Balducci was one of the Vatican's chief Demonologists ... and while Thomas could comment on this far more and with more knowledge than can I, sure - the Catholics take Demonology and exorcisms very seriously. If and when ET lands and begins to teach us about their spiritual relationships with [their Planetary and Solar Logoi, or `God'] ... NO, I wouldn't expect someone like Father Corrado to step in and start spraying them Holy water. Nope. I would hope, of course, that such open-minded folks would be part of the greeting group. Father Corrado passed in 2008, but maybe the priest in this other video would take his place?

I'll link another video - since there's a Vatican commentator, Father Jonathan Morris - weighing in a little bit. He mentions a Vatican conference on the subject of extraterrestrial life, religion, etc.

Some very good material mentioned - including a forte on the emphasis of the wedding of SCIENCE and RELIGION as we press forward.

"Maybe our understanding of perennial truths needs to be updated."

Damn-good representative, this Father Morris. He knows what he's saying! :)

And oh yeah, for the record, advanced - intelligent - species travel here, both by UFO and within subtle, spiritual bodies, by the MANY ... such that decades ago, over 60 different species were already well-documented and identified. I assure you that this is so. Your own experience may vary, but don't - just please don't - try to negate what other folks already know. It's like saying there are no airplanes, since you've never seen or been in one. Most of us have, even if we `don't like to fly,' or are afraid of it. Sure, I have never been to Timbuktu, and may not even have seen definite pictures. But I would be an idiot to deny it. Healthy skepticism is one thing, and respect-worthy. For those who already know about ET, however, there's no point in back-tracking. So yes, there IS interaction, and YES, there is plenty of covert-ops, black budget type crap. It's why about $2 TRILLION U.S. dollars of taxpayer money DISAPPEARS, totally unaccounted for, EACH YEAR - for decades. Look up Donald Rumsfeld and 2.3 trillion on YouTube if you still have doubts. Make your own damn connections. He is ON RECORD stating this on Sept. 10, 2001. The next DAY, the accounting offices of the U.S. Pentagon, plus the Trade Towers, were destroyed - preventing the further verification & investigation of what Rummy himself had already admitted. And people think I'm suggesting a conspiracy? DAMN STRAIGHT!!!

Let's not get sidetracked though. For those of us who know, and I do mean KNOW - beyond shadow of a hint of a FART of a doubt - that ET is here, among us, interacting intelligently, peacefully, and in Friendship, hoping to help us prevent larger-scale catastrophes than are already unavoidable - yes, we want YOU to know about it too. We want you to quit freaking out, those who can't `get a grip,' and we want the exploration of such questions as this thread poses ... not glamour, glitz, hoopla and hype. But if you want to argue with a brick wall, there are lots of places for that, and those brick walls will eventually yield, I assure you, once the ETs have been permitted to make more open gestures, and dematerialize, walk through the walls, and poke you on the shoulder and say BOO! How the hell can they violate the Prime Directive [no, I'm Sirius] ... or your own `Free Will' and karma ... and surprise you and force you to face them before you time, when you yourself are so adamant about keeping the FBI, CIA, NRO, NSA, KGB, and fivescore other three-letter organizations' dirty little secrets FOR them?

So no, I just point out that skepticism is one thing, irrational denial is another. For everyone in `No Man's Land,' please watch SAFE SPACE ... or OUT OF THE BLUE, or another GOOD UFO documentary. There is discussion of interdimensionality at about 1hr 17mins in, in the Safe Space video.

Link to `Safe Space' -
Taijasi, You are pulling our legs, right? UFOs have been around as a popular subject since the 1950s. Going on 60+ years now and the simple reality is that for all the hype, there is not a single piece of physical evidence to support a claim that visitors from another planet have been here.

Not one piece of alien technology, or even busted alien technology, no biological evidence of any kind that is not of earthly origin, or of a material that is made of compounds that could not have been made here, not even one tiny sliver of metal that can be proved to have been made with a technology we aren't yet capable of yet.

ALL the evidence is verbal. Or visual of a camera picture or film so badly shot that there is no way to accurately identify the object on the picture.

Skepticism is one thing, irrational desire is another!
GK, the material evidence is abundant. Your difficulty is, you believe the hype you've been taught. This automatically steers you toward thinking that such `material evidence' now, suddenly because we're talking about aliens and UFO such things, is somehow different and must be far, far more conclusive than say - evidence for the existence of England - in order to be believed.

GK, there are now so many tens, perhaps hundreds of THOUSANDS of photos of UFOs, and also some of EBEns, that what you've asked for is right before your eyes. Yes, there are soils samples, microwave or superheated vegetation samples, physical evidence left by radiation, debris from perhaps DOZENS of ET craft ... but in your mind, it somehow does not work that all of this exists. Why? Because YOU have yet to have seen it.

I can't do for you, what you won't do for yourself. If you want the proof, YOU must go to the trouble. Otherwise, you believe exactly what you have been taught. You are convinced by what you have been carefully trained, for centuries, for decades, and certainly - along with the rest of us - since 1947, both prior and since ... to believe the tagline. Sorry you don't want to break the box, but if, and when you do, the rest of the picture will begin to unfold. Not beforehand. Don't get ticked off at me for understanding.

But yes, I do have a grasp on the subject, and I know why the debris and most of the EVIDENCE which you would like to see, has been concealed. I know why this information - explosive in one sense - is withheld, and why the US covert ops groups are essentially still stonewalling us. But be careful. I will not touch, nor pretend to care to try to take down your own portion of - that Wall. It's yours, my friend, and YOU are the invested party. I did not say `bomb the bank.' I just said, withdraw your holdings. For as long as you hold STAKE - in this issue - as long as you have your opinion too strongly INVESTED, I assure you, you CANNOT see returns on my $$ and investment, which not only says, `UFOs are real, piloted by intelligent EBEns, and are here, every day' ... but draws money, by the second. You see, I did the necessary investigation.

Now the fact is, your entire second paragraph, from the words "Not one piece" all the way to "one tiny sliver" is actually entirely, totally, completely, utterly and thoroughly wrong. It is the result of a state of unknowing, and/or you do know, and simply insist on attempting to outwit me. GK, you cannot do the latter. Not on this question, not on this matter. I recommend research, preparation, and if you prefer, whatever amount or type of prayer, and/or meditation ... as will assist. You maybe are simply the rational, intellectual type, and all you must do is approach the evidence, begin to realize what a silly, daft fool you've been - and voila! It will begin to become clear to you why you, and thousands, even millions just like you - and how you have been led to your current mindframe and state of disbelief. Mark my words: IF you pursue this, and do so earnestly, you WILL pass a point of no return, probably in this lifetime, and possibly in a VERY short amount of time, which varies directly with your true and heartfelt, sincere and tenacious `Desire to know,' which really associates us with the `Will-to-know.' I recommend checking it with your heart first, however. You can't UN-Know some things. :s

So, yeah, you're right. Skepticism, and I mean healthy skepticism - is there for your protection. I DO NOT advocate pushing the limits if you are not ready. Please do not do this because you think I am challenging, daring or egging you on to do so. I am as Sirius as the Star that oversees the Evolution on our own S*N, and plenty of other such systems. I mean, some things, you can't just *not believe* - once you know.

I can, and will gladly, put you on the trail of but one of MANY likely-legitimate video shots of an ET, one of the `grays.' The 21 seconds of video was uploaded originally by IVAN something or other, to YouTube. It is, imho, a legitimate, inside-source `leak,' meaning that we are getting very, very close to a much, MUCH more open interaction, possibly Disclosure type event, or series of events, that we are and have been visited for many decades now.

[YouTube search: `zeta reticuli footage']

The video had NO SOUND when it was uploaded, and please keep that in mind. I will not link it. YOU must choose to look it up, and to research it [verifying what I have said], and YOU must then decide, FOR yourself. The strength of your conviction may vary, but with an open mind, you CANNOT fail to consider that this is the real deal. My best guess is, damn straight - 100% authentic, no CG, no tricky digital manipulation or creative handiwork. It is either `Skinny Bob,' or maybe `J-Rod,' but it is conceivably one of dozens of other ebens, some of which, or whom have been captured, after been shot down or grounded ... a few recovered from other sorts of crashes.

Yes, there has been cooperation with some of the grays, and yes, there have been anti-gravitic craft built, currently being used by shadow ops spooky types. I'm truly sorry if this upsets you. You will understandably react, as some do, with some denial at first ... and many things may be shocking. Try to see the bigger picture. Try to understand that it ain't the end of the world, and that in fact, it's our own dumb Humanity that just may pull that one off, if anyone does. The ETs aren't here to eat us, or cook us, or take over, or any of that crap. Not most of them. They are, overwhelmingly, either here to HELP, or to OBSERVE, and a few to mostly-observe, but at least lend a sort of, behind-the-scenes, general type of assistance. You know, stranded motorist sorta deal. But yeah, there are cases of true, definite and intimate assistance being provided, and this does perhaps involve entire groups, cases of sharing of extended information about other planets, usually with scientific folks, spiritually enlightened and attuned people and groups - DOH! - or otherwise those who have a good capacity to clearly intuit, interpret and record what is shared, often telepathically. And then, there are those groups of visitors who look just like us, are indistinguishable, and you can't tell from your cousin.

I am more Sirius than I already stated. I recommend a good headshrink if you need help. Take your medications, no funky drugs. Stay off the booze. Talk it over with your girlfriend or boyfriend, priest, psychic, or school counselor. I am assuming you are 18 or over, and I know that folks maybe sometimes drift through under that age. I apologize if what I'm saying is genuinely shocking, or upsetting. After all, I'm not the one here who thinks you're crazy, I'm just the one who knows I'm not, doesn't care if you think that I am, but also knows exactly what I'm talking about. And it's all true.

So the irrational desire to be alone in the Cosmos. Bye-bye. And the irrational desire to be the only planet with intelligent, sentient life, even in THIS solar system ... bye-bye.

Guess who's coming for dinner?
Yeah, and they aren't `serving man' that way, you stupid sickos. :p

Truly though, I am trying to be good-natured about it, yeah?
Cuz if you're the type to say, "Get yourself some help," I'll cut ya off right there, put the mirror up to you and make sure you see yourself. Don't tell people what they already know isn't true, because YOU have not had the experience. Either relate, question it, or ask HOW it can true, how THAT way. Please don't deny. We don't need any more of that in our world. Not right now. Not about this, and not about spiritual types of experiences. Or even less savory things. Rape, molestation. Don't call folks who believe they have been, or HAVE been `abducted,' in ANY of the possible ways, liars.


And while I understand that fools will snicker, and some just like to have a little fun, I expect intelligence and legitimate interest if what I bring to the table is the same. There are miles and miles of walls in our world that folks who have nothing better to do can go talk to. What results when people enter denial mode, is nothing gets accomplished. There is no headway.

But ask me for LEADS, links or HELP? Ah, Brother, and you thought up to THIS point I was `full of it.' just ASK ... and watch the deluge.

Get your paper cup out, Brother. It's RAIN TIME. Led Zep, actually, but for each cat and dog, you are being distracted from FIFTY flying saucers. Really! Sometimes, I DO wonder ... about folks.
Hi GK –
Space is SO vast and time is SO fleeting, it would be random chance that two space faring civilizations arose at the same time that could make a meeting possible. If I were a betting man (which I am not) I wouldn't put much money on that coincidence taking place.
The more I read New Scientist, the more I am of that opinion.

There seem to be so many 'flukey' events that pushed our species forward that if I didn't know better, I wouldn't even bet on us, let alone others! :D
I know what you mean. This very planet of ours got along for most of its 4 1/2 billion years without a self aware form of life. I think about that a lot. We humans have been able to recognize a signal from an alien source for about 100 years. For the rest of the 4 1/2 billion - nope.

Do I believe there is life in the universe. Absolutely! I believe life is likely to be found just about everywhere. But mostly microbiological and simple celled organisms. For most of the time on our planet this was the only life to be found!

Do I believe that some of these places have advanced to animal forms like on our world. Much less so, but yes I do believe they are out there. And of those do I believe that there are beings that have become self aware. Yes I do. Though I think the number of these races is vanishing small.

What an awesome coincidence it would have to be that another space faring civilization would just happen to get into their prime just when we do. And in all the billion stars in our galaxy and in all the billions of other galaxies, we were lucky enough to have this other civilization also spring up anywhere near us? Abysmally small.

Do I believe that any of this otherworldly life has ever come to our planet. No. Absolutely not. It has never happened. For all the reasons I have already stated as well as a bucket full more I haven't even gotten to yet.
Taijasi, I do not know if your comments are supposed to be as condescending as they come across on the computer screen. Maybe that is not your intent, but it sure comes across that way. I have no need, nor even any desire to outwit you. You are doing such a good job all by yourself, anything I say would be superfluous.

I won't waste much time on most of your drivel, but this particular paragraph:

I am more Sirius than I already stated. I recommend a good headshrink if you need help. Take your medications, no funky drugs. Stay off the booze. Talk it over with your girlfriend or boyfriend, priest, psychic, or school counselor. I am assuming you are 18 or over, and I know that folks maybe sometimes drift through under that age. I apologize if what I'm saying is genuinely shocking, or upsetting. After all, I'm not the one here who thinks you're crazy, I'm just the one who knows I'm not, doesn't care if you think that I am, but also knows exactly what I'm talking about. And it's all true.

It is not shocking or upsetting. Merely insulting. As is the suggestion that because I don't come to your conclusions, I must not have studied the subject much. Or that I am just too blind to see what is so obvious to you. Never entered your head that maybe, just possibly, I look at the same evidence as you and come to an entirely different conclusion. Yeah, didn't think so.

Two final thoughts for your edification.
Popularity of an opinion has zero relevance to the truth of that opinion.
Why do you keep using the name of the star Sirius when the word you mean is serious.
I am not much of an astrologer, or student of that science (in its proper sense, studying the Soul, not the crap in the newspaper tabloids) ... but here are few tabulations which maybe helpful to the intuitive and insightful:

The Planets

Planets, Rays and Esoteric Teaching - includes where other evolutions are in terms of progress, in our own solar system

The Planet - Jupiter

From the bottom of the page on Jupiter you can click forward to all of the other observable planets, as well as the invisible planet Vulcan, which is closest to our own Sun, inside the orbit of Mercury.

I think you might want to hold your breath - and save your effort - before you laugh at me and make a fool of yourself though. Planets, called `rogue planets,' are now observable - confirmed as existing in space - which do not apparently orbit any known star or object.

Later this may be determined as inaccurate, but the point is, some of these may exist in the physical world as dense, visible objects, but others (and we will learn, even planets orbiting stars in the normal sense) are being found that exist only in the ultra-violet spectrum of light.

We already use this method sometimes to detect UFOs - by definition, whatever they will turn out to be - in Earth's own atmosphere. When 90 to 95% of the KNOWN matter and energy of the Cosmos is Dark Matter or Dark Energy, the skeptic can continue to argue that s/he simply hasn't ever been part of a UFO/alien experience ... and therefore cannot PROVE to him or herself that they exist.

But other folks, by the millions perhaps, certainly a large number of people, already know otherwise. This isn't really what the thread is about. I did want to link the first few pages of information, however, as it provides a few statements about evolutions occurring on other planets of *our own* solar system. For the moment, nevermind the far, faraway worlds.

And the question remains - WHAT is and are the connection for these other civilizations when it comes to God, religion, spiritual worlds, mythology, access to other states of awareness, etc.

Either accept that this goes on, HERE AND NOW, for some folks - and that therefore their answers may be a lot better informed than yours, or at least, based on experience and experiences which you don't have ...

... or use your imagination, and speculate. Otherwise, you've just taken the easy way out, and we're not addressing the OP.


What do you think Aliens believe?

Simple and perhaps predictable answer, but - I believe they are essentially esotericists, but definitely of the more `Theosophical' sort. That means that I think they know intimately about the Spiritual Government of their own worlds, and seek to cooperate with that aspect of OUR worldl. This is part of why they cannot, and will not reveal themselves in a more overt or widescale manner - except and until as part of a cooperative effort with the Custodians of our own planet's PLAN for evolution.

This is why in the many, MANY cases where we do see largescale operations, as in the Belgium flap, the 1952 Washington, D.C. buzz - where they flew over, and were PHOTOGRAPHED over the Capitol Bldg ... the case of the Phoenix Lights, and in Mexico, as elsewhere when up to TENS OF THOUSANDS of people have witnessed UFOs at the same time (really, people? you don't know about all this? hold on, and you claim to live WHERE? you said you were conscious, intelligent, and capable of investigating for yourself, right?)...

... You see, we do see largescale efforts to reveal to people what any CHILD of two can verify. But, we cannot violate an essential basic of human nature, and of our RIGHT to evolve along the correct proper path. This does NOT mean that we deserve the right to destroy our civilization, many times over. After all, for all we know, it might have already happened - at least once - before. Ever seen Groundhog Day?

Maybe they are kind of WAITING for us to get things ... `RIGHT.' Except that perhaps they don't wait sitting on their hands, with their thumbs in their ears, or with both hands closed securely over their eyes. Maybe there's been help for millions of years, and although most of what's necessary can be, and is handled, by our own, `Local Office' - again, Theosophy teaches that a Hierarchy of spiritual beings literally GUIDES, and guarantees, our overall evlution - *maybe* the phase has come about wherein extra-planetary and even extra-solar aid IS possible, helpful, and/or even NECESSARY.

DOH! Well, *someone* has to help us to understand. I am one of millions.

I am weary of the backlash. You want to know why I sometimes come across as condescending, even though I don't intend it? Because of that. I have seen things you just - don't - understand. And I refuse to be patronized, if you refuse to emphasize. Forget the sympathy, just join the Symphony! Pythagoras taught it, and where were you that day? Ears stuffed with cotton? He didn't say DON'T LISTEN, he said, DON'T TALK! Maybe I blacked out for that part ...

Would they have created gods or a god?

Just as we do. Probably almost the same. But no, I doubt they are confused about the nature of Sacrifice the way we are, and in such great denial about things like reincarnation, as some folks are. Or that they can't handle death, life beyond the physical body, or the notion of progressive evolution, within the Spiritual worlds and worlds of the Soul - of Consciousness ... the way materialists upon Earth are, and the way some folks are, all the more fueled by their dependence upon technology, desire to practice a zillion forms of escapism, or their tendency to become fat and lazy while essentially doing whatever the corporate world, and sometimes even the world of Big-Religion, Big-Bucks, wants them to.

No, I think ETs that can travel here, even those focused on technological advance, are not nearly so stupid, blind, deluded or confused about who and what they are, or of course - who and what we are. But I think they wonder, how did this happen to us? I think they ask, How did things get SO screwed up on our little planet? How did people become SO confused about the obvious connections and interconnections, intricate relationships between us all?

They might even ask, when ol' Taijasi here has to become one of the folks who actually understands the picture [a bit better, a bit] than all these saps who are bought-and-sold on the [insert your country's name as an adjective] Dream ... what kind of future ARE we in for? I mean, what's it take for people to get over the ostrich syndrome, and wake up. There is coffee, yes it is brewing, yes if you're nice it's 50 cents, but at the moment, it's approaching eight bucks, because even GAS isn't that expensive yet, but you don't drink it, now do you.

Would they have that need that humans have? Wired for Religion like us?

This is what esotericists study as the `6th Ray.' Yes, it is Cosmic and Universal. Who knows what it appears as, and like, in other systems, or upon other planets? Neptune is the Sacred Planet of our own system associated with the 6th Ray - see references, earlier - but it does not technically belong to our own Solar System. I find this kind of information difficult to resolve. But I do consider it, and ponder it, as one day it may mean a great deal more.

Yes, the short answer is yes. ET has our needs, and are probably wired for religion much as we are, though I hope they handle Pisces-type influxes of 6th Ray energy better than we have, of late. Our Spanish Inquisition, MAN I tell you ... it was a bitch!!!

Is religion/mythology naturally created when we ask 'why' and don't have the answer?

I would say so. Joseph Campbell would probably agree, and have a more eloquent elaboration. In short, it evolves in response to a stimulus, as well as fulfills a definite *need* in our development. It can be said to be `transcendable,' but that point is perhaps far, far into our own future, as the 6th Ray becomes superseded by the 7th for a term, and ritual & ceremonial become more informed by scientific, repeatable and formulaic influence.

In short, superstition is traded for Knowledge, and this - lovingly, intelligently applied - goes to serve a greater Purpose. In the very least, it is safe to say that ET knows something of their own evolution and its purposes, and probably they know something of the relationships with us, and ours. Most of them probably follow, or observe this sense of Higher Purpose, and some consider its transgression or evasion to be a complete blasphemy, a true horror and great misfortune. Has not our own Earth's Religion taught us the same? And do we heed the warnings? WELL? Look around now. Think!

Will a sufficiently scientifically advanced society have eliminated religion?

My subconscious is skipping ahead and answering. In short, yes, but it will take us a very long while. It's part of the problem, and why some folks consider the actions of the higher classes of some entities to be `unethical.' It's because they really just don't realize, even though some of these WOULD change our own mode and type of an existence even by the merest HINT of their presence ... they CAN'T - or they WON'T. They won't and don't interfere, because it would violate our own `Right-to-Grow.' In one sense, knowing certain things would immediately force us to certain decisions, and we will learn, some of our own evolution MUST include the sort of `lessons' which guarantee for us that we do not `screw up' even worse. That is one way to see it.

If G!d spoke to them as "he did" to us....would they create dozens of religions with thousands of denominations/sects?

Maybe. I don't think so, though. Planets, to the best of my understanding, are probably not usually so `out of harmony' as is our own, that they no longer maintain the relationship whereby the denizens KNOW that they are `as cells in one, vast body.' This, and no less, did the Christ teach. Sadly, we have paid little heed to the words, or the example that has been provided. Our environment suffers as a result, and Humanity is an unhealthy kingdom, spreading its pollution and toxic influence to the others of the planet which sustain, or complement us.

Nothing contributes more to our dissension, confusion and the retardation of our spiritual, even MATERIAL progress, than our religious conflicts ... and our continued buy-in to what has been called the `Dire Heresy of Separateness.' No, I do not think that EBEn civilizations suffer from this, by and large. That's why most of them are either here to help, or are willing to lend their own, positive Presence as a more passive sort of assistance.

Are these questions as unanswerable as whether or not heaven, hell, afterlife or G!d exists to us?

Only to some. A lot of us have answers to these questions which `work for us.' I'm afraid I am at least as much as a hardliner as Thomas on this one, though. I know there is no heaven or hell the way some folks believe, but that incarnation itself can be our hell, with some astral conditions arguably worse, for a LIMITED duration - which of course may seem terribly, terribly long ... after all, TIME is the 4th dimension, and this IS the astral plane awareness.

Then there is Heaven, which could be said to be the plane of Higher Mind, and we've all `been there' a thousand time, probably several thousand. But that's beyond time and space. ET will know that, most of them, and some are resident in these higher dimensions, but do not incarnate any longer into the lower dimensions. These are like our `angels,' yet as we will learn - and as some already know - what we call `angels' consist of DOZENS of orders, gradations, stages and types of evolution, as well as states of spirituality, as well as materiality. And that's the tip of the iceberg, even applying just to our OWN planet, and its surrounding, neighboring planets in this Solar System.

Several planets locally are CLOSE to our own place, others are not far behind, or there's Venus, where the inhabitants are practically `demi-Gods' by our means of reckoning. I assure you, we would find it so. And we do. Isaac Asimov is the man you want to talk to, I believe. But no, it's not `magic,' except inasmuch as WE participate in that, too. We just don't all know it yet, or call it such. And we damn sure like to invoke that word `miracle' as readily as `magic,' both of them usually meaning: WE haven't yet figured out the answers or explanation. But we will, and we do. Sometimes, technology can account for the difference. Soon enough, we will see that technology IS, or CAN BE spiritual, and Spirituality DOES, or CAN `incarnate,' or become more Material. False dichotomies and dualities do tend to complicate things, and confuse us. Or they do me, anyway.
GK, don't insult my intelligence, and I won't insult yours. I know what I'm talking about.

I don't care if you don't like it, or don't like my cute use of the word Sirius. That planet is the Cosmic Christ. It ensouls our System, and without it, not one particle, not one atom, not one QUARK of our own Solar System - much less Earth System - would exist.

No, my intention is NOT to condescend. I just tell it like it is. Thus, my apologies if it sounds like I know what I am talking about. That's all I'm trying to point out. Not that you aren't a fellow human being, with a RIGHT to believe as you like, or to find your own areas of interest.

I certainly would rather you investigate and prove for yourself every single thing that I have said, or idea proposed. Those which sounds too bold, you might put on hold. But I am SERIOUS about what I share, and prefer to try and trigger a realization within you by using the word Sirius instead. That star is about 8 light years away, fwiw. This is eight minutes travel for at least one civilization I know of.

There is a difference between knowledge, opinion, information, verification of theory, theory or hypothesis, intuition, Wisdom - and certainly the Intuiting of knowledge, or the Wisdom-teachings as they are called.

If you would like to talk about any of it, please say so, and maybe start a thread. My point is, I have done MY homework, and only invite you to do yours - and of course, if the subject interests you, I will gladly link videos, or resources, and even suggest things like conferences, sessions where you can make contact with ETs directly if you are ready for that, etc.

What I can suggest is HOW to get to the realization, spiritually, scientifically, materially, practically, usefully and SERIOUSLY ... that yes, ETs are here, real, interacting with us EVERY day, and have been, increasingly - since 1947, but have also `stopped in' probably across all 18-21 million years of our evolution.

Again, sorry for any unintended condescension. It is NOT intended. I say again, NOT intended.
As a follow-up, so wil doesn't think I am intentionally trying to make waves on his thread:

I will step away now, perhaps while anything that needs to - dissipates. GK, what I think you might consider is, my experiences, encounters, awareness and knowledge - are not what will disappear. At best, barriers within my own understanding - MAY. I hope so. And more importantly, while there is something here for everyone, I think you see that what *I* take away is simply this:

Yes, you confirm what I already know. I do tend to come across as a know-it-all, as smug, as fairly self-assured, and/or certainly in a condescending manner. Again, thanks for the tip.

What you will find - is that I am also, more or less, relatively speaking, correct about pretty much everything that I share. Occasionally, I expect to be greatly or largely embarrassed. Often, I would really, rather just not be there. I would rather be - and stay - behind the scenes, and if I get to witness the raise of an eyebrow, or find that someone suddenly `gets it' ... which usually means that, like all of us, they GET but one, more, tiny - yet *important* piece of the bigger picture ... then yes, that is IMMENSELY satisfying. But it's not necessary.

Life's a mosaic, and at this phase, what I am hoping to learn, and trying to focus upon, is helping those who already HOLD, and KNOW the Truth - on EVERY level which we can, or are likely to be able to access for MANY, many aeons ... to communicate that Truth, wisely, Lovingly and Intelligently ... to a needy Humanity. Clearly, as you point out, there are people like me who need a lot of work. We, some of us, need fine tuning, many even major adjustments.

But what I need is not to correct my `facts.' I need other sorts of adjustments, and again, I do apologize ... as I am oversensitive at times, when I notice that what's going on is simply the proverbial `kicking against the pricks.' A different, subtler, more diplomatic, or otherwise more creative approach may be what is called for. And naturally, I do understand that we do not always like it when we are made aware of what we do not know.

Christ was surely a teacher, and so are the many Mahatmas who serve with Him, who managed to REACH people where they are, as they are, and HELP them, as they are. He did this by serving them AS A SOUL, and not by seeing them as a personality, first - in terms of their wants, necessarily.

One Mahatma calls this `Co-Measurement,' and as you see, I am still PRACTICING it ... ;)
Your patience, please, will go a long way, as I'm sure my own versatility, diplomacy and patience, also will.

There is no asking God(s) anything because we never will have a direct conduit to talk with them. There is no red phone in the Vatican with a direct line to God like there is in the White House and the Kremlin with direct lines to each other!

Isn't that the basis of almost all religions? That someone did have a direct conduit? (googolplex bandwith and voltage) And we based our belief around their utterings?