The Ultimate Evidence of God

What's the matter Wil, do I scare you? I thought you had what it takes to discuss the Truth with a Jew who has read your book.

Scare me? Why, because I request you not cut and post the same paragraph repeatedly?

I don't have a book, haven't written a book. The Christian Bible is largely Jewish... obviously the OT, and all the writings of the NT... Saul the Jew persecuted the new believers, until his experience on the road, and then became a Jew that believed Jesus to be the Messiah...

Another sect of Judaism it was...

Where do you fit in as a Jew? Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstruction, Renewal?

I don't have issues discussing anything, talking to walls gets old, but truth...I find it illusive...while others seem to know it...they rarely agree on what it is.... Mostly they are trying to convince others that their truth is right and everyone else's is wrong... Let us have you start by indicating how you are different in that regard.
Scare me? Why, because I request you not cut and post the same paragraph repeatedly?

I don't have a book, haven't written a book. The Christian Bible is largely Jewish... obviously the OT, and all the writings of the NT... Saul the Jew persecuted the new believers, until his experience on the road, and then became a Jew that believed Jesus to be the Messiah...

Another sect of Judaism it was...

Where do you fit in as a Jew? Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstruction, Renewal?

I don't have issues discussing anything, talking to walls gets old, but truth...I find it illusive...while others seem to know it...they rarely agree on what it is.... Mostly they are trying to convince others that their truth is right and everyone else's is wrong... Let us have you start by indicating how you are different in that regard.

Well Wil, I didn't expect to meet you in my neighborhood. Since you have ventured yourself in, let me share with you what you don't know yet.

The NT could never be Jewish as it was written to promote the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology. Not a single Jew wrote any of the books of the NT. They were all Hellenists former disciples of Paul who was himself a Hellenist from birth.

Paul never in the whole of his life persecuted a single Christian. It makes no sense that some one should found a religion to persecute the adepts. Paul used to persecute the Sect of the Nazarenes which at the time was called the "New Way." (Acts 9:1,2) Christians were not to be found in the synagogues of the Jews.

Jews at that time did not believe Jesus to be the Messiah because Jesus had never claimed to be the Messiah. The claim had been put up by Paul when he founded Christianity in the city of Antioch. (Acts 11:26) Paul was the one who fabricated the idea that Jesus was the Messiah, son of God and that he had resurrected. Read II Timothy 2:8 and Acts 9:20)

Christianity was never a sect of Judaism. The opposite is true that it became a sect against Judaism. A sect of Judaism would not preach against Judaism. Paul was famous to preach against the Law and the Prophets some times just to contradict Jesus who declared that he came to fulfill and to confirm Judaism down to the letter. (Mat. 5:17-19) Then Paul would say that the Law was abolished on the cross as if Jesus was lying or did not know what he was talking about. (Ephes. 2:15)

The Truth I speak of, teach and preach about is the same as the one Jesus used to teach: The Law and the Prophets. (Mat. 5:17-19) The same Truth that Isaiah said, if we do not speak according to the Law and the Prophets, it is because there is no truth in what we say. (Isa. 8:20)
back to....what is this G!d you speak of?

Have you ever heard about the Primal Cause? Whatever it might be was what caused the universe to exist. Why have I concluded that much? Because, according to the infallible concept of Logic, the universe is composed of matter and matter could not have caused itself to exist. It is only obvious that some thing that preceded it cause it to exist. What could It have been so extraordinary as to cause the universe to begin?
So, whatever caused the universe to exist is G!d?

If the big bang is the result of a vibration, the vibration is G!d?

No, but probably the One Who caused the vibration with His words: "Let there be light! And there was light." (Gen. 1:3)
in order for there to be vibration...there must be vibration in empty vacuum eh? no sound, no words...

Describe this One Who for me... "He" has a mouth? vocal chords? why? Who has "He" been talking to? Why "He"? What has "He" a need for a penis? are freakin hilarious!!!

Since I am sure you don't have an answer, then what caused the universe to exist?

Really?? You are sure I don't have an answer, but then you insist on one?

I don't know is fine with me. I am even pretty sure you don't know, but think you know, just like the others that differ from you but also think they know...

Just because you have an answer doesn't make it the right one....just as you discount everyone else's answer.

What caused G!d to exist?? And if G!d always was....why couldn't the universe always be?

Sorry, I meant to say, Since you don't accept my answer, what is yours that caused the universe to exist? You don't know as you claim above. Why then you refuse to consider the possibility for the Primal Cause? That's not fair and much less wise. All I want is a place for the Primal Cause to be considered through the concepts of Logic, Causality and Probability. Perhaps I am wrong but I feel that atheists prefer to deny those three concepts only as long as a chance for the Primal Cause be not found.
in order for there to be vibration...there must be vibration in empty vacuum eh? no sound, no words...

Describe this One Who for me... "He" has a mouth? vocal chords? why? Who has "He" been talking to? Why "He"? What has "He" a need for a penis?

As I can see, you have no idea about metaphorical language. Sorry to have wasted your time.